5 X3D Models | X3D Model Descriptions | |
Indexed Face Coord | Generate an IndexedFaceSet using the Coordinate node. Browser should create a 22 square face by 22 square face geometry, elevated in the center toward the + Y direction. | |
Indexed Line Coord | Generate an IndexedLineSet using the Coordinate node. Browser should create a 23 line by 23 line square geometric grid, elevated in the center toward the + Y direction. | |
points 15000 faceset | Test browser support of at least 15000 points in the Coordinate node. This test generates a square 15000 point IndexedFaceSet geometry, two rectangular faces. | |
points 15000 lineset | Test browser support of at least 15000 points in the Coordinate node. This test generates a square 15000 point IndexedLineSet geometry, displayed as 100 horizontal and 150 vertical polylines. | |
Point Set Coord | Generate a PointSet using the Coordinate node. Browser should create a 23 point by 23 point square geometric grid of points, elevated in the center toward the + Y direction. |
Online at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/ConformanceNist/GeometricProperties/Coordinate Master source-code model archive is under version control at |
The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.