BlenderConversionIssues.txt 1 November 2017 ======================================================= Castle Game Engine (view3dscene) documentation provides excellent detail on how to effectively convert from Blender to X3D on along with a Blender export plugin at ======================================================= 1. NavigationInfo headlight="off"/> means model is invisible. Can either turn on, or simply leave out NavigationInfo which will have correct values by default. 2. Updated X3D from version 3.0 to version 3.3. 3. Illegal and default/verbose Transform and Viewpoint values. a. SFRotation values are a normal vector followed by a radians angle. A zero-magnitude vector is illegal. Default value is 0 0 1 0. If a zero rotation was intended, it is best omitted. rotation='0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000' b. scale has default 1 1 1, translation has default 0 0 0, the following are both too long (due to trailing zeroes) and unnecessary. scale='1.000000 1.000000 1.000000' translation='0.000000 0.000000 0.000000' c. Viewpoint default-valued attributes can similarly be omitted: centerOfRotation='0 0 0' orientation='1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' position='-0.00 -0.00 0.00' illegal rotation value: orientation='0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' d. PointLight default-valued attributes can similarly be omitted: ambientIntensity='0.0000' color='1.0000 1.0000 1.0000' location='-0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000' e. DirectionalLight direction='-0.0000 0.0000 -1.0000' matches default value 0 0 -1 and can be omitted. ======================================================= f. The viewpoints themselves do not permit model viewing or navigation. Any attempt to look at the model immediately spins it off and away into hyperspace. This is probably because the Viewpoints (and also PointLight definitions) are wrapped inside of Transform nodes, even though they are at scene root. ======================================================= g. Viewpoint description fields are ignored on import and thus omitted on export. This omission means that the five existing Viewpoints are not listed in the X3D browser's Viewpoint menu, again preventing/confounding user navigation. ======================================================= 4. Original X3D Validator reports: is defined, but nodes in scene have actual profile='Interactive' [/X3D, info] Missing X3D filename in meta tag, should appear as [/X3D/head, warning] is missing description which is important for accessibility and usability. Example: description='default view, rotate to examine object' [/X3D/Scene/Transform[164]/Viewpoint, warning] is missing description which is important for accessibility and usability. Example: description='default view, rotate to examine object' [/X3D/Scene/Transform[165]/Viewpoint, warning] is missing description which is important for accessibility and usability. Example: description='default view, rotate to examine object' [/X3D/Scene/Transform[166]/Viewpoint, warning] is missing description which is important for accessibility and usability. Example: description='default view, rotate to examine object' [/X3D/Scene/Transform[167]/Viewpoint, warning] is missing description which is important for accessibility and usability. Example: description='default view, rotate to examine object' [/X3D/Scene/Transform[171]/Viewpoint, warning] ======================================================= 5. Fixed meta tag: to Also added further meta tags. ======================================================= 6. Changed as prompted by X3D Validator. (Immersive is satisfactory, just tuning to best match.) ======================================================= 7. Note that Viewpoint descriptions are present in original model, apparently they were dropped during import since they do not appear in subsequent export. ======================================================= 8. CAD structure nodes are lost: CADAssembly, CADPart, CADFace. ======================================================= 9. Metadata nodes and values are lost on import. This removes critical and required information in a scene. ======================================================= 10. A small extraneous Box was added. Inspection revealed that a small center Cube_TRANSFORM was inserted without user knowledge. That should be an explicit decision by author, rather than having a Cube_Transform appear in any scene using Blender. ======================================================= Tool resources for conversion developers: a. X3D Specifications, especially X3D Abstract Specification. b. X3D Scene Authoring Hints c. X3D Tooltips b. X3D Resources ======================================================= =======================================================