5 X3D Models | X3D Model Descriptions | |
def | Test DEF in EXTERNPROTO. A DEF keyword is used to describe a Material node containing a blue diffuseColor value. That keyword is then USEd to describe the color of a Sphere geometry. The result should be: A blue Sphere geometry should be rendered. | |
fivedeepinternalroute | Test 5-deep EXTERNPROTO nesting. This is a test of browser ability to internal ROUTE events for 5 PROTO node nested within each other. 5 PROTO node, consisting of a "ringshaped" Extrusion geometry are nested, one within the other, within the other. Each PROTO has a TouchSensor node that routes its "isOver" SFBool event to a Background node "set_bind" field. The result should be: As the pointing device passes over each "ring" in the geometry, the corresponding background color should change to match the color of the ring. | |
fivedeepnesting | This is a test of browser ability to nest 5 PROTO node within each other. 5 PROTO node, consisting of a "ringshaped" Extrusion geometry are nested, one within the other, within the other. Each Extrusion geometry in each PROTO has a different diffuseColor. The result should appear as 5 ringshaped geometry, with the top ring colored red, below it a blue, then green, then yellow, then a purple ring. | |
route inside | This is a test of a PROTO to route events internally within its PROTO body. A blue Sphere geometry has a TouchSensor associated with it. An SFBool field is generated each time the pointing device passes over the geometry. This event is internally routed the the "on" field of a DirectionalLight. The result is: Each time the pointing device passes over the geometry, the blue Sphere should be illuminated. | |
simple | This file tests a simple PROTO, with no fields, fields, field or exposed fields in the declaration header. A simple Sphere geometry is contained in the PROTO body, and should be rendered as a white opaque Sphere with default size. |
Online at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/ConformanceNist/Miscellaneous/PROTO Master source-code model archive is under version control at |
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