X3D Model Documentation: BeachTanks.x3d

  1  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.0//EN" "https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.0.dtd">
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  4       <head>
  5            <meta name='titlecontent='BeachTanks.x3d'/>
  6            <meta name='descriptioncontent='NPS beach-site old sewage treatment tanks. Dimensions (127, 20, 35) feet = (38.3, 6.1, 10.7) meters.'/>
  7            <meta name='creatorcontent='Don Brutzman'/>
  8            <meta name='createdcontent='1 July 2001'/>
  9            <meta name='translatedcontent='12 August 2003'/>
 10            <meta name='modifiedcontent='28 November 2019'/>
 11            <meta name='referencecontent='BeachTanks.original.wrl'/>
 12            <meta name='referencecontent='SingleTankDimensions.png'/>
 13            <meta name='identifiercontent='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/BeachTanks.x3d'/>
 14            <meta name='generatorcontent='Cosmo Worlds V2.0'/>
 15            <meta name='translatorcontent='Xeena VRML importer, X3D-Edit 3.1, https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/README.X3D-Edit.html'/>
 16            <meta name='generatorcontent='Vrml97ToX3dNist, http://ovrt.nist.gov/v2_x3d.html'/>
 17            <meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
 18            <meta name='licensecontent='../license.html'/>
 19       </head>

Event Graph ROUTE Table shows event connections.

<!-- to top Index for DEF nodes: _0, _1, _2, _4, _6, _7, _9, AuthoringAssist, CoordinateAxes, LongWalkways, RectangularMapping, UnnamedAnimation0Time_11, UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12, WaterLevelAnimation

Index for Viewpoint nodes: Viewpoint_1, Viewpoint_2, Viewpoint_3, Viewpoint_4, Viewpoint_5, Viewpoint_6, Viewpoint_7

Index for ExternProtoDeclare definition: GridXZ
 20       <Scene>
 21            <WorldInfo info='"NPS Beach Tanks"title='BeachTanks.x3d'/>
 22            <PointLight location='0.0 1.62486 1.36244'/>
 23            <!-- ==================== -->
 24            <ExternProtoDeclare name='GridXZappinfo='Line grid authoring tool to enable precise measurement of objects in 3D space - fixed position. Oriented along XZ plane size 20m by 20m.'   url=' "../../Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZPrototype.x3d#GridXZ" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZPrototype.x3d#GridXZ" "../../Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZPrototype.wrl#GridXZ" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZPrototype.wrl#GridXZ" '>
 25                 <field name='descriptiontype='SFStringaccessType='initializeOnly'
                appinfo='Purpose of this grid displayed for overall Viewpoint'/>
 26                 <field name='labelColortype='SFColoraccessType='inputOutput'
                appinfo='color for descriptive labels at grid edges and corners'/>
 27                 <field name='scaletype='SFVec3faccessType='inputOutput'
                appinfo='default unscaled size: 10m by 10m'/>
 28                 <field name='labelsOffsettype='SFVec3faccessType='inputOutput'
                appinfo='label location offset (in meters) to improve readability'/>
 29                 <field name='originLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'/>
 30                 <field name='WestLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'
                appinfo='-X axis'/>
 31                 <field name='NorthWestLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'/>
 32                 <field name='NorthLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'
                appinfo='-Z axis'/>
 33                 <field name='NorthEastLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'/>
 34                 <field name='EastLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'
                appinfo='+X axis'/>
 35                 <field name='SouthEastLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'/>
 36                 <field name='SouthLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'
                appinfo='+Z axis'/>
 37                 <field name='SouthWestLabeltype='MFStringaccessType='inputOutput'/>
 38            </ExternProtoDeclare>
 39            <!-- ==================== -->
 40            <Transform translation='20 0 20'>
 41                 <Switch DEF='AuthoringAssistwhichChoice='1'>
 42                      <Inline   url=' "../../Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZ_20x20Movable.x3d" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZ_20x20Movable.x3d" "../../Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZ_20x20Movable.wrl" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Authoring/GridXZ_20x20Movable.wrl" '/>
 43                      <ProtoInstance name='GridXZ'>
 44                           <fieldValue name='descriptionvalue='GridXZ for AUV Beach Tanks'/>
 45                           <fieldValue name='labelColorvalue='1 1 1'/>
 46                           <fieldValue name='scalevalue='2 1 2'/>
 47                           <fieldValue name='labelsOffsetvalue='0 2 0'/>
 48                           <fieldValue name='originLabelvalue='"20 0 20" "|"'/>
 49                           <fieldValue name='WestLabelvalue='"20 0 0 " "|"'/>
 50                           <fieldValue name='NorthWestLabelvalue='"40 0 0 " "|"'/>
 51                           <fieldValue name='NorthLabelvalue='"40 0 20" "|"'/>
 52                           <fieldValue name='NorthEastLabelvalue='"40 0 40" "|"'/>
 53                           <fieldValue name='EastLabelvalue='"20 0 40" "|"'/>
 54                           <fieldValue name='SouthEastLabelvalue='" 0 0 40" "|"'/>
 55                           <fieldValue name='SouthLabelvalue='" 0 0 20" "|"'/>
 56                           <fieldValue name='SouthWestLabelvalue='"0 0 0" "|"'/>
 57                      </ProtoInstance>
 58                 </Switch>
 59            </Transform>
 60            <!-- ==================== -->
 61            <Transform scale='4.6 4.6 4.6translation='22 -6.0 12.6'>
 62                 <Transform translation='-0.231212 1.19209E-7 -0.445523'>
                    <!-- Transform _0 is a DEF node that has 3 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2, USE_3 -->
                    <Transform DEF='_0rotation='0.0 0.0 1.0 4.71239scale='0.25 0.25 0.25translation='0.25 0.7625 3.14552'>
 64                           <Shape>
 65                                <Appearance>
                                   <!-- Material _1 is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
                                   <Material DEF='_1'/>
                                   <!-- ImageTexture _2 is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
                                   <ImageTexture DEF='_2'   url=' "dirt4.gif " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/dirt4.gif " '/>
 68                                </Appearance>
 69                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 3 2 -1 4 5 7 6 -1 6 7 1 0 -1 2 3 5 4 -1 6 0 2 4 -1 1 7 5 3 -1texCoordIndex='0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1'>
 70                                     <Coordinate point='-3.05 19.35 0.1 -3.05 -19.35 0.1 3.05 19.35 0.1 3.05 -19.35 0.1 3.05 19.35 -0.1 3.05 -19.35 -0.1 -3.05 19.35 -0.1 -3.05 -19.35 -0.1'/>
 71                                     <TextureCoordinate point='0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0'/>
 72                                </IndexedFaceSet>
 73                           </Shape>
 74                      </Transform>
 75                 </Transform>
 76                 <Transform translation='-0.231309 4.76837E-7 -3.17052'>
 77                      <Transform USE='_0'/>
 78                 </Transform>
 79                 <Transform>
                    <!-- Transform _4 is a DEF node that has 5 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2, USE_3, USE_4, USE_5 -->
                    <Transform DEF='_4rotation='0.57735 0.57735 0.57735 2.09439scale='0.25 0.25 0.25translation='-4.79385 0.762498 1.3375'>
 81                           <Shape>
 82                                <Appearance>
 83                                     <Material USE='_1'/>
 84                                     <ImageTexture USE='_2'/>
 85                                </Appearance>
 86                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 3 2 -1 4 5 7 6 -1 6 7 1 0 -1 2 3 5 4 -1 6 0 2 4 -1 1 7 5 3 -1texCoordIndex='0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1'>
 87                                     <Coordinate point='-3.05 5.35 0.1 -3.05 -5.35 0.1 3.05 5.35 0.1 3.05 -5.35 0.1 3.05 5.35 -0.1 3.05 -5.35 -0.1 -3.05 5.35 -0.1 -3.05 -5.35 -0.1'/>
                                   <!-- TextureCoordinate RectangularMapping is a DEF node that has 1 USE node: USE_1 -->
                                   <TextureCoordinate DEF='RectangularMappingpoint='0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1'/>
 89                                </IndexedFaceSet>
 90                           </Shape>
 91                      </Transform>
 92                 </Transform>
 93                 <Transform translation='9.62386 2.02656E-6 3.57628E-6'>
 94                      <Transform USE='_4'/>
 95                 </Transform>
 96                 <Transform translation='8.55684E-4 2.86102E-6 2.72476'>
 97                      <Transform USE='_4'/>
 98                 </Transform>
 99                 <Transform translation='9.62471 4.88758E-6 2.72476'>
100                      <Transform USE='_4'/>
101                 </Transform>
102                 <Transform translation='-0.230357 2.98023E-6 2.27924'>
103                      <Transform USE='_0'/>
104                 </Transform>
105                 <Transform translation='-6.85215E-4 0.0 -2.72525'>
106                      <Transform USE='_4'/>
107                 </Transform>
108                 <Transform translation='-0.231994 4.76837E-7 -5.89578'>
109                      <Transform USE='_0'/>
110                 </Transform>
111                 <Transform translation='9.62317 2.02656E-6 -2.72525'>
112                      <Transform USE='_4'/>
113                 </Transform>
114                 <Transform DEF='LongWalkwaystranslation='0 -0.025 0'>
115                      <Transform rotation='1.0 0 0 1.57079scale='0.25 0.325231 0.25translation='0.0169573 1.55 -0.0232847'>
116                           <Shape>
117                                <Appearance>
118                                     <Material ambientIntensity='0.230769diffuseColor='0.52 0.32 0.25shininess='0.93specularColor='0.53 0.53 0.53'/>
                                   <!-- ImageTexture _6 is a DEF node that has 2 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2 -->
                                   <ImageTexture DEF='_6'   url=' "hex.jpg " "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/hex.jpg " '/>
120                                </Appearance>
121                                <Box size='38.7 2.07 0.2'/>
122                           </Shape>
123                      </Transform>
124                      <Transform rotation='1.0 0 0 4.71239scale='0.25 0.52247 0.25translation='0.0186882 1.55 2.7021'>
125                           <Shape>
126                                <Appearance>
127                                     <Material ambientIntensity='0.230769diffuseColor='0.52 0.32 0.25shininess='0.93specularColor='0.53 0.53 0.53'/>
128                                     <ImageTexture USE='_6'/>
129                                </Appearance>
130                                <Box size='38.7 0.77 0.2'/>
131                           </Shape>
132                      </Transform>
133                 </Transform>
134                 <Transform scale='1.25695 1.0 1.0translation='-0.613655 0.0 0.0'>
                    <!-- Transform _7 is a DEF node that has 5 USE nodes: USE_1, USE_2, USE_3, USE_4, USE_5 -->
                    <Transform DEF='_7rotation='0.577349 0.57735 0.577351 4.18879scale='0.247522 0.25 0.25translation='2.39002 1.55 4.12235'>
136                           <Shape>
137                                <Appearance>
138                                     <Material ambientIntensity='0.0diffuseColor='0.3 0.3 0.3emissiveColor='0.15 0.15 0.15specularColor='0.5 0.5 0.5'/>
139                                     <ImageTexture USE='_6'/>
140                                </Appearance>
141                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='15 14 4 5 13 12 7 6 -1 6 7 1 0 -1 2 3 5 4 -1 0 1 9 8 -1 9 10 11 8 -1 10 3 2 11 -1 9 1 7 12 -1 10 13 5 3 -1 11 2 4 14 -1 6 0 8 15 -1 17 16 18 19 -1 16 17 10 9 -1 18 16 9 12 -1 19 18 12 13 -1 17 19 13 10 -1 20 21 22 23 -1 21 20 8 11 -1 22 21 11 14 -1 23 22 14 15 -1 20 23 15 8 -1texCoordIndex='6 4 0 1 5 4 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 2 3 -1 0 1 5 4 -1 5 7 6 4 -1 7 3 2 6 -1 4 0 1 5 -1 6 7 2 3 -1 7 2 3 6 -1 0 1 5 4 -1 6 4 5 7 -1 4 6 6 4 -1 5 4 4 5 -1 7 5 5 7 -1 6 7 7 6 -1 5 7 6 4 -1 7 5 5 7 -1 6 7 7 6 -1 4 6 6 4 -1 5 4 4 5 -1'>
142                                     <Coordinate point='-5.35 0.61 0.1 -5.35 -0.61 0.1 5.35 0.61 0.1 5.35 -0.61 0.1 5.35 0.61 -0.1 5.35 -0.61 -0.1 -5.35 0.61 -0.1 -5.35 -0.61 -0.1 -1.05193 0.61 0.1 -1.05193 -0.61 0.1 0.836004 -0.61 0.1 0.835993 0.61 0.1 -1.05193 -0.61 -0.1 0.841128 -0.610626 -0.0989307 0.835993 0.61 -0.1 -1.05193 0.61 -0.1 -1.05199 -0.956541 0.100583 0.835941 -0.956541 0.100583 -1.05199 -0.956541 -0.0994172 0.841065 -0.957167 -0.0983479 -1.05193 0.942793 0.0999999 0.83599 0.942793 0.0999999 0.835989 0.942793 -0.1 -1.05193 0.942793 -0.1'/>
143                                     <TextureCoordinate USE='RectangularMapping'/>
144                                </IndexedFaceSet>
145                           </Shape>
146                      </Transform>
147                 </Transform>
148                 <Transform scale='1.0 1.0 0.893756translation='-0.00564504 0.0 -2.26582'>
149                      <Transform USE='_7'/>
150                 </Transform>
151                 <Transform scale='1.0 1.0 0.942275translation='-0.00696254 0.0 -5.41092'>
152                      <Transform USE='_7'/>
153                 </Transform>
154                 <Transform translation='-4.76171 0.0 0.00510687'>
155                      <Transform USE='_7'/>
156                 </Transform>
157                 <Transform scale='1.0 1.0 0.893756translation='-4.76735 0.0 -2.26071'>
158                      <Transform USE='_7'/>
159                 </Transform>
160                 <Transform scale='1.0 1.0 0.942275translation='-4.76867 0.0 -5.40581'>
161                      <Transform USE='_7'/>
162                 </Transform>
163                 <Transform rotation='-1.0 .498861E-11 -0.440486E-11 1.57079scale='0.246032 0.253973 0.25translation='3.05619E-8 0.0249995 1.33348'>
164                      <Shape>
165                           <Appearance>
166                                <Material ambientIntensity='0.116667diffuseColor='0.28 0.42 0.6emissiveColor='0.14 0.22 0.31shininess='0.54specularColor='0.32 0.4 0.4'/>
167                           </Appearance>
168                           <Box size='38.7 32.1 0.2'/>
169                      </Shape>
170                 </Transform>
171                 <Group>
172                      <Viewpoint description='towards oceanorientation='-0.786685E-5 0.925611 0.378476 3.13775position='0.0472176 7.51329 -6.11978'/>
173                      <Viewpoint description='towards hotelorientation='-0.260603 -0.929755 -0.260081 1.64157position='-8.52449 5.69685 1.02696'/>
174                      <Viewpoint description='towards buildingorientation='-0.999652 -0.0250519 -0.00823059 0.635059position='-0.114891 6.43827 9.05423'/>
175                      <Viewpoint description='towards sand dunesorientation='-0.261841 0.928458 0.263449 1.65106position='8.77076 5.35957 1.40753'/>
176                      <Viewpoint description='standing on plankorientation='-0.179786 -0.967204 -0.179427 1.60213position='-2.51286 1.76634 1.40119'/>
177                 </Group>
               <!-- ROUTE information for _9 node:  [from UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12.value_changed to set_translation ] -->
               <Transform DEF='_9center='0.0 0.0 -1.60187E-7rotation='0 0.707107 0.707107 3.14159scale='0.246032 0.253973 0.25translation='-0.0156405 1.26788 1.35101'>
179                      <Shape>
180                           <Appearance>
181                                <Material ambientIntensity='0.0diffuseColor='0.5 0.5 0.5shininess='0.02specularColor='0.05 0.13 1.0transparency='0.5'/>
182                           </Appearance>
183                           <Box size='38.7 32.1 0.2'/>
184                      </Shape>
185                      <Group DEF='WaterLevelAnimation'>
                         <!-- ROUTE information for UnnamedAnimation0Time_11 node:  [from fraction_changed to UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12.set_fraction ] -->
                         <TimeSensor DEF='UnnamedAnimation0Time_11cycleInterval='10enabled='falseloop='true'/>
                         <!-- ROUTE information for UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12 node:  [from UnnamedAnimation0Time_11.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to _9.set_translation ] -->
                         <PositionInterpolator DEF='UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12key='0.0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 0.2 0.225 0.25 0.275 0.3 0.325 0.35 0.375 0.4 0.425 0.45 0.475 0.5 0.525 0.55 0.575 0.6 0.625 0.65 0.675 0.7 0.725 0.75 0.775 0.8 0.825 0.85 0.875 0.9 0.925 0.95 0.975 1.0keyValue='-0.0156404 1.20497 1.35101 -0.0156404 1.1656 1.35101 -0.0156403 1.12632 1.35101 -0.0156403 1.08711 1.35101 -0.0156402 1.04791 1.35101 -0.0156402 1.00868 1.35101 -0.0156402 0.969374 1.35101 -0.0156401 0.929956 1.35101 -0.0156401 0.890379 1.35101 -0.01564 0.850598 1.35101 -0.01564 0.810572 1.35101 -0.01564 0.765219 1.35101 -0.0156399 0.71176 1.35101 -0.0156398 0.653609 1.35101 -0.0156398 0.594176 1.35101 -0.0156397 0.536871 1.35101 -0.0156397 0.485108 1.35101 -0.0156396 0.442297 1.35101 -0.0156396 0.411849 1.35101 -0.0156396 0.397177 1.35101 -0.0156396 0.40169 1.35101 -0.0156396 0.41967 1.35101 -0.0156396 0.442842 1.35101 -0.0156397 0.470786 1.35101 -0.0156397 0.503079 1.35101 -0.0156397 0.539302 1.35101 -0.0156398 0.579033 1.35101 -0.0156398 0.621851 1.35101 -0.0156399 0.667336 1.35101 -0.0156399 0.715066 1.35101 -0.01564 0.76462 1.35101 -0.01564 0.815577 1.35101 -0.0156401 0.867517 1.35101 -0.0156401 0.920018 1.35101 -0.0156402 0.972659 1.35101 -0.0156402 1.02502 1.35101 -0.0156403 1.07668 1.35101 -0.0156404 1.12722 1.35101 -0.0156404 1.17621 1.35101 -0.0156405 1.22324 1.35101 -0.0156405 1.26788 1.35101'/>
188                           < ROUTE  fromNode='UnnamedAnimation0Time_11' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12' toField='set_fraction'/>
189                           < ROUTE  fromNode='UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12' fromField='value_changed' toNode='_9' toField='set_translation'/>
190                      </Group>
191                 </Transform>
192            </Transform>
193            <!-- ==================== -->
194            <Transform translation='0 1.1 0'>
195                 <Transform scale='2 2 2translation='0 0.25 0'>
196                      <Inline DEF='CoordinateAxes'   url=' "../../X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping/CoordinateAxes.x3d" "../../Savage/Tools/Authoring/CoordinateAxes.x3d" "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping/CoordinateAxes.x3d" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Authoring/CoordinateAxes.x3d" "../../X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping/CoordinateAxes.wrl" "../../Savage/Tools/Authoring/CoordinateAxes.wrl" "https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter03Grouping/CoordinateAxes.wrl" "https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/Tools/Authoring/CoordinateAxes.wrl" '/>
197                 </Transform>
198                 <Viewpoint description='Origin +2m up, looking northeastorientation='0 1 0 -2.35position='-2 2 -2'/>
199                 <Viewpoint description='Origin +1m up, looking northeastorientation='0 1 0 -2.35position='-2 1 -2'/>
200            </Transform>
201       </Scene>
202  </X3D>

Event Graph ROUTE Table shows event connections.

<!-- to top Index for DEF nodes: _0, _1, _2, _4, _6, _7, _9, AuthoringAssist, CoordinateAxes, LongWalkways, RectangularMapping, UnnamedAnimation0Time_11, UnnamedTransformTranslationInterp_12, WaterLevelAnimation

Index for Viewpoint nodes: Viewpoint_1, Viewpoint_2, Viewpoint_3, Viewpoint_4, Viewpoint_5, Viewpoint_6, Viewpoint_7

Index for ExternProtoDeclare definition: GridXZ
X3D Tooltips element index: Appearance, Box, Coordinate, ExternProtoDeclare, field, fieldValue, Group, head, ImageTexture, IndexedFaceSet, Inline, Material, meta, PointLight, PositionInterpolator, ProtoInstance, ROUTE, Scene, Shape, Switch, TextureCoordinate, TimeSensor, Transform, Viewpoint, WorldInfo, X3D, accessType and type, XML data types, field types

Event Graph ROUTE Table entries with 2 ROUTE connections total, showing X3D event-model relationships for this scene.

Each row shows an event cascade that may occur during a single timestamp interval between frame renderings, as part of the X3D execution model.


event to

event to

No ROUTE connection found for output events from this node.
This ProtoInstance contains SFNode/MFNode fieldValue declarations with
direct access to other nodes, and thus has potential to produce run-time animation. 
Additional guidance on X3D animation can be found in the 10-Step Animation Design Process and Event Tracing hint sheets. Have fun with X3D! 😀

<!-- Online at
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/BeachTanksIndex.html -->
<!-- Version control at
https://sourceforge.net/p/x3d/code/HEAD/tree/www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/BeachTanks.x3d -->

<!-- Color legend: X3D terminology <X3dNode DEF='idName' field='value'/> matches XML terminology <XmlElement DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement) (Grey background inside box: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)
    <ProtoInstance name='ProtoName'> <field name='fieldName'/> </ProtoInstance> -->

to top <!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->