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<component level='1name='HAnim'/>
<meta name='titlecontent='DiamondManLOA2.x3d'/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='HAnim skeletal structure at level of articulation two, one diamond at the base node for the structure, blue spheres for HAnimSite feaature points'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='Matthew T. Beitler'/>
<meta name='translatorcontent='Joel S. Pawloski'/>
<meta name='translatorcontent='Don Brutzman'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='12 November 2001'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='18 February 2024'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='DiamondManLOA2.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='images/BonesAllSkeletonFrontViewLOA2.png'/>
<meta name='mottocontent='(a) "Diamonds are a girl's best friend." (b) "Gosh, it sure is chilly in here."'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='The joint centers of this figure are based on the work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of Pennsylvania. The original document which these joint centers are based on can be found at: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~badler/anthro/89-71.ps'/>
<meta name='subjectcontent='human animation, x3d, vrml, animation'/>
<meta name='identifiercontent='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Templates/DiamondManLOA2.x3d'/>
<meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
<meta name='licensecontent='../license.html'/>
</head> <!--

Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model: humanoid HAnimHumanoid Report
to top <!-- Index for DEF nodes: DiamondShape, FrontView, HAND_FEET_COLOR, hanim_c1, hanim_c2, hanim_c3, hanim_c4, hanim_c5, hanim_c6, hanim_c7, hanim_crotch_pt, hanim_DiamondManLOA2_view, hanim_humanoid, hanim_humanoid_root, hanim_l_asis_pt, hanim_l_calcaneus_posterior_pt, hanim_l_calf, hanim_l_carpal, hanim_l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip, hanim_l_carpal_interphalangeal_1, hanim_l_carpal_middle_phalanx_2, hanim_l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2, hanim_l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_1, hanim_l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_carpometacarpal_1, hanim_l_carpometacarpal_2, hanim_l_dactylion_pt, hanim_l_elbow, hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_forearm, hanim_l_forefoot_tip, hanim_l_gonion_pt, hanim_l_hand_tip, hanim_l_hip, hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_iliocristale_pt, hanim_l_infraorbitale_pt, hanim_l_knee, hanim_l_knee_crease_pt, hanim_l_lateral_malleolus_pt, hanim_l_medial_malleolus_pt, hanim_l_metacarpal_1, hanim_l_metacarpal_2, hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_l_metacarpophalangeal_1, hanim_l_metacarpophalangeal_2, hanim_l_metatarsal_2, hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt, hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_l_metatarsophalangeal_2, hanim_l_middistal_tip, hanim_l_olecranon_pt, hanim_l_psis_pt, hanim_l_radial_styloid_pt, hanim_l_radiale_pt, hanim_l_radiocarpal, hanim_l_shoulder, hanim_l_sphyrion_pt, hanim_l_talocrural, hanim_l_talus, hanim_l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2, hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_tarsometatarsal_2, hanim_l_thigh, hanim_l_tragion_pt, hanim_l_trochanterion_pt, hanim_l_ulnar_styloid_pt, hanim_l_upperarm, hanim_l1, hanim_l2, hanim_l3, hanim_l4, hanim_l5, hanim_nuchale_pt, hanim_pelvis, hanim_r_asis_pt, hanim_r_calcaneus_posterior_pt, hanim_r_calf, hanim_r_carpal, hanim_r_dactylion_pt, hanim_r_elbow, hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_forearm, hanim_r_gonion_pt, hanim_r_hand_tip, hanim_r_hip, hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_iliocristale_pt, hanim_r_infraorbitale_pt, hanim_r_knee, hanim_r_knee_crease_pt, hanim_r_lateral_malleolus_pt, hanim_r_medial_malleolus_pt, hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt, hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_r_metatarsophalangeal_2, hanim_r_middistal_tip, hanim_r_olecranon_pt, hanim_r_psis_pt, hanim_r_radial_styloid_pt, hanim_r_radiale_pt, hanim_r_radiocarpal, hanim_r_shoulder, hanim_r_sphyrion_pt, hanim_r_talocrural, hanim_r_talus, hanim_r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2, hanim_r_thigh, hanim_r_tragion_pt, hanim_r_trochanterion_pt, hanim_r_ulnar_styloid_pt, hanim_r_upperarm, hanim_sacroiliac, hanim_sacrum, hanim_sellion_pt, hanim_skull, hanim_skull_vertex_tip, hanim_skullbase, hanim_supramenton_pt, hanim_t1, hanim_t10, hanim_t11, hanim_t12, hanim_t2, hanim_t3, hanim_t4, hanim_t5, hanim_t6, hanim_t7, hanim_t8, hanim_t9, hanim_vc1, hanim_vc2, hanim_vc3, hanim_vc4, hanim_vc5, hanim_vc6, hanim_vc7, hanim_vl1, hanim_vl2, hanim_vl3, hanim_vl4, hanim_vl5, hanim_vt1, hanim_vt10, hanim_vt11, hanim_vt12, hanim_vt2, hanim_vt3, hanim_vt4, hanim_vt5, hanim_vt6, hanim_vt7, hanim_vt8, hanim_vt9, InclinedView, JOINT_COLOR, l_forearm_adjust, l_hand_adjust, l_upperarm_adjust, MIN_COLOR, points, r_forearm_adjust, r_hand_adjust, r_upperarm_adjust, REC_SPINAL_COLOR, ROOT_COLOR, RootView, sacroiliacPos, SideView, SITE_COLOR, SPINAL_COLOR, TextMaterial, TopView

Index for Viewpoint nodes: Viewpoint_1, FrontView, InclinedView, RootView, SideView, TopView
X3D Tooltips element index: Appearance, Billboard, component, Coordinate, FontStyle, HAnimHumanoid, HAnimJoint, HAnimJoint, HAnimJoint, HAnimJoint, HAnimJoint, HAnimJoint, HAnimJoint, HAnimJoint, HAnimSegment, HAnimSite, head, IndexedFaceSet, Material, meta, MetadataSet, MetadataString, NavigationInfo, Scene, Shape, Sphere, Text, Transform, Transform, Transform, Viewpoint, WorldInfo, X3D, accessType and type, XML data types, field types

<WorldInfo info=' "HAnim 2.0 Default Joint Centers, Level Of Articulation (LOA) 2 -------------------------------------------------------- HANIM 1.1 (VRML 2.0) Author name: eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler) HANIM 1.1 (VRML 2.0) Author email: beitler@graphics.cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org HANIM 1.1 (VRML 2.0) Author homepage: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~beitler HANIM 1.1 (VRML 2.0) Compliance Date: May 12, 1999 HANIM 1.1 Compliance Information: http://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~HAnim/ Construction Info (joint centers): The joint centers of this figure are based on the work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of Pennsylvania. The original document which these joint centers are based on can be found at: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~badler/anthro/89-71.ps, .pdf"
title='HANIM 1.1 Default Joint Centers, LOA1'/>

<NavigationInfo speed='1.5'/>
<Viewpoint centerOfRotation='0 1 0description='Diamond Man, LOA 2position='0 1 3'/>
<Transform translation='1.0 1.5 0'>
<Text string='"Diamond Man Key"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.1'/>
<Material DEF='TextMaterialdiffuseColor='0.9 0.9 0.9'/>
<Transform translation='0 -0.3 0'>
<Sphere radius='0.08'/>
<Material DEF='MIN_COLORdiffuseColor='1 0 0'/>
<Transform translation='0.2 0 0'>
<Text string='"Minimal Humanoid Joints"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.1'/>
<Material USE='TextMaterial'/>
<Transform translation='0 -0.5 0'>
<Sphere radius='0.08'/>
<Material DEF='JOINT_COLORdiffuseColor='1 1 0'/>
<Transform translation='0.2 0 0'>
<Text string='"Humanoid Joints"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.1'/>
<Material USE='TextMaterial'/>
<Transform translation='0 -0.7 0'>
<Sphere radius='0.08'/>
<Material DEF='REC_SPINAL_COLORdiffuseColor='1 0 1'/>
<Transform translation='0.2 0 0'>
<Text string='"Recommended Spinal Joints"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.1'/>
<Material USE='TextMaterial'/>
<Transform translation='0 -0.9 0'>
<Sphere radius='0.08'/>
<Material DEF='SPINAL_COLORdiffuseColor='0 1 0'/>
<Transform translation='0.2 0 0'>
<Text string='"Spinal Joints"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.1'/>
<Material USE='TextMaterial'/>
<Transform translation='0 -1.3 0'>
<Sphere radius='0.08'/>
<Material DEF='SITE_COLORdiffuseColor='0 0 1'/>
<Transform translation='0.2 0 0'>
<Text string='"Humanoid Sites"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.1'/>
<Material USE='TextMaterial'/>
<Transform translation='0 -1.1 0'>
<Sphere radius='0.08'/>
<Material DEF='HAND_FEET_COLORdiffuseColor='0 1 1'/>
<Transform translation='0.2 0 0'>
<Text string='"Hand & Feet Joints"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.1'/>
<Material USE='TextMaterial'/>
<HAnimHumanoid DEF='hanim_humanoidloa='2name='humanoid'>
<!-- adapted from original HAnimHumanoid info='"humanoidVersion=Nancy V1.2b"
"authorName=Cindy Ballreich"
"copyright=1997 3Name3D / Yglesias Wallock Divekar Inc. all rights reserved."

<MetadataSet containerField='metadataname='HAnimHumanoid.inforeference='https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774/V2.0/Architecture/ObjectInterfaces.html#Humanoid'>
<MetadataString name='humanoidVersionvalue='Nancy V1.2b'/>
<MetadataString name='authorEmailvalue='cindy@ballreich.net'/>
<MetadataString name='authorNamevalue='Cindy Ballreich'/>
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_humanoid_rootcenter='0.0 0.8240 0.0277containerField='skeletonname='humanoid_rootulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_sacrumname='sacrum'>
<Transform translation='0.0 0.8240 0.0277'>
<Shape DEF='DiamondShape'>
<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate DEF='pointspoint='0 0.01 0 -0.01 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 -0.01 0 -0.01 0'/>
<Material DEF='ROOT_COLORdiffuseColor='1 1 1'/>
<Transform translation='0 0.01 0'>
<Text string='"Humanoid Root"'>
<FontStyle family='"SANS"size='0.01style='ITALIC'/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.039216 1 0.568627'/>
<HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_sacroiliaccenter='0.0 0.9149 0.0016name='sacroiliaculimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
<HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_pelvisname='pelvis'>
<Transform DEF='sacroiliacPostranslation='0.0 0.9149 0.0016'>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='MIN_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_asis_ptname='l_asis_pttranslation='0.0925 0.9983 0.1052'>
<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
<HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_psis_ptname='r_psis_pttranslation='-0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138'>
<IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='MIN_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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<Material USE='MIN_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='MIN_COLOR'/>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
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<Transform translation='0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368'>
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<Coordinate USE='points'/>
<Material USE='MIN_COLOR'/>
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<!-- # CAESAR Feature Point #66 -->
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<!-- # CAESAR Feature Point #72 -->
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<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_dactylion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_forefoot_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_gonion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_gonion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_iliocristale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_iliocristale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_infraorbitale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_infraorbitale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_knee_crease_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_knee_crease_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_lateral_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_lateral_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_medial_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_medial_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_olecranon_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_olecranon_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_psis_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_psis_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_radial_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_radial_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_radiale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_radiale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_sphyrion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_sphyrion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_tragion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_tragion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_trochanterion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_trochanterion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_ulnar_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_ulnar_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
</X3D> <!--

Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model: humanoid HAnimHumanoid Report
to top <!-- Index for DEF nodes: DiamondShape, FrontView, HAND_FEET_COLOR, hanim_c1, hanim_c2, hanim_c3, hanim_c4, hanim_c5, hanim_c6, hanim_c7, hanim_crotch_pt, hanim_DiamondManLOA2_view, hanim_humanoid, hanim_humanoid_root, hanim_l_asis_pt, hanim_l_calcaneus_posterior_pt, hanim_l_calf, hanim_l_carpal, hanim_l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip, hanim_l_carpal_interphalangeal_1, hanim_l_carpal_middle_phalanx_2, hanim_l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2, hanim_l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_1, hanim_l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_carpometacarpal_1, hanim_l_carpometacarpal_2, hanim_l_dactylion_pt, hanim_l_elbow, hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_forearm, hanim_l_forefoot_tip, hanim_l_gonion_pt, hanim_l_hand_tip, hanim_l_hip, hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_l_iliocristale_pt, hanim_l_infraorbitale_pt, hanim_l_knee, hanim_l_knee_crease_pt, hanim_l_lateral_malleolus_pt, hanim_l_medial_malleolus_pt, hanim_l_metacarpal_1, hanim_l_metacarpal_2, hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_l_metacarpophalangeal_1, hanim_l_metacarpophalangeal_2, hanim_l_metatarsal_2, hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt, hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_l_metatarsophalangeal_2, hanim_l_middistal_tip, hanim_l_olecranon_pt, hanim_l_psis_pt, hanim_l_radial_styloid_pt, hanim_l_radiale_pt, hanim_l_radiocarpal, hanim_l_shoulder, hanim_l_sphyrion_pt, hanim_l_talocrural, hanim_l_talus, hanim_l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2, hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2, hanim_l_tarsometatarsal_2, hanim_l_thigh, hanim_l_tragion_pt, hanim_l_trochanterion_pt, hanim_l_ulnar_styloid_pt, hanim_l_upperarm, hanim_l1, hanim_l2, hanim_l3, hanim_l4, hanim_l5, hanim_nuchale_pt, hanim_pelvis, hanim_r_asis_pt, hanim_r_calcaneus_posterior_pt, hanim_r_calf, hanim_r_carpal, hanim_r_dactylion_pt, hanim_r_elbow, hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_forearm, hanim_r_gonion_pt, hanim_r_hand_tip, hanim_r_hip, hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, hanim_r_iliocristale_pt, hanim_r_infraorbitale_pt, hanim_r_knee, hanim_r_knee_crease_pt, hanim_r_lateral_malleolus_pt, hanim_r_medial_malleolus_pt, hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt, hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, hanim_r_metatarsophalangeal_2, hanim_r_middistal_tip, hanim_r_olecranon_pt, hanim_r_psis_pt, hanim_r_radial_styloid_pt, hanim_r_radiale_pt, hanim_r_radiocarpal, hanim_r_shoulder, hanim_r_sphyrion_pt, hanim_r_talocrural, hanim_r_talus, hanim_r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt, hanim_r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2, hanim_r_thigh, hanim_r_tragion_pt, hanim_r_trochanterion_pt, hanim_r_ulnar_styloid_pt, hanim_r_upperarm, hanim_sacroiliac, hanim_sacrum, hanim_sellion_pt, hanim_skull, hanim_skull_vertex_tip, hanim_skullbase, hanim_supramenton_pt, hanim_t1, hanim_t10, hanim_t11, hanim_t12, hanim_t2, hanim_t3, hanim_t4, hanim_t5, hanim_t6, hanim_t7, hanim_t8, hanim_t9, hanim_vc1, hanim_vc2, hanim_vc3, hanim_vc4, hanim_vc5, hanim_vc6, hanim_vc7, hanim_vl1, hanim_vl2, hanim_vl3, hanim_vl4, hanim_vl5, hanim_vt1, hanim_vt10, hanim_vt11, hanim_vt12, hanim_vt2, hanim_vt3, hanim_vt4, hanim_vt5, hanim_vt6, hanim_vt7, hanim_vt8, hanim_vt9, InclinedView, JOINT_COLOR, l_forearm_adjust, l_hand_adjust, l_upperarm_adjust, MIN_COLOR, points, r_forearm_adjust, r_hand_adjust, r_upperarm_adjust, REC_SPINAL_COLOR, ROOT_COLOR, RootView, sacroiliacPos, SideView, SITE_COLOR, SPINAL_COLOR, TextMaterial, TopView

Index for Viewpoint nodes: Viewpoint_1, FrontView, InclinedView, RootView, SideView, TopView

🔖 Visualization report for HAnimHumanoid model hanim_humanoid

HAnimHumanoid hanim_humanoid skeleton holds X3D4 HAnim2 joints/segments/sites.
  [key] jointname : segmentname ^ sitename
[nodes] HAnimJoint (50), : HAnimSegment (50), % HAnimDisplacer (0), $ HAnimMotion (0), ^ HAnimSite (65), @ skin nodes (0)
HAnimHumanoid DEF='hanim_humanoid name='humanoid' loa='2'
  humanoid_root : sacrum
    sacroiliac : pelvis ^ r_iliocristale_pt, r_trochanterion_pt, l_iliocristale_pt, l_trochanterion_pt, r_asis_pt, l_asis_pt, r_psis_pt, l_psis_pt, crotch_pt
    | l_hip : l_thigh ^ l_knee_crease_pt, l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt
    | | l_knee : l_calf
    | |   l_talocrural : l_talus ^ l_lateral_malleolus_pt, l_medial_malleolus_pt, l_sphyrion_pt, l_calcaneus_posterior_pt
    | |     l_tarsometatarsal_2 : l_metatarsal_2
    | |       l_metatarsophalangeal_2 : l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2 ^ l_middistal_tip, l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt
    | |         l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2 : l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2 ^ l_forefoot_tip, l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt
    | r_hip : r_thigh ^ r_knee_crease_pt, r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt
    |   r_knee : r_calf
    |     r_talocrural : r_talus ^ r_lateral_malleolus_pt, r_medial_malleolus_pt, r_sphyrion_pt, r_calcaneus_posterior_pt
    |       r_metatarsophalangeal_2 : r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2 ^ r_middistal_tip, r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt, r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt
    vl5 : l5
      vl4 : l4
        vl3 : l3
          vl2 : l2
            vl1 : l1
              vt12 : t12
                vt11 : t11
                  vt10 : t10
                    vt9 : t9
                      vt8 : t8
                        vt7 : t7
                          vt6 : t6
                            vt5 : t5
                              vt4 : t4
                                vt3 : t3
                                  vt2 : t2
                                    vt1 : t1
                                      l_shoulder : l_upperarm ^ l_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt
                                      | l_elbow : l_forearm ^ l_radial_styloid_pt, l_olecranon_pt, l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, l_radiale_pt
                                      |   l_radiocarpal : l_carpal ^ l_hand_tip, l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, l_dactylion_pt, l_ulnar_styloid_pt, l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt
                                      |     l_carpometacarpal_1 : l_metacarpal_1
                                      |     | l_metacarpophalangeal_1 : l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_1
                                      |     |   l_carpal_interphalangeal_1 : l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1 ^ l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip
                                      |     l_carpometacarpal_2 : l_metacarpal_2
                                      |       l_metacarpophalangeal_2 : l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_2
                                      |         l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2 : l_carpal_middle_phalanx_2
                                      |           l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2 : l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2 ^ l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip
                                      r_shoulder : r_upperarm ^ r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt
                                      | r_elbow : r_forearm ^ r_radial_styloid_pt, r_olecranon_pt, r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, r_radiale_pt
                                      |   r_radiocarpal : r_carpal ^ r_hand_tip, r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, r_dactylion_pt, r_ulnar_styloid_pt, r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt
                                      vc7 : c7
                                        vc6 : c6
                                          vc5 : c5
                                            vc4 : c4
                                              vc3 : c3
                                                vc2 : c2
                                                  vc1 : c1
                                                    skullbase : skull ^ skull_vertex_tip, sellion_pt, r_infraorbitale_pt, l_infraorbitale_pt, supramenton_pt, r_tragion_pt, r_gonion_pt, l_tragion_pt, l_gonion_pt, nuchale_pt

^ HAnimHumanoid humanoid holds 1 HAnimSite node: DiamondManLOA2_view
^ HAnimSegment pelvis holds 9 HAnimSite nodes: r_iliocristale_pt, r_trochanterion_pt, l_iliocristale_pt, l_trochanterion_pt, r_asis_pt, l_asis_pt, r_psis_pt, l_psis_pt, crotch_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_thigh holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: l_knee_crease_pt, l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_talus holds 4 HAnimSite nodes: l_lateral_malleolus_pt, l_medial_malleolus_pt, l_sphyrion_pt, l_calcaneus_posterior_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2 holds 2 HAnimSite nodes: l_middistal_tip, l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2 holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: l_forefoot_tip, l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt
^ HAnimSegment r_thigh holds 3 HAnimSite nodes: r_knee_crease_pt, r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt, r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt
^ HAnimSegment r_talus holds 4 HAnimSite nodes: r_lateral_malleolus_pt, r_medial_malleolus_pt, r_sphyrion_pt, r_calcaneus_posterior_pt
^ HAnimSegment r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2 holds 4 HAnimSite nodes: r_middistal_tip, r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt, r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt, r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_upperarm holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_forearm holds 4 HAnimSite nodes: l_radial_styloid_pt, l_olecranon_pt, l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, l_radiale_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_carpal holds 5 HAnimSite nodes: l_hand_tip, l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, l_dactylion_pt, l_ulnar_styloid_pt, l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt
^ HAnimSegment l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1 holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip
^ HAnimSegment l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2 holds 1 HAnimSite node: l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip
^ HAnimSegment r_upperarm holds 1 HAnimSite node: r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt
^ HAnimSegment r_forearm holds 4 HAnimSite nodes: r_radial_styloid_pt, r_olecranon_pt, r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt, r_radiale_pt
^ HAnimSegment r_carpal holds 5 HAnimSite nodes: r_hand_tip, r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt, r_dactylion_pt, r_ulnar_styloid_pt, r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt
^ HAnimSegment skull holds 10 HAnimSite nodes: skull_vertex_tip, sellion_pt, r_infraorbitale_pt, l_infraorbitale_pt, supramenton_pt, r_tragion_pt, r_gonion_pt, l_tragion_pt, l_gonion_pt, nuchale_pt

The following inset decorates the original HAnimHumanoid skeleton with additional visualization shapes. Authors can copy/paste this version to assist in visually diagnosing skeleton correctness.

Key to author-assist additions inserted in the HAnimHumanoid skeleton:

<HAnimHumanoid DEF='hanim_humanoid' name='humanoid' version ='2.0' >
  • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_humanoid_root' name='humanoid_root' center ='0.0 0.8240 0.0277' containerField ='skeleton'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
    • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_sacrum' name='sacrum'>
      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> -->
        <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.8240 0.0277, 0.0 0.9149 0.0016'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='humanoid_root'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> -->
        <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.8240 0.0277, 0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
    • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_sacroiliac' name='sacroiliac' center ='0.0 0.9149 0.0016'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
      • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_pelvis' name='pelvis'>
        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, 0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_iliocristale_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_trochanterion_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_iliocristale_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, 0.1612 1.0537 0.0008'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_trochanterion_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, 0.1677 0.8336 0.0303'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_asis_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_asis_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, 0.0925 0.9983 0.1052'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_psis_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_psis_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, 0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='sacroiliac'/> to <HAnimSite name='crotch_pt'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0 0.9149 0.0016, 0.0034 0.8266 0.0257'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
        • <Transform translation='0.0 0.9149 0.0016'> <Shape/> </Transform>
        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_iliocristale_pt' name='r_iliocristale_pt_pt' translation='-0.1525 1.0628 0.0035'>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_iliocristale_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_trochanterion_pt' name='r_trochanterion_pt_pt' translation='-0.1689 0.8419 0.0352'>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_trochanterion_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_iliocristale_pt' name='l_iliocristale_pt_pt' translation='0.1612 1.0537 0.0008'>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_iliocristale_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
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          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
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          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_trochanterion_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
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          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_asis_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
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          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_asis_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_psis_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_psis_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite crotch_pt'/>
          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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      • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_hip' name='l_hip' center ='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
        • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_thigh' name='l_thigh'>
          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_knee'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001, 0.1040 0.4867 0.0308'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_knee_crease_pt'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001, 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001, 0.1598 0.4967 0.0297'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
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          • <Transform translation='0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
            • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_knee_crease_pt'/>
            • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
            • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt'/>
            • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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            <Coordinate USE='points'/>
            <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
            • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/>
            • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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            <Coordinate USE='points'/>
            <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
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        • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_knee' name='l_knee' center ='0.1040 0.4867 0.0308'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
          • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_calf' name='l_calf'>
            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_knee'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_talocrural'/> -->
              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1040 0.4867 0.0308, 0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
            • <Transform translation='0.1040 0.4867 0.0308'> <Shape/> </Transform>
          • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_talocrural' name='l_talocrural' center ='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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              • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_talocrural'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_tarsometatarsal_2'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736, 0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_lateral_malleolus_pt'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736, 0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_medial_malleolus_pt'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736, 0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_sphyrion_pt'/> -->
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              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_calcaneus_posterior_pt'/> -->
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              • <Transform translation='0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736'> <Shape/> </Transform>
              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_lateral_malleolus_pt' name='l_lateral_malleolus_pt_pt' translation='0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032'>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_lateral_malleolus_pt'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_medial_malleolus_pt'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_sphyrion_pt'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_calcaneus_posterior_pt'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
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                • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_tarsometatarsal_2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> -->
                  <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368, 0.1086 0.0001 0.0368'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                • <Transform translation='0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368'> <Shape/> </Transform>
              • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_metatarsophalangeal_2' name='l_metatarsophalangeal_2' center ='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2' name='l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2'>
                  • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2'/> -->
                    <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368, 0.1086 0.0 0.0762'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                  • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_middistal_tip'/> -->
                    <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368, 0.1354 0.0016 0.1476'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                  • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt'/> -->
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                  • <Transform translation='0.1086 0.0001 0.0368'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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                    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
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                    • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                    </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                  • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt' name='l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt_pt' translation='0.0816 0.0232 0.0106'>
                    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                    • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt'/>
                    • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                    <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
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                    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_forefoot_tip'/> -->
                      <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0 0.0762, 0.1354 0.0016 0.1476'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt'/> -->
                      <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0 0.0762, 0.1825 0.0070 0.0928'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_tarsal_distal_interphalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt'/> -->
                      <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1086 0.0 0.0762, 0.1195 0.0079 0.1433'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                    • <Transform translation='0.1086 0.0 0.0762'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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                      • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                      • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_forefoot_tip'/>
                      • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                      <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                      <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
                      </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                    • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt' name='l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt_pt' translation='0.1825 0.0070 0.0928'>
                      • <!-- # CAESAR Feature Point #66 --> <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                      • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt'/>
                      • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                      <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                      <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                      <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
                      </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                    • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt' name='l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt_pt' translation='0.1195 0.0079 0.1433'>
                      • <!-- # CAESAR Feature Point #72 --> <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                      • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt'/>
                      • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                      <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                      <Coordinate USE='points'/>
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                      </Shape> </HAnimSite>
      • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_hip' name='r_hip' center ='-0.0950 0.9171 0.0029'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
        • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_thigh' name='r_thigh'>
          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_knee'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0950 0.9171 0.0029, -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_knee_crease_pt'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0950 0.9171 0.0029, -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
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          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_hip'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
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          • <Transform translation='-0.0950 0.9171 0.0029'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
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            • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
            • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_pt'/>
            • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
            • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/>
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        • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_knee' name='r_knee' center ='-0.0867 0.4913 0.0318'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
          • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_calf' name='r_calf'>
            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_knee'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_talocrural'/> -->
              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0867 0.4913 0.0318, -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
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              • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_talocrural'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> -->
                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766, -0.0801 0.0 0.0368'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_lateral_malleolus_pt'/> -->
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              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_medial_malleolus_pt'/> -->
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              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_sphyrion_pt'/> -->
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              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_talocrural'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_calcaneus_posterior_pt'/> -->
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_medial_malleolus_pt'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_sphyrion_pt'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_calcaneus_posterior_pt'/>
                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
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                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_middistal_tip'/> -->
                  <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0801 0.0 0.0368, -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt'/> -->
                  <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0801 0.0 0.0368, -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt'/> -->
                  <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.0801 0.0 0.0368, -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_metatarsophalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt'/> -->
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                • <Transform translation='-0.0801 0.0 0.0368'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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                  • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                  • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_middistal_tip'/>
                  • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                  <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                  <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
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                • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt' name='r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt_pt' translation='-0.1523 0.0166 0.0895'>
                  • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                  • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_pt'/>
                  • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                  <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                  <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                  <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
                  </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt' name='r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt_pt' translation='-0.0521 0.0260 0.0127'>
                  • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                  • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_pt'/>
                  • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                  <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                  <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
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                  • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                  • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_pt'/>
                  • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
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                  <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                  <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
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        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl5'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vl4'/> -->
          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776, 0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
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      • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vl4' name='vl4' center ='0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
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          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl4'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vl3'/> -->
            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787, 0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
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            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl3'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> -->
              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796, 0.0045 1.1546 -0.0800'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
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              • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vl1'/> -->
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                • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vl1'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt12'/> -->
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                  • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt12'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt11'/> -->
                    <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808, 0.0053 1.2679 -0.0810'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                  • <Transform translation='0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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                    • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt11'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt10'/> -->
                      <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0053 1.2679 -0.0810, 0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
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                      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt10'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt9'/> -->
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                      • <Transform translation='0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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                        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt9'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt8'/> -->
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                          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt8'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt7'/> -->
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                            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt7'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt6'/> -->
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                              • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt6'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt5'/> -->
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                                • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt5'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt4'/> -->
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                                • <Transform translation='0.0060 1.4102 -0.0745'> <Shape/> </Transform>
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                                  • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt4'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt3'/> -->
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                                    • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt3'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt2'/> -->
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                                      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vt1'/> -->
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                                        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt1'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_shoulder'/> -->
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                                        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt1'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_shoulder'/> -->
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                                        • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vt1'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vc7'/> -->
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                                          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_shoulder'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> -->
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                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_shoulder'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
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                                          • <Transform translation='0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387'> </Transform>
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                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
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                                            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> -->
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                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_radial_styloid_pt'/> -->
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                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_olecranon_pt'/> -->
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                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
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                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_radiale_pt'/> -->
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                                            • <Transform translation='0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682'> </Transform>
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                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
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                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
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                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                              • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_olecranon_pt'/>
                                              • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                              <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                              <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                            • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt' name='l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt_pt' translation='0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                              • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/>
                                              • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                              <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                              <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                            • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_radiale_pt' name='l_radiale_pt_pt' translation='0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                              • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_radiale_pt'/>
                                              • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                              <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                              <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                          • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_radiocarpal' name='l_radiocarpal' center ='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                            • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_carpal' name='l_carpal'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_carpometacarpal_1'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583, 0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_carpometacarpal_2'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583, 0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_hand_tip'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583, 0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583, 0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_dactylion_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583, 0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_ulnar_styloid_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583, -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583, 0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <Transform translation='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                              • <Transform translation='0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583'> </Transform>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_hand_tip' name='l_hand_tip_pt' translation='0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_hand_tip'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt' name='l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt_pt' translation='0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_dactylion_pt' name='l_dactylion_pt_pt' translation='0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_dactylion_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_ulnar_styloid_pt' name='l_ulnar_styloid_pt_pt' translation='-0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_ulnar_styloid_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt' name='l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt_pt' translation='0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                            • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_carpometacarpal_1' name='l_carpometacarpal_1' center ='0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                              • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_metacarpal_1' name='l_metacarpal_1'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_carpometacarpal_1'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_metacarpophalangeal_1'/> -->
                                                  <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534, 0.1951 0.8226 0.0246'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                • <Transform translation='0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                              • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_metacarpophalangeal_1' name='l_metacarpophalangeal_1' center ='0.1951 0.8226 0.0246'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_1' name='l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_1'>
                                                  • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_metacarpophalangeal_1'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_carpal_interphalangeal_1'/> -->
                                                    <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1951 0.8226 0.0246, 0.1955 0.8159 0.0464'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                  • <Transform translation='0.1951 0.8226 0.0246'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_carpal_interphalangeal_1' name='l_carpal_interphalangeal_1' center ='0.1955 0.8159 0.0464'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                  • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1' name='l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1'>
                                                    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_carpal_interphalangeal_1'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip'/> -->
                                                      <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1955 0.8159 0.0464, 0.1982 0.8061 0.0759'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                    • <Transform translation='0.1955 0.8159 0.0464'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                    • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip' name='l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip_pt' translation='0.1982 0.8061 0.0759'>
                                                      • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                      • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip'/>
                                                      • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                      <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                      <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                      <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
                                                      </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                            • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_carpometacarpal_2' name='l_carpometacarpal_2' center ='0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                              • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_metacarpal_2' name='l_metacarpal_2'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_carpometacarpal_2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_metacarpophalangeal_2'/> -->
                                                  <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280, 0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                • <Transform translation='0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                              • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_metacarpophalangeal_2' name='l_metacarpophalangeal_2' center ='0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_2' name='l_carpal_proximal_phalanx_2'>
                                                  • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_metacarpophalangeal_2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2'/> -->
                                                    <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280, 0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                  • <Transform translation='0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2' name='l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2' center ='0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                  • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_carpal_middle_phalanx_2' name='l_carpal_middle_phalanx_2'>
                                                    • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='l_carpal_proximal_interphalangeal_2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2'/> -->
                                                      <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248, 0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                    • <Transform translation='0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                  • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2' name='l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2' center ='0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                    • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2' name='l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2'>
                                                      • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='l_carpal_distal_interphalangeal_2'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip'/> -->
                                                        <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236, 0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                      • <Transform translation='0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                      • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip' name='l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip_pt' translation='0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245'>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                        • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip'/>
                                                        • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                        <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                        <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                        <Material USE='HAND_FEET_COLOR'/>
                                                        </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                      • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_shoulder' name='r_shoulder' center ='-0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                        • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_upperarm' name='r_upperarm'>
                                          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_shoulder'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> -->
                                            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325, -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_shoulder'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
                                            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325, -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                          • <Transform translation='-0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                          • <Transform translation='-0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325'> </Transform>
                                          • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt' name='r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt_pt' translation='-0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033'>
                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                            • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_humeral_lateral_epicondyle_pt'/>
                                            • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                            <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                            <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                            <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                            </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                        • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_elbow' name='r_elbow' center ='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                          • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_forearm' name='r_forearm'>
                                            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='r_radiocarpal'/> -->
                                              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620, -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_radial_styloid_pt'/> -->
                                              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620, -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_olecranon_pt'/> -->
                                              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620, -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/> -->
                                              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620, -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                            • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_elbow'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_radiale_pt'/> -->
                                              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620, -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                            • <Transform translation='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                            • <Transform translation='-0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620'> </Transform>
                                            • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_radial_styloid_pt' name='r_radial_styloid_pt_pt' translation='-0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                              • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_radial_styloid_pt'/>
                                              • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                              <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                              <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                            • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_olecranon_pt' name='r_olecranon_pt_pt' translation='-0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                              • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_olecranon_pt'/>
                                              • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                              <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                              <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                            • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt' name='r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt_pt' translation='-0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                              • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_pt'/>
                                              • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                              <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                              <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                            • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_radiale_pt' name='r_radiale_pt_pt' translation='-0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                              • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_radiale_pt'/>
                                              • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                              <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                              <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                              <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                              </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                          • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_r_radiocarpal' name='r_radiocarpal' center ='-0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                            • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_r_carpal' name='r_carpal'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_hand_tip'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521, -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521, -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_dactylion_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521, -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_ulnar_styloid_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521, -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='r_radiocarpal'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='-0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521, -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <Transform translation='-0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                              • <Transform translation='0 0 0'> </Transform>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_hand_tip' name='r_hand_tip_pt' translation='-0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_hand_tip'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt' name='r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt_pt' translation='-0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_dactylion_pt' name='r_dactylion_pt_pt' translation='-0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_dactylion_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_ulnar_styloid_pt' name='r_ulnar_styloid_pt_pt' translation='-0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_ulnar_styloid_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                              • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt' name='r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt_pt' translation='-0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_pt'/>
                                                • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                      • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vc7' name='vc7' center ='0.0066 1.5132 -0.0301'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                        • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_c7' name='c7'>
                                          • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vc7'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vc6'/> -->
                                            <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0066 1.5132 -0.0301, 0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                          • <Transform translation='0.0066 1.5132 -0.0301'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                        • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vc6' name='vc6' center ='0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                          • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_c6' name='c6'>
                                            • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vc6'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vc5'/> -->
                                              <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143, 0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                            • <Transform translation='0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                          • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vc5' name='vc5' center ='0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                            • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_c5' name='c5'>
                                              • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vc5'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vc4'/> -->
                                                <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082, 0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                              • <Transform translation='0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                            • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vc4' name='vc4' center ='0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                              • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_c4' name='c4'>
                                                • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vc4'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vc3'/> -->
                                                  <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084, 0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                • <Transform translation='0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                              • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vc3' name='vc3' center ='0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_c3' name='c3'>
                                                  • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vc3'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vc2'/> -->
                                                    <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103, 0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                  • <Transform translation='0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vc2' name='vc2' center ='0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                  • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_c2' name='c2'>
                                                    • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vc2'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='vc1'/> -->
                                                      <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103, 0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                    • <Transform translation='0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                  • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_vc1' name='vc1' center ='0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                    • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_c1' name='c1'>
                                                      • <!-- HAnimSegment visualization line from current <HAnimJoint name='vc1'/> to child <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> -->
                                                        <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034, 0.0044 1.6209 0.0236'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSegmentLineColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                      • <Transform translation='0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                    • <HAnimJoint DEF='hanim_skullbase' name='skullbase' center ='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236'  ulimit='0 0 0llimit='0 0 0'>
                                                      • <HAnimSegment DEF='hanim_skull' name='skull'>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='skull_vertex_tip'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, 0.0050 1.7504 0.0055'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='sellion_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, 0.0058 1.6316 0.0852'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_infraorbitale_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_infraorbitale_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, 0.0341 1.6171 0.0752'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='supramenton_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, 0.0061 1.5410 0.0805'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_tragion_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='r_gonion_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_tragion_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, 0.0739 1.6348 0.0282'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='l_gonion_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, 0.0631 1.5530 0.0330'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <!-- HAnimSite visualization line segment from ancestor <HAnimJoint name='skullbase'/> to <HAnimSite name='nuchale_pt'/> -->
                                                          <Shape> <LineSet vertexCount='2'> <Coordinate point='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236, 0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796'/> <ColorRGBA USE='HAnimSiteColorRGBA'/> </LineSet> </Shape>
                                                        • <Transform translation='0.0044 1.6209 0.0236'> <Shape/> </Transform>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_skull_vertex_tip' name='skull_vertex_tip_pt' translation='0.0050 1.7504 0.0055'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite skull_vertex_tip'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_sellion_pt' name='sellion_pt_pt' translation='0.0058 1.6316 0.0852'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite sellion_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_infraorbitale_pt' name='r_infraorbitale_pt_pt' translation='-0.0237 1.6171 0.0752'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_infraorbitale_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_infraorbitale_pt' name='l_infraorbitale_pt_pt' translation='0.0341 1.6171 0.0752'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_infraorbitale_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_supramenton_pt' name='supramenton_pt_pt' translation='0.0061 1.5410 0.0805'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite supramenton_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_tragion_pt' name='r_tragion_pt_pt' translation='-0.0646 1.6347 0.0302'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_tragion_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_r_gonion_pt' name='r_gonion_pt_pt' translation='-0.0520 1.5529 0.0347'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite r_gonion_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_tragion_pt' name='l_tragion_pt_pt' translation='0.0739 1.6348 0.0282'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_tragion_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_l_gonion_pt' name='l_gonion_pt_pt' translation='0.0631 1.5530 0.0330'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite l_gonion_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
                                                        • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_nuchale_pt' name='nuchale_pt_pt' translation='0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796'>
                                                          • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
                                                          • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite nuchale_pt'/>
                                                          • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
                                                          <IndexedFaceSet creaseAngle='0.5coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1'>
                                                          <Coordinate USE='points'/>
                                                          <Material USE='SITE_COLOR'/>
                                                          </Shape> </HAnimSite>
<!-- adapted from original HAnimHumanoid info='"humanoidVersion=Nancy V1.2b"
"authorName=Cindy Ballreich"
"copyright=1997 3Name3D / Yglesias Wallock Divekar Inc. all rights reserved."
  • <HAnimSite DEF='hanim_DiamondManLOA2_view' name='DiamondManLOA2_view' containerField ='viewpoints' >
    • <!-- HAnimSite visualization shape -->
    • <TouchSensor description='HAnimSite DiamondManLOA2_view'/>
    • <Shape USE='HAnimSiteShape'/>
    • <Viewpoint DEF='FrontViewdescription='Front Viewposition='0.35 0.854 2.57665'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='SideViewdescription='Side Vieworientation='0 1 0 1.57079position='2 0.854 0'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='TopViewdescription='Top Vieworientation='1 0 0 -1.57079position='0 3.4495 0'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='RootViewdescription='Humanoid Root Viewposition='0.0 0.8240 0.277'/>
      <Viewpoint DEF='InclinedViewdescription='Inclined Vieworientation='-0.113 0.993 0.0347 0.671position='1.62 1.05 2.06'/>
    • <!-- HAnimSite/Viewpoint visualization shape -->
    • <Anchor description='HAnimSite hanim_DiamondManLOA2_view Viewpoint ' url='"#FrontView SideView TopView RootView InclinedView"'>
        <LOD forceTransitions='true' range='0.04'>
         <WorldInfo info='"hide diamond when close"'/>
         <Shape DEF='HAnimSiteViewpointShape'> <IndexedFaceSet DEF='SiteViewpointDiamondIFS' coordIndex='0 1 2 -1 0 2 3 -1 0 3 4 -1 0 4 1 -1 5 2 1 -1 5 3 2 -1 5 4 3 -1 5 1 4 -1' creaseAngle='0.5'> <Coordinate point='0 0.010 0 -0.010 0 0 0 0 0.010 0.010 0 0 0 0 -0.010 0 -0.010 0'/> </IndexedFaceSet> <Appearance> <Material diffuseColor='1 1 0' transparency='0.3'/> </Appearance> </Shape>

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<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_l_metacarpal_2containerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_l_metatarsal_2containerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_l_taluscontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_r_taluscontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2containerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_l_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2containerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_r_tarsal_proximal_phalanx_2containerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_l_thighcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_r_thighcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_l_upperarmcontainerField='segments'/>
<HAnimSegment USE='hanim_r_upperarmcontainerField='segments'/>
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<HAnimSite USE='hanim_skull_vertex_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_sellion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_supramenton_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_nuchale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_asis_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_asis_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
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<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_calcaneus_posterior_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
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<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_dactylion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_dactylion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_forefoot_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_gonion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_gonion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_hand_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
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<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicondyle_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
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<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_infraorbitale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_infraorbitale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
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<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_knee_crease_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_lateral_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_lateral_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_medial_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_medial_malleolus_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metacarpal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metacarpal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_1_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_1_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_metatarsal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_metatarsal_phalanx_5_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_middistal_tipcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_olecranon_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_olecranon_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_psis_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_psis_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_radial_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_radial_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_radiale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_radiale_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_sphyrion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_sphyrion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_tarsal_distal_phalanx_2_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_tragion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_tragion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_trochanterion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_trochanterion_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_l_ulnar_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>
<HAnimSite USE='hanim_r_ulnar_styloid_ptcontainerField='sites'/>


Event Graph ROUTE Table with 0 ROUTE connections total, showing X3D event-model relationships for this scene.

Each row shows an event cascade that may occur during a single timestamp interval between frame renderings, as part of the X3D execution model.

<!-- Online at
https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Templates/DiamondManLOA2Index.html -->
<!-- Version control at
https://sourceforge.net/p/x3d/code/HEAD/tree/www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HumanoidAnimation/Templates/DiamondManLOA2.x3d -->

<!-- Color legend: X3D terminology <X3dNode DEF='idName' field='value'/> matches XML terminology <XmlElement DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement) (Grey background inside box: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)

to top <!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->