PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX x3d: PREFIX x3do: # X3dHelloWorldQuery_03.rq Query HelloWorld.ttl to show title given to model within a WorldInfo node. ############################################### SELECT ?WorldInfoNode ?title ?parentNode WHERE { ?WorldInfo rdf:type x3do:WorldInfo ; x3do:title ?title ; x3do:hasParent ?parent . BIND (strafter(xsd:string(?WorldInfo),"#") AS ?WorldInfoNode) BIND (strafter(xsd:string(?parent),"#") AS ?parentNode) } ############################################### 19:11:16 ERROR riot :: [line: 127, col: 1 ] Broken token (newline): HAnim V1 LOA3 Skeleton Joint centers and Site translations Failed to load data