X3D Example Archives: Conformance Nist, Bindable Nodes, Fog


Fog simulates atmospheric effects by blending distant objects with fog color.

X3D Tooltips of interest: Fog.

X3D Specification sections of interest: 24 Environmental effects component, 24.2 Concepts, 24.3.2 X3DFogObject and 24.4.2 Fog.

X3D Examples Archives of related interest:

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color color Test Fog color. A ColorInterpolator node provides a range of colors to a Fog node in a 5 second time interval. The result should be: A Box geometry should appear to change color, from red to yellow, to green to blue-green and finally to blue, in a continuous cycle as it is colored by the Fog node.
create_vrml_from_string_fog create vRML from string fog Test NOT binding a Fog node generated by Create_Vrml_From_String. A Fog node with a color value of 1 0 0 (red) is generated by a createVrmlFromString () method in a Script node contained in this world. Because Fog node created by a createVrmlFromString () method in a Script node should not (by default) be bound to the world, the Box geometry in this world should appear white, and not change in color intensity as it moves forward and backward in this world.
create_vrml_from_url_fog create vRML from url fog Test NOT binding a Fog node generated by Create_Vrml_From_Url. A Fog node with a color value of 1 0 0 (red) is generated by a createVrmlFromUrl () method in a Script node contained in this world. Because Fog node created by a createVrmlFromUrl () method in a Script node should not (by default) be bound, the Box geometry in this world should appear white, and not change in color intensity as it moves forward and backward in this world.
default_binding_proto default binding proto Test Fog PROTO binding. This world has a single Fog node inside of a PROTO. The Fog node has a color value of 1 0 0 (red). The PROTO is instantiated in this file. Because this is the first and only Fog node in the file, and the PROTO is instantiated, the Fog node should bind to the current local coordinate system. The result should be : a Box geometry, colored red by the Fog node, should be rendered in this world.
default_binding_two default binding two Test selection of first Fog node in world. This world has two Fog nodes present. The first has a color value of 1 0 0 (red). The second Fog node in the file has a color value of 0 0 1 (blue). The browser should bind the first Fog node it finds in the file. The result should be: a Box geometry, colored red by the Fog node, should be rendered in this world.
default_color default color Test default Fog color. A Fog node with a default color is present in this world. A Box geometry moves forward and backward through the world. Because the default value of the "color" field is "1 1 1", the Fog will have a white color. The result should be: The white Box should vary in intensity as it moves backward and forward through the world; being brightest at its farthest point from the viewer, and at its lowest intensity when at its closest point to the viewer.
default_fog default fog Test default Fog properties. A Fog node with a default visibilityRange of "0" is present in this world. A Box geometry moves forward and backward through the world. Because the default value of the "visibilityRange" field is "0", all Fog properties should be disabled. The result should be: Fog is disabled in this world, and the white Box should have a constant white intensity as it moves backward and forward through the world.
fogtype_linear fogtype linear This is a test of the browser's ability to display a default LINEAR fog type. A flat IndexedFaceSet in the XY plane moves away from the viewer in a continuous loop. A numeric fraction of the complete cycle is visible to the viewer. Because the Fog density is linearly proportional to the distance of an object away from the viewer, as the plane moves away from the viewer, the Fog node should increase the red Fog color density in a linear manner. At the starting fraction, no red color should be visible. At the halfway point, the red color should be half of its maximum density. At the end, the red color should be at its maximum intensity.
inline inline This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
limits limits Test Fog range limits. A flat IndexedFaceSet in the XY plane moves forward and backward through a world. Its maximum distance away from the viewer (0 0 -50) corresponds to the "visibilityRange" value of 50. Its minimum distance from the viewer (0 0 0.01) very nearly corresponds to the viewPoint position of 0 0 0. As a result, at the planes maximum distance away from the viewer, the red Fog node should have a solid red color. At the planes nearest point to the viewer, no Fog coloring should occur, and the plane should appear white in color.
nofog nofog Test default browser Fog state when no Fog node is present. A Box geometry is moved through a world containing no Fog node. Because no Fog node is present, the browser should use the default Fog node values to set the world state. The result is: Fog is disabled in this world, and the white Box should have a constant white color as it moves backward and forward through the world.
scaling scaling Test Transform scaling effect on Fog visibility. This world contains two Viewpoint nodes, residing in two seperate Transforms. One Viewpoint is contained in a Transform with a scale of 1 1 1. A second Viewpoint is contained in a Transform with a scale of (.01 .01 .01). Indicating the Text geometry associated with each Viewpoint places the viewer in that Viepoints local coordinate system. A single Fog node with a visibilityLimit of 40 meters, and Box geometry exist in the root Transform. Indicating the appropriate Text geometry with the pointing device moves the Viewpoint to either of the two Transforms local coordinate systems. As a result: indicating the left Text geometry places the Viewpoint at a distance of 20 meters from the Box, while indicating the right Text places the Viewpoint in a local coordinate system where the viewer is 2000 meters from the Box. Hence, indicating the left Text results in a half-fogged Box, while indicating the right Text renderes a fully-fogged Box.

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