X3D Example Archives: Conformance Nist, Bindable Nodes, Background


Background simulates ground and sky, using vertical arrays of wraparound color values. Background can also provide url addresses for backdrop textures on all six sides.

X3D Tooltips of interest: Background.

X3D Specification sections of interest: 24 Environmental effects component, 24.2 Concepts, 24.3.1 X3DBackgroundNode and 24.4.1 Background.

X3D Examples Archives of related interest:

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   set_backurl set backurl Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different backurl JPEG image associated with it. The back image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different JPEG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on JPEG format and are from the from mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated 3.14 radians along the Y axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_backurlpng set backurlpng Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different backurl PNG image associated with it. The back image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different PNG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on PNG format and are from the from mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated 3.14 radians along the Y axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_bottomurl set bottomurl Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different bottomurl JPEG image associated with it. The bottom image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different JPEG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on JPEG format and are of the mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated -1.57 radians along the X axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_bottomurlpng set bottomurlpng Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different bottomurl PNG image associated with it. The bottom image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different PNG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on PNG format and are of the mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated -1.57 radians along the X axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_fronturl set fronturl Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different fronturl JPEG image associated with it. The front image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different JPEG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on JPEG format and are from the from mountains of the High Sierra. The viewpoint is set so that the viewer will face the front of the cube (along the +Z axis)
   set_fronturlpng set fronturlpng Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different fronturl PNG image associated with it. The front image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different PNG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on PNG format and are from the from mountains of the High Sierra. The viewpoint is set so that the viewer will face the front of the cube (along the +Z axis)
   set_groundcolor2 set groundcolor 2 This test adresses the ability of a browser to associate different ground colors with a set of different groundangles defined in the grondangle field. Four Background node are defined in the local coordinate system. All of them belong to the same grouping node (Group node). The test is started by clicking on the text as indicated when the test is first loaded. After clicking on the appropriate color name, the test should generate a ground color of variations of the same color (the one clicked on). This is done by specifying number different ground color angles. The sky should be the same color regardless of the ground color and the region where the sky and the ground meet should be white, this is done to convey the idea of a horizon. There are five colors and four angles defined.
   set_lefturl set lefturl Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different lefturl JPEG image associated with it. The left image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different JPEG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on JPEG format and are from the from mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated 1.57 radians along the Y axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_lefturlpng set lefturlpng Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different lefturl PNG image associated with it. The left image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different PNG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on PNG format and are from the from mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated 1.57 radians along the Y axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_righturl set righturl Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different right JPEG image associated with it. The right image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different JPEG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on JPEG format and are of the mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated -1.57 radians along the Y axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_righturlpng set righturlpng Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different right PNG image associated with it. The right image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different PNG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on PNG format and are from the from mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated -1.57 radians along the Y axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   set_skycolor2 set skycolor 2 Test browser to assign different skycolors to a set of angles in the skyAngle field. Four Background node are defined in the local coordinate system. All of them belong to the same grouping node (Group node). The test is started by clicking on the text as indicated when the test is first loaded. After clicking on the appropriate color name, the test should generate a sky color of variations of the same color (the one clicked on). This is done by specifying a number of different skycolor angles. There are five colors and four angles defined. No ground colors are defined at all.
   set_topurl set topurl Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different topurl image associated with it.
   set_topurlpng set topurlpng Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different topurl PNG image associated with it. The top image may be changed by clicking on the appropriate text as indicated. The test should generate a different PNG image each time the appropriate text is clicked. All images are on PNG format and are of the mountains of the High Sierra. A viewpoint node is set so that the image will be rotated 1.57 radians along the X axis the make it possible to see and toggle the images.
   test_binding1 test binding 1 This test addresses the ability of a background node to send true events when it is the currently binded background. Two backgrounds are defined in the local coordinate system. The first one is binded by default. The test then sends a false event to the first background and true event to the second background. This will make the second background the currently binded background. The second background should then start sending true events (via the is_Bound field). These events are caputure and use to start a timer. The test should generate a blue sky image first and then a sunset background with some text flashing on it. The test can be started by clicking on the text displayed when the test is first loaded.
   test_binding2 test binding 2 This test addresses the ability of a background node to send true events when it is the currently binded background. Two backgrounds are defined in the local coordinate system. The first one is binded by default. The test then sends a false event to the first background and true event to the second background. This will make the second background the currently binded background. The first background should then start sending false events (via the is_Bound field). These events are caputure and use to start a timer. The test should generate a blue sky color image with some text flashing on it. The test can be started by clicking on the text displayed when the test is first started. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SECOND BACKGROUND IS FORCED TO BE THE CURRENT BACKGROUND BY SENDING A true EVENT TO IT.
   test_binding3 test binding 3 Test browser to bound the next background in the stack when the active background receives a false event and no event is send to the next background. Two backgrounds are defined in the local coordinate system. The first one is binded by default. The test then sends a false event to the active Background node. This should cause the second background to be the currently binded background (and be moved to the top of the stack) and the first background to be move from the top of the stack. The second background should then start sending true events (via the is_Bound field). These events are caputure and use to start a timer. The test should generate blue sky image with some text flashing on it. The test can be started by clicking on the text displayed when the test is first started. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SECOND BACKGROUND IS NOT FORCED TO BE THE ACTIVE BACKGROUND BY SENDING A true EVENT TO IT, BUT BY SENDING A false EVENT TO THE BACKGROUND AT THE TOP OF THE STACK.
   test_binding4 test binding 4 Test browser to bound the next background in the stack when it receives a true event and no event is send to the background currently at the top of the stack. the background not at the top of the stack receives a true event. Two backgrounds are defined in the local coordinate system. The first one is binded by default. The test then sends a true event to a non active Background node. This should cause the second background to be the currently binded background (and be moved to the top of the stack) and the first background to be move from the top of the stack. The second background should then start sending true events (via the is_Bound field). These events are caputure and use to start a timer. The test should generate a blue sky image with some text flashing on it. The test can be started by clicking on the text displayed when the test is first loaded. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FIRST BACKGROUND IS NOT FORCED OUT BY SENDING A false EVENT TO IT, BUT BY S ENDING A true EVENT TO THE THE SECOND BACKGROUND.
   test_binding5 test binding 5 Test browser ability to dynamically activate and deactivate backgrounds. Three backgrounds are defined in the local coordinate system. The first one is active by default. After clicking on the text The test should send a false event to the first background and a true event to the second background. This should push the first background from the top of the stack and make background 2 the current active background. Then a true event is sent to the third background and a false event is sent to the second background. That should activate background number 3. The test catches the true events sent by each background. After a false event is sent to background number 3, then background number 1 should be activated by default, The test can be started by clicking on the text below the geometry.
   test_wholejpeg test wholejpeg Test browser to set a whole panorama of JPEG images on the same background. The test sets a Background node with four images on each side of the "background cube" and use the front, right, back and left sides of the cube to map the images. The test can be started by clicking on the text as indicated by the test. The test will then switch the position and orientations values of the viewpoint to display all four sides of the cube. All images are of the high Sierra mountains and of JPEG format.
   test_wholepng test wholepng Test browser to set a whole panorama of PNG images on the same background. The test sets a Background node with four images on each side of the "background cube" and use the front, right, back and left sides of the cube to map the images. The test can be started by clicking on the text as indicated by the test. The test will then switch the position and orientations values of the viewpoint to display all four sides of the cube. All images are of the high Sierra mountains and of PNG format.
   verify_clampingsky verify clampingsky Test browser to make the region between the last angle of the skyAngle field and the nadir is clamped using the last angle when the last sky angle is < pi. A Background node is defined with two entries in the skyAngle field and three entries in the skyColor field. The area between 1.35 radians and 3.14 radians should be color blue
   verify_lastground verify lastground Test browser to make the region between the last angle of the groundAngle field and the equator invisible when the last ground angle is < pi/2. A Background node is defined with a single angle value and two ground colors. The area between 1.35 radians and 1.57 radians should be invisible. The area between 0 radians and 1.37 radians should be light blue.

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