X3D Example Archives: Conformance Nist, Appearance, Appearance


Appearance specifies the visual properties of Shape geometry by associating other Material and texture nodes.

X3D Tooltips of interest: Appearance.

X3D Specification sections of interest: 12 Shape component, 12.2 Concepts and 12.4.1 Appearance.

X3D Examples Archives of related interest:

  15 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   ImageTextureChild Image Texture Child Test the Appearance node texture field to accept an ImageTexture node. We apply an ImageTexture of the VTS logo onto a sphere, cone, cylinder and box. For the sphere, the texture should cover the entire surface, and wrap counterclockwise from the back of the sphere. For the cone, the texture should wrap counterclockwise (from above) starting at the back of the cone. A circle cutout of the texture is applied right side up to the base of the cone when the cone is tilted toward the -z axis. For the cylinder, the texture should wrap counterclockwise (from above) starting at the back of the cylinder. A circle cutout of the texture is applied right side up to the top and bottom caps of the cylinder. For the box, the texture should be applied right side up in its entirety to each face of the box.
   material material Test of Appearance node ability to accept a Material node as an argument for the material field. Browser should generate thee Sphere geometry, with the top Sphere receiving a red diffuseColor, the bottom-right Sphere receiving a yellow emissiveColor, and the bottom-left sphere having a 0.57 transparency value.
   movietexture movietexture Test of the Appearance node ability to accept a MovieTexture in its texture field. The MPEG MovieTexture should be upright and centered on all primitive geometry faces, and should rotate from right to left continuously.
   null_texturetransform null texturetransform Test the browser implementation of a NULL transformation. With the textureTransform field = NULL, for primitive geometry, the VTS logo should display once only, in an upright position, and horizontally and vertically centered for all geometry faces.
   pixeltexture pixeltexture Test Appearance node ability to accept a PixelTexture in the texture field. A checkerboard of four colored squares: lower left (red), lower right (yellow), uppser left (yellow) and upper right (red) map onto the faces of all geometry. For the sphere, the texture should cover the entire surface, and wrap counterclockwise from the back of the sphere. For the cone, the texture should wrap counterclockwise (from above) starting at the back of the cone. A circle cutout of the texture is applied right side up to the base of the cone when the cone is tilted toward the -z axis. For the cylinder, the texture should wrap counterclockwise (from above) starting at the back of the cylinder. A circle cutout of the texture is applied right side up to the top and bottom caps of the cylinder. For the box, the texture should be applied right side up in its entirety to each face of the box.
   texturetransform texturetransform Test of the textureTransform field of the Appearance node by applying rotations of (left to right) 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees to an ImageTexture mapped to the faces of primitive geometry. The result is (for all geometry faces): the first column of geometry should show the VTS logo with the horizontal texture direction corresponding to the -X coordinate direction, and the vertical texture direction corresponding to -Y direction. The second column of geometry should map the VTS logo with the positive horizontal direction corresponding to the -Y direction, and the positive vertical axis in the +X direction. The third column should show the positive horizontal axis at +45 degrees (counterclockwise) from the +X direction, and the vertical texture direction corresponding to +45 degrees (counterclockwise) from the Y direction. The fourth column should show the positive horizontal texture axis in the +Y direction, and the positive vertical axis in the -X direction. The fifth column should show the VTS logo with the horizontal texture direction corresponding to the -X coordinate direction, and the vertical texture direction corresponding to -Y direction.
   unlit unlit Test unlit, uncolored, untextured geometry. No Material node, no Color node and no texture is applied to a row of geometry primitives, followed by a row containing an Extrusion, an ElevationGrid and and IndexedFaceSet. As a result, geometry should be displayed as white (1, 1, 1), and completely opaque, and have no material properties.
   unlit_color unlit color Test unlit, colored geometry. No Material node, no texture, and a "blue" Color node is applied to a row containing an ElevationGrid and an IndexedFaceSet, followed by a row containing an IndexedLineSet and a PointSet geometry. The result should be four blue, completely opaque geometry with no material properties.
   unlit_greyscale_color_blend unlit greyscale color blend Test unlit, colored and greyscale textured geometry. No Material node, a Color node and a greyscale ImageTexture is applied to a row containing primitive geometry, followedy by a row containing an ElevationGrid and an IndexedFaceSet. The result should be all geometry mapped with the greyscale VTS logo blended with a 'blue' Color node.
   unlit_greyscale_intensity unlit greyscale intensity Test unlit, greyscale textured geometry. No Material node, no Color node and a greyscale ImageTexture is applied to a row containing primitive geometry, followedy by a row containing an ElevationGrid and an IndexedFaceSet. The result should be all geometry mapped with the greyscale VTS logo.
   unlit_greyscale_texture_alpha unlit greyscale texture alpha Test unlit, transparent greyscale textured geometry with alpha-opacity. Using a transparent greyscale ImageTexture with no Material node present, a row of geometry primitives, followed by a row containing an Extrusion, an ElevationGrid and and IndexedFaceSet geometry should be displayed as transparent geometry with only the greyscale VTS characters appearing on the transparent texture background.
   unlit_pointline unlit pointline Test unlit PointSet and IndexedLineSet rendering. No Material node, no Color node and no texture is applied to a row containing an IndexedLineSet and a PointSet. Expected results are undetermined.
   unlit_rgb_texture_alpha unlit rgb texture alpha Test rendering of transparent color ImageTexture with no Material node present. A row of geometry primitives, followed by a row containing an Extrusion, an ElevationGrid and and IndexedFaceSet geometry should be displayed as transparent geometry with only the color VTS characters appearing on the transparent texture background.
   unlit_texture_color unlit texture color Test rendering of no Material node, a 'green' Color node and a color ImageTexture. These are applied to a row containing primitive geometry, followedy by a row containing an ElevationGrid and an IndexedFaceSet. The result should be all geometry mapped with the color VTS logo on a purple background.
   unlit_texture_nocolor unlit texture nocolor Test rendering when no Material node, no Color node and an ImageTexture is applied to a row containing primitive geometry. This is followedy by a row containing an ElevationGrid and an IndexedFaceSet. The result should be all geometry mapped with the color VTS logo on a purple background.

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