All Classes and Interfaces
Sound emitter: continuous localized sound example.
Simple anchor example illustrates the use of an Anchor link around the shapes used to build a door.
Animated grid world illustrates the use of a script to change the whichChoice field of a Switch node.
Transform group example: simple arch illustrates the use of translation and rotation to position and orient shapes.
Transform group example: gazebo made of arches.
Torch with animated flames: this file illustrates creation of a Torch prototype node via the Prototype declaration syntax.
Torch with animated flames (high detail): this file creates a torch with animated flames created using the Flames prototype node defined by an EXTERNPROTO.
Torch with animated flames (medium detail): this file creates a torch with animated flames created using the Flames prototype node defined by an EXTERNPROTO.
Torch with non-animated flames (low detail) This file creates a torch *without* animated flames, but for use in an LOD with other torches that do have animated flames.
Background example, sky above partially transparent mountain images above ground.
Background example, sky above ground.
Demonstrate plotting values with 3D emphasis.
This scene illustrates the use of an Extrusion to build a twisted bar.
Bouncing beachball (JavaScript/VRMLscript version): this world illustrates the use of a Script node to create a computed animation path.
Bouncing beachball (Java version): this world illustrates the use of a Script node to create a computed animation path.
ouncing beachball (with prototype and JavaScript): this world illustrates the use of a PROTO to encapsulate a Script node, timer, shape, and routes to create a vertically bouncing beach ball.
Tumbling Boxes: this world builds a batch of perpetually tumbling boxes.
Primitive geometry: Box.
Applying a texture, without and with textureTransform.
Burst of lines: illustrate the use of an IndexedLineSet to build a 3D star-burst.
Simple button: this file contains a Prototype declaration to manage a button that, when clicked, rotates 90 degrees and sends a URL.
Diet VRML can illustrates the use of texture mapping on primitive shapes.
A fairy-tale castle atop a green hill with a blue sky behind.
Gothic vaulted ceiling: this file combines together four vaulted ceiling pieces to create a vaulted ceiling, such as might be found in gothic architecture.
This chair is inlined into the dinette scene to illustrate inline groups.
This scene presents some colorful frames.
Gothic marble column: this file builds a column, such as might be found in gothic architecture.
Columns and torches: this world uses an externally defined Torch prototype node with an animated flame, placed on a column, then instanced multiple times to form a double row of columns.
Primitive geometry: Cone.
Cookie texture mapping using texture coordinates.
creaseAngle demonstration: select and drag upper halves of quadrilaterals to change creaseAngle and shading.
Select and drag cross-section to see changes.
Cutting plane demo where users can drag two slice interfaces to show the cross sections of a volume.
Primitive geometry: Cylinder.
The Dinette example illustrates the use of the Inline node.
Example lighting using DirectionalLight.
This scene illustrates the use of an Extrusion to build a donut (torus).
The Doorway scene consists of four sliding stairs that lead forward along a path to a glowing white doorway.
Dungeon door: this is a simple rectangular door with a studded metal texture.
Dungeon floor: this is a simple rectangular floor textured with a stone block image.
Dungeon room: this world illustrates the use of Inlines to pull in pieces of a a dungeon room contained in other files.
Dungeon wall: this is a simple rectangular floor textured with a stone block image.
Dungeon wall #2: this is a simple rectangular floor textured with a stone block image.
Supporting geometry for animation in ExtrusionSpiralMotion.
Spiral flow with particle paths shows how to move a set of particles (spheres) along a pre-computed animation path.
Chain-link fence illustrates the use of rotation and scaling within texture transforms.
Your first VRML world - a brown hut.
Default Box uses default values.
Default Box uses default values, coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Resized Box with a small width, a medium height, and a large depth.
Resized Box with a small width, a medium height, and a large depth.
Default Cone.
Default Cone with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Flattened Cone: a cone with a large bottom radius and a short height.
Flattened Cone: a cone with a large bottom radius and a short height, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Default Cylinder.
Default Cylinder, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Resized Cylinder: a cylinder with a large radius and a short height.
Resized Cylinder: a cylinder with a large radius and a short height, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Resized Cylinder Hollow: a cylinder with a large radius, short height, no top and no bottom.
Resized Cylinder Hollow: a cylinder with a large radius, short height, no top and no bottom, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Default Sphere.
Default Sphere, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
3D Plus Sign is made out of three perpendicular Boxes - rotate and examine to see.
Space Station, or spark plug?
Text Shape, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text Shape, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text Shape, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text Shape, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Compressed text using a small length field value.
Compressed text using a small length field value, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A list of text strings with a list of lengths.
Compressed text using a small length field value, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text Limited By Maximum Extent.
Text Limited By Maximum Extent, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text in a plain serif font.
Text in a plain serif font, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text in a bold serif font.
Text in a bold serif font, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Small Text.
Small Text, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text with more-than-default spacing between lines.
Text with more-than-default spacing between lines, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Text with less-than-default spacing between lines, causing the lines of text to overlap.
Text with less-than-default spacing between lines, causing the lines of text to overlap, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Two text shapes with different types of justification.
Two text shapes with different types of justification, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Two lines of text with a flat box between them.
Two lines of text with a flat box between them, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Show overstrike, using DEF and USE to share font properties.
Show overstrike, using DEF and USE to share font properties, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Translating +2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder.
Translating +2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Translating -2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder.
Translating -2 units along the X axis, 1 unit along Y axis, and building a cylinder, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Building an archway using multiple, translated coordinate systems.
Building an archway using multiple, translated coordinate systems, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Nesting coordinate systems.
Nesting coordinate systems, coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Rotating 45 degrees about X axis, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Rotating -45 degrees about X axis, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Rotating 45 degrees about Y axis, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Rotating -45 degrees about Z axis, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A 3D asterisk created with cylinders built within one vertical and two rotated coordinate systems, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A 3-D asterisk ball built with cylinders in rotated coordinate systems, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
An archway with pieces of the roof built within translated, rotated coordinate systems.
The lower arm of a desk lamp, rotated using a center of rotation at the lower end of the arm.
The first and second arms of the desk lamp, each rotated using a center of rotation at the lower end of each arm.
Scaling up by 2.0 along the X-axis direction and building a sphere, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Scaling down by 0.5 along the X-axis direction and building a sphere, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Scaling up by 2.0 along the Y-axis direction and building a sphere, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Scaling down by 0.5 along the Z-axis direction and building a sphere, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Scaling up by 2.0 in the X direction, scaling down by 0.5 in the Y direction, scaling up by 4.0 in the Z direction, and building a sphere, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A simple spaceship built with a cylinder and a sphere, each scaled within its own coordinate system, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A simple spaceship built with shapes in scaled coordinate systems, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
An archway with smaller archways on each side created in translated, scaled coordinate systems.
A tree at its original size.
A tree scaled up about a center point set at the base of the tree trunk.
A tree scaled along a diagonal axis using scale orientation.
Simple PositionInterpolator example.
Simple PositionInterpolator example.
Animation that rotates a coordinate system and the column built within it.
Animation that rotates a coordinate system and the column built within it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Animation that scales a coordinate system and the ball built within it.
Animation that scales a coordinate system and the ball built within it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A cube that spins when the cursor moves over it.
A cube that spins when the cursor moves over it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A cube that spins when the viewer touches it.
A cube that spins when the viewer touches it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A Cone that translates in the vertical XY plane when the viewer drags it.
A Cone that translates in the vertical XY plane when the viewer drags it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A cone that translates within a limited range of the XZ plane when the viewer drags it.
A cone that translates within a limited range of the XZ plane when the viewer drags it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Four stacking blocks, select and drag to see each of them.
Four stacking blocks, select and drag to see each of them.
Two shapes that rotate when the viewer drags them, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Two shapes that rotate when the viewer drags them, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Two shapes that rotate about an axis when the viewer drags them, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Two shapes that rotate about an axis when the viewer drags them, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Two shapes that rotate about an axis when the viewer drags them, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A cube that spins when the cursor moves over it and translates when the cursor drags it, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
A desk lamp with arm angles that can be adjusted using nested sensors.
A desk lamp with arm angles that can be adjusted using nested sensors, with coordinate axes superimposed to show X3D/VRML directions.
Bright red sphere, showing use of Appearance and Material.
A simple, multicolored space station.
A multicolored space station where color of the center sphere animates from red, to green, to blue, and back to red by utilizing ColorInterpolator outputs.
A lightbulb that varies in brightness as the pointing device is held over the socket.
A blinking sphere, controlled using a ColorInterpolator.
Three blinking shapes, each controlled using independent ColorInterpolator nodes.
A simple space station with a half-transparent central sphere.
A simple space station with a central sphere whose transparency is animated using a ScalarInterpolator.
Three versions of a cafe sign within a Switch node, selected by the whichChoice field.
A cafe sign within a billboard group.
A group of shapes within a bounding box.
A simple arch.
A row of archways built by inlining one archway from Figure 12.1 and repeatedly instancing it.
A simple temple built by inlining one archway row from Figure 12.2 and repeatedly instancing it.
Points in an IndexedPointSet mark the eight corners of a box.
A simple wireframe cube drawn with IndexedLineSet.
A simple solid cube drawn with IndexedFaceSet.
A 3D lightning bolt using concave faces.
A nonsolid vaulted ceiling piece.
A smoothly shaded vaulted ceiling piece.
A vaulted ceiling piece used repeatedly to build part of a medieval building.
A morphing cube shape using IndexedFaceSet and CoordinateInterpolator.
A morphing cube shape using IndexedLineSet and CoordinateInterpolator.
A mountain using a 9x9 ElevationGrid.
A ribbon using a 20x2 elevation grid.
A puddle splash using a 10x10 elevation grid.
A puddle splash using a 40x40 elevation grid.
An elevation grid built using an automatic terrain-generator application.
A medallion built from 12 ElevationGrid ribbons.
An extruded cylinder built using a circular cross section swept along a straight spine.
An extruded half cylinder built using half of a circular cross section swept along a straight spine.
An extruded half cylinder built using half of a circular cross section swept along a straight spine.
An extruded half cylinder with its beginning and ending caps turned off.
An extruded half cylinder with its beginning and ending caps turned off.
An extruded room using a floor plan as the cross section.
An extruded room using a floor plan as the cross section.
A playground slide built by extruding a half-circle cross section along a helical spine.
A playground slide built by extruding a half-circle cross section along a helical spine.
A torus built using a circular cross section swept along a circular spine.
A torus built using a circular cross section swept along a circular spine.
A pyramid built by scaling a square cross section to 0.01 at the pyramid apex.
A pyramid built by scaling a square cross section to 0.01 at the pyramid apex.
A vase built by scaling a circular cross section at each coordinate along a straight spine.
A vase built by scaling a circular cross section at each coordinate along a straight spine.
A bar twisted using Y-axis, cross-section rotation at each spine coordinate.
A bar twisted using Y-axis, cross-section rotation at each spine coordinate.
A lipstick shape created by rotating a circular cross section about the X axis as it is extruded.
A lipstick shape created by rotating a circular cross section about the X axis as it is extruded.
A wiggling snake whose spine is animated using a CoordinateInterpolator node.
A wiggling snake whose spine is animated using a CoordinateInterpolator node.
A scatter plot with the points colored using colors from a Color node.
A line plot with the polylines colored using colors from a Color node.
A star burst of lines colored using colors from a Color node, select second viewpoint for animation.
A line plot with the polylines colored using colors from a ColorNode.
A book with its faces individually colored using colors from a ColorNode.
A book with its faces individually colored using colors from a Color node.
A log and fire using faces colored vertex-by-vertex with colors from a ColorNode.
A log and fire using faces colored vertex-by-vertex with colors from a Color node.
A checkerboard built using elevation-grid squares and colored using colors from a Color node.
A mountain built using ElevationGrid points and colored vertex-by-vertex using colors from a Color node.
A texture-mapped Box.
A texture-mapped Cone.
A texture-mapped Cylinder.
A texture-mapped Sphere.
A soft drink can built by texture mapping soft-drink-can images to parts of a cylinder.
A brick texture mapped to a text shape.
A flame image textured onto a 3D lightning bolt using concave faces.
A terrain texture image, texture mapped to a mountain-shaped elevation grid.
A donut-icing texture image texture mapped to a chocolate donut.
A tree image texture mapped, with pixel transparencies, on a rectangular face to create a tree.
A tree image texture mapped, with pixel transparencies, on a rectangular face to create a tree.
Six different wood types created by coloring a grayscale wood texture.
A face with color varying from yellow to red, showing PixelTexture use.
A swirling whirlpool created using a movie texture.
A square face texture mapped using texture coordinates to select the texture image.
A pizza texture with a slice selected mapped to a triangular face.
A pizza and slice.
A four-screen video wall, each screen created by stamping out one fourth of a mountain texture image and using a TextureTransform node to translate the texture cookie cutter.
A small grillwork texture image repeated across a square face using texture-coordinate scaling.
A rotated grillwork texture image mapped to a rectangular face to create a chain-link fence.
A scaled-down brick texture repeatedly mapped to shape of a Box node using a TextureTransform node.
A texture of San Diego Bay mapped to a flat elevation grid.
A flat elevation grid using custom texture coordinates to reverse warping and invert the San Diego Bay image as it is applied.
A rotating fan, made realistic by animating a TextureTransform.
A square face and four normals.
A square face with two normals pointing along the positive Z axis and two normals pointing along the positive X axis.
A smooth-shaded half column using a crease angle.
A smooth-shaded half column using a crease angle.
A smooth-shaded half column using a crease angle - note seams where each smoothly shaded half-column meets.
A smooth-shaded half column using a crease angle.
A smooth-shaded half column using a crease angle.
An elevation grid using a special shading effect.
An elevation grid using a special shading effect.
A sphere world illuminated by the headlight.
A flat mesh created using an ElevationGrid node.
A sphere world illuminated by a point light in the center.
A sphere world illuminated by a point light with its ambient intensity set high.
A sphere world illuminated by a point light with attenuation control.
A sphere world illuminated by a point light with a small radius.
A glowing sphere within a gothic building.
A blinking lightbulb showing multiple lighting effects.
A sphere world illuminated by a DirectionalLight aiming to the right.
A sphere world illuminated by a DirectionalLight aiming up and to the right.
A sphere world illuminated by a DirectionalLight aiming up and to the right.
A DirectionalLight used to simulate the sun at sunrise.
A DirectionalLight used to simulate the sun at noon.
A DirectionalLight used to simulate the sun at sunset.
A DirectionalLight simulates the sun from sunrise through sunset, animated using multiple interpolators.
A sphere world illuminated by a SpotLight aiming to the right.
A sphere world illuminated by a wide-angle SpotLight aiming to the right.
Three meshes illuminated by separate spotlights, with outer cone set to 45 degrees and inner cones set to 45, 22 1/2, and 1/2 degrees respectively.
A simple world without fake shadows.
A simple world with fake shadows.
A dull grey vase.
A somewhat shiny grey vase.
A shiny grey vase.
A very shiny grey vase.
A shiny gold vase.
A sky sphere with multiple colors.
A background with multiple ground and sky colors.
A mountain-panorama background created with the color and pixel transparency parts of a mountain image.
Backgrounds bound and unbound by touching a red cube or a blue sphere.
A test world for use in subsequent fog example scenes.
A linear-fog world with a default visibilityRange of 0.0 meters (which means Fog has no effect).
A linear-fog world with a visibility range of 40m.
A linear-fog world with a visibility range of 30m.
A linear-fog world with a visibility range of 20m.
An exponential-fog world with a visibility range of 100m.
An exponential-fog world with a visibility range of 40m.
An exponential-fog world with a visibility range of 20m.
A foggy world using black fog.
Fog and background pairs are bound and unbound by touching shapes within the world.
A silent set of emitter markers indicating emitter location, minimum-range ellipsoid, and maximum-range ellipsoid.
A world with ambient sound and a set of emitter markers.
A world with sound triggered by touching a white ball, with an emitter marker marking the range of audible sound.
Four keys in a keyboard showing how pitch can vary a single sound source.
Two ambient sounds circling the origin.
A time-varying ambient sound aimed to the right.
A virtual television.
A high-detail torch.
A medium-detail torch.
A low-detail torch.
The three torches side by side.
Three torches within an LOD node.
A dungeon-room floor.
A dungeon-room wall.
A dungeon room.
Two dungeon rooms controlled by LOD nodes, move forward to see second room.
A dungeon wall with a doorway, created using Coordinate and TextureCoordinate.
A dungeon door.
Two dungeon rooms controlled by LOD nodes and separated by a wall and a pair of sliding doors.
Two dungeon rooms controlled by LOD nodes, separated by a wall and a pair of sliding doors.
This Viewpoint series does not move the user but rather increases the field of view (FOV) very widely, producing an interesting effect.
A dungeon door that slides open when visible, and slides closed when not visible.
A dungeon door that slides open when the ProximitySensor detects the viewer close enough.
An orb that animates (for a single revolution) when the viewer collides with its box proxy shape.
A dungeon destination world.
Anchor parameter/target demonstrations: click left text to load another scene in the same window, or click right text to load another scene in a new window.
WorldInfo title and commentary for the dungeon.
A sliding red sphere and a custom interpolation script.
Click on a geometric Shape to change the scene Background.
A pair of filter scripts used to create a toggle on-off switch.
A spiraling red sphere and a custom interpolation script.
A torus shape built with a donut-maker program script.
Definition and use of a WallColor node type.
An external file containing a material library with the WallColor-node-type definition.
A world that uses an externally declared node type.
An external file containing an appearance library with wood appearances.
Two wood blocks using appearance-node types from an external appearance library file.
A donut (torus) node prototype.
A donut shape built using prototypes: the Donut geometry node and the LightOak appearance node.
The SpinGroup prototype is used to automatically spin a group of three long rectangular boxes.
Flickering flames: this prototype declaration illustrates the use of a script to cycle between textures, and then encapsulation of the script, a clock, and a polygon, all within a new Flames prototype node that makes flickering flames.
Floating pads world: a collection of white pads are created.
Mesh floor: this file creates a large flat floor.
Fog example: no fog.
Fog example: linear fog, visibility range 30.
Fog example: exponential fog, visibility range 30.
Fog example.
Fog example: linear fog with a background - do not do this!.
Scene geometry to support illustrating fog effects in test scenes.
Glowing Door: this file creates a simple arched-top door, glowing with a white light.
Half-cylinder crease-angle demo illustrates how the crease angle value affects the smoothness of shading on a half-cylinder.
Robotic hand juggling primitives: this scene illustrates the use of the primitive shapes and a lot of nested Transform nodes to created articulated structures.
The Heads-up Display (HUD) world illustrates creation of a heads-up display that is locked in place to the screen.
Horn scene illustrates the use of an Extrusion to build a Doctor Seuss-like horn.
Nested isolines illustrate the use of black fog to do depth-cueing.
Nested isosurfaces illustrate the use of IndexedFaceSet nodes to build complex geometry, such as isosurfaces (constant-value contours in 3D).
Synthesizer keyboard that creates a playable synthesizer keyboard.
Desk lampillustrate the use of multiple sensors, nested into groups within groups along with the shapes they sense.
Desk lamp with light toggle switch: this file builds a desk lamp that can be moved about.
Desk lamp with light toggle switch: this file builds a desk lamp that can be moved about.
Colored terrain scene illustrates the use of a highly detailed ElevationGrid to build a color-mapped terrain.
Lightning bolt illustrates the use of an IndexedFaceSet node to build complex geometry.
Building shapes out of points, lines, and faces: IndexedLineSet example.
This example illustrates use of JavaScript to load a scene from a file through use of the Browser object.
Burning log illustrates the use of an IndexedFaceSet and Color nodes to build a flaming log where the flame color varies across the flame polygons.
A Match!
Monolith world: six vertical monoliths stand arranged together.
Simple mountain illustrates the use of an ElevationGrid to build a mountain.
High-resolution mountain.
Low-resolution mountain.
Mid-resolution mountain.
Simple colored mountain illustrates the use of an ElevationGrid to build a colored mountain.
Simple colored mountain, smooth shaded: illustrate the use of an ElevationGrid to build a colored mountain.
Multiple nested sensors: this world illustrates the use of nested sensors where one sensor covers shapes in an inner Transform group, and another sensor covers shapes in an outer Transform group.
Tumbling Boxes: this world builds a batch of perpetually tumbling boxes.
This file builds a pedestal, such as might be found in gothic architecture.
A playyard to demonstrate NavigationInfo operation.
Example lighting using PointLight.
Building shapes out of points, lines, and faces: PointSet example.
The Primitives on Pedestals scene highlights the geometry primitives, placing each one above a Gothic pedestal.
Proximity door illustrates the use of a ProximitySensor node around a door.
Proximity pillars example illustrates the use of proximity sensors to sense when the user gets close, and trigger animations or sounds.
Query browser state: this world uses the "Browser" object in a script to query information about the VRML browser.
RoboBill is a Robot Billboard that illustrates the use of Group, Transform, and Billboard groups - navigate around, here's looking at you!
Robot Billboard body for RoboBill.
Robot Billboard head for RoboBill.
Robot generator prototype to create multiple new nodes.
Controlling color on coordinate-based geometry: PointSet example.
The shiny spheres world creates a set of spheres, each given a different set of material attributes.
Slab World example illustrates use of Appearance and Material nodes to set the main shading color (diffuseColor), glow color (emissiveColor), and transparency level of a shape.
Spiral slide scene illustrates the use of an Extrusion to build a playground slide.
This world creates a morphing snake using an Extrusion node.
Visible marker used by Sound emitter scene.
Multiple shapes building a more complex object.
Simple spaceship scene illustrates the use of VRML primitive shapes to build a more complex shape.
Primitive geometry: Sphere.
Spherical geometry cluster to support illustration of lighting effects by other test scenes.
Spiral flow shows how to move a set of particles (spheres) along a pre-computed animation path.
Example lighting using SpotLight.
Squishy ball world illustrates the use of orientation, color, and position interpolators.
The Stairway world uses a twisting, branching, floating stairway to lead the visitor to six doorways.
Stop-watch with automatically moving second, minute, and hour hands, start and stop buttons, and a stop-watch sweep second hand.
Geometry used in Sound test scene.
Multiple sounds example: submarine world with sounds.
This table is inlined into the dinette scene to illustrate inline groups.
Temple of the Glowing Orb: this world creates a glowing rotating orb when the pedestal is touched.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
Terrain snapshot providing an animation keyframe for AnimatedGrid.x3d.
A FontStyle node describes Text font, this scene compares default fonts.
A FontStyle node describes Text font, this scene compares different justification values.
Primitive geometry: Text.
A FontStyle node describes Text font, this scene compares different sizes.
Animating textured plane: this world illustrates the use of the TexturePlane prototype node defined in an external file.
A FontStyle node describes Text font, this scene compares vertical and justification layout.
Tumbling Spheres: this world builds a batch of perpetually tumbling spheres.
Timed-timer demonstrates how to drive one TimeSensor with another one in order periodically trigger another animation.
Medieval torch with high-resolution detail.
Medieval torch with medium-resolution detail.
Medieval torch with low-resolution detail.
Medieval torch at high, medium and low resolutions for range-based Level of Detail (LOD) viewing.
Torche models shown side-by-side at all 3 levels of resolution.
Transforming Shapes.
This world illustrates the use of translation, rotation, and scaling to build a multi-level tower.
This file builds a stair tread (a marble slab) and decorations for the tread (a sphere and pyramid at either end).
A set of trees in front of a wall.
Tumble group: this file contains a Prototype declaration to manage a group of shapes, tumbling them in X, Y, and Z directions.
Tumbling Cylinders: this world builds a batch of perpetually tumbling cylinders.
Gothic vaulted ceiling archway: this file builds a piece of a vaulted ceiling using an IndexedFaceSet node.
Vector: this world illustrates the use of a Prototype declaration to define a generic vector whose position, orientation, scale, and color are all set by incoming fields.
Vector field: this world illustrates the use of an external prototype to define a generic vector.
Wiggling cubes illustrate the use of CoordinateInterpolator nodes to vary the coordinates of shapes (in this case a set of IndexedFaceSet cubes).
This world builds a windmill whose sails spin about.
Wood coloring: illustrate the use of material colors and a grayscale texture to colorize the texture as it is applied to a shape.