X_ITE X3D Player | Test PixelTexture translation along T axis for primitive geometry. Test browser ability to apply translations of (left to right) 0 -100.75, 0 -23.25, 0 0, 0 23.25, and 0 100.75 to a PixelTexture consisting of a square checkerboard of blue (lower left quadrant), yellow (lower right), red (upper right) and green (upper left) mapped to the faces of primitive geometry, mapping with default primitive geometry mapping rules. The result is (moving counter-clockwise from the lower left corner of all faces): Column #1 is half height BLUE, half height YELLOW, full height RED, half height YELLOW, half height BLUE, full height GREEN. Column #2 is half GREEN, half height RED, full height YELLOW, half height RED, half height GREEN, full height BLUE. Column #3 is full height BLUE, full height YELLOW, full height RED, full height GREEN. Column #4 is identical to column #1. Column #5 is identical to column #2. |
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Original X3D scene: translation_primitives_t_pixeltexture.x3d