Ontologies Classes Object Properties Data Properties Annotation Properties Individuals Datatypes Clouds

Data Property: :hasRenderStyle

Annotations (4)

  • rdfs:label "List of contributing rendering style nodes or node references that can be applied to the object."
  • rdfs:label "Multiple contained X3DVolumeRenderStyleNode nodes corresponding to each isosurface that define specific rendering technique for this volumetric object."
  • rdfs:label "Single contained X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode node that defines specific rendering technique for data in the voxels field, and the result is blended with parent VolumeData or SegmentedVoliumeData node."
  • rdfs:label "Single contained X3DVolumeRenderStyleNode node that defines specific rendering technique for this volumetric object."

Superproperties (1)

Usage (1)