X3dOntology4.0: objectproperties (452)
- '2D curve in the yz-plane that describes the cross-sectional shape of the object.'
- 'A set of Contour2D nodes are used as trimming loops.'
- 'Add component statements to indicate necessary scene functionality above the given profile for this X3D model.'
- 'Add meta statements to provide metadata information about this X3D model.'
- 'Add unit statements to define data-conversion factors for typed values defined within a scene.'
- 'addedEntities array contains any new entities added during the last frame.'
- 'After being created, the individual particles are then manipulated according to the physics model(s) specified in the physics field.'
- 'Array of Coordinate nodes to handle non-default source pose so that both skin and skeleton can be in same binding pose.'
- 'Array of Normal nodes to handle non-default source pose so that both skin and skeleton can be in same binding pose.'
- 'collection of 2D texture sources.'
- 'Collection of top-level nodes that comprise a set of bodies evaluated as a single set of interactions.'
- 'CollisionCollection node holds a collection of objects in the collidables field that can be managed as a single entity for resolution of inter-object collisions with other groups of collidable objects.'
- 'ComposedShader can contain multiple ShaderPart nodes in the parts field.'
- 'Contains any HAnimMotion nodes that can animate the HAnimHumanoid.'
- 'controlPoint defines a set of control points of dimension uDimension by vDimension, and defines a mesh where the points do not have uniform spacing.'
- 'Coordinate node utilized by indexed mesh definitions for skin.'
- 'DEF list of all nodes that implement this data.'
- 'defines cross-section of the surface traced about the trajectoryCurve axis.'
- 'describes the center-line path using a NurbsCurve node, oriented so that it is defined counterclockwise when looking down the −Y axis, thus defining a concept of inside and outside.'
- 'Geometry for the root tile.'
- 'Grouping nodes contain an ordered list of children nodes.'
- 'Include a field statement for each field declaration in the corresponding original ProtoDeclare.'
- 'Include a head element to contain component, unit or meta statements for this X3D model.'
- 'Include a Scene element to contain scene-graph nodes for this X3D model.'
- 'Include an optional ProtoInterface statement if this ProtoDeclare has field declarations.'
- 'Include fieldValue statements if this ProtoInstance overrides default values in any of the original field declarations.'
- 'Include one ProtoBody statement after the ProtoInterface statement.'
- 'List of HAnimSite nodes containing Viewpoint nodes that appear in the skeleton model, usually as USE node references.'
- 'List of one or more indexed mesh definitions (such as IndexedFaceSet) that utilize skinCoord point and skinNormal normal data.'
- 'List of top-level HAnimJoint and HAnimSite nodes that create the skeleton model.'
- 'Parent ComposedCubeMapTexture element can contain up to six image nodes (ImageTexture PixelTexture MovieTexture, other texture nodes).'
- 'Parent TextureBackground element can contain up to six image nodes (ImageTexture PixelTexture MovieTexture MultiTexture).'
- 'Parent TextureBackground element can contain up to six image nodes (ImageTexture PixelTexture MovieTexture MultiTexture).'
- 'Parent TextureBackground element can contain up to six image nodes (ImageTexture PixelTexture MovieTexture MultiTexture).'
- 'Parent TextureBackground element can contain up to six image nodes (ImageTexture PixelTexture MovieTexture MultiTexture).'
- 'Parent TextureBackground element can contain up to six image nodes (ImageTexture PixelTexture MovieTexture MultiTexture).'
- 'ProgramShader contains zero or more ShaderProgram node instances.'
- 'removedEntities output array provides EspduTransform references to any entities removed during last frame, either due to a timeout or from an explicit RemoveEntityPDU action.'
- 'set_contacts input field for Contact nodes provides per-frame information about contacts between bodies.'
- 'Single contained acousticProperties node that can specify additional acoustic attributes applied to associated surface geometry.'
- 'Single contained Color or ColorRGBA node that can specify color values applied to corresponding vertices according to colorPerVertex field.'
- 'Single contained Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node that can specify a list of vertex values.'
- 'Single contained Coordinate or CoordinateDouble node that can specify control points for NURBS geometry definitions.'
- 'Single contained FillProperties node that can specify additional visual attributes applied to polygonal areas of corresponding geometry, on top of whatever other appearance is already defined.'
- 'Single contained FloatVertexAttribute node that can specify list of per-vertex attribute information for programmable shaders.'
- 'Single contained FogCoordinate node that can specify depth parameters for fog in corresponding geometry.'
- 'Single contained GeoOrigin node that can specify a local coordinate frame for extended precision.'
- 'Single contained LineProperties node that can specify additional visual attributes applied to corresponding line geometry.'
- 'Single contained Material node that can specify visual attributes for lighting response (color types, transparency, etc.'
- 'Single contained Normal node that can specify perpendicular vectors for corresponding vertices to support rendering computations, applied according to the normalPerVertex field.'
- 'Single contained PointProperties node that can specify additional visual attributes applied to corresponding point geometry.'
- 'Single contained TextureProperties node that can specify additional visual attributes applied to corresponding texture images.'
- 'Single contained TextureTransform node that defines 2D transformation applied to texture coordinates.'
- 'Single contained X3DComposableVolumeRenderStyleNode node that defines specific rendering technique for data in the voxels field, and the result is blended with parent VolumeData or SegmentedVoliumeData node.'
- 'Single contained X3DTexture3DNode (ComposedTexture3D, ImageTexture3D, PixelTexture3D) holds component texture that provides corresponding segment identifier.'
- 'Single contained X3DTexture3DNode (ComposedTexture3D, ImageTexture3D, PixelTexture3D) that provides explicit per-voxel gradient direction information for determining surface boundaries, rather than having it implicitly calculated by the implementation.'
- 'Single contained X3DTexture3DNode (ComposedTexture3D, ImageTexture3D, PixelTexture3D) that provides second set of raw voxel information utilized by corresponding rendering styles.'
- 'Single Normal node utilized by indexed mesh definitions for skin.'
- 'sites field contains a list of USE references for all HAnimSite node instances found within the preceding skeleton hierarchy.'
- 'sound source for the Sound node, either an AudioClip node or a MovieTexture node.'
- 'targetObject is the movable geometry represented by any valid X3DGroupingNode or X3DShapeNode which may enter or exit the box.'
- 'The body1 and body2 fields specify two top-level nodes that should be evaluated in the physics model as a single set of interactions with respect to each other.'
- 'The body1 and body2 fields specify two top-level nodes that should be evaluated in the physics model as a single set of interactions with respect to each other.'
- 'The children form a closed loop with first point of first child repeated as last point of last child, and the last point of a segment repeated as first point of the consecutive one.'
- 'The collidable field holds a reference to a single nested item of a collidable scene graph.'
- 'The collider field specifies a CollisionCollection node that holds a collidables field of nodes and spaces that are to be included in collision-detection computations.'
- 'The color field defines an array of 3-tuple RGB colors.'
- 'The content of the LayoutGroup is clipped by the specified viewport.'
- 'the displacers field stores HAnimDisplacer objects for a particular HAnimJoint object.'
- 'The emitter field specifies the type of emitter geometry and properties that the particles are given for their initial positions.'
- 'The fontStyle field can contain a FontStyle or ScreenFontStyle node defining size, family, and style for presented text.'
- 'The geometry node provides geometry used as the emitting surface.'
- 'The geometry1 and geometry2 fields specify collision-related information about body1 and body2.'
- 'The geometry1 and geometry2 fields specify collision-related information about body1 and body2.'
- 'The joints field contains a list of USE references for all HAnimJoint node instances found within the preceding skeleton hierarchy.'
- 'The layers list defines a list of Layer nodes that contain the constituent parts of the scene.'
- 'The layout field contains an X3DLayoutNode node that provides the information required to locate and size the layout region of the LayoutGroup node relative to its parent’s layout region, and also to scale the contents of the LayoutGroup.'
- 'The massDensityModel field is used to describe the geometry type and dimensions used to calculate the mass density in the physics model.'
- 'The outputs field is a set of output nodes receiving the split channels, and making up a section of the audio graph.'
- 'The proxy node is used as a substitute for Collision children during collision detection, simplifying collision-intersection computations.'
- 'The segments field contains a list of USE references for all HAnimSegment node instances found within the preceding skeleton hierarchy.'
- 'The shape field provides a geometry proxy for specifying which geometry best represents the collidable object.'
- 'The surfaceNormals field contains a 3D texture with at least three component values.'
- 'The transferFunction field holds a single texture representation in either two or three dimensions that maps the voxel data values to a specific colour output.'
- 'The value field provides a list of X3DMetadataObject nodes whose meaning is determined by the name field.'
- 'The weightTransferFunction1 and weightTransferFunction2 fields specify two-dimensional textures that are used to determine the weight values when the weight function is set to 'TABLE'.'
- 'The weightTransferFunction1 and weightTransferFunction2 fields specify two-dimensional textures that are used to determine the weight values when the weight function is set to 'TABLE'.'
- 'When applying ambientIntensity for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When applying baseColor for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When applying diffuseColor for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When applying emissiveColor for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When applying metallic for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When applying normalScale for this material node, the contained texture modulates the texture across the surface.'
- 'When applying occlusionStrength for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When applying shininess for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When applying specularColor for this material node, the contained texture provides Physically Based Rendering (PBR) modulation for each pixel.'
- 'When inside a ProtoBody declaration and an IS statement, add a connect statement to define event-routing connections between a parent node's field to a corresponding ProtoInterface field.'
- 'X3DComposedGeometryNode field attrib is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DComposedGeometryNode field coord is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DComposedGeometryNode field fogCoord is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DComposedGeometryNode field normal is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DFontStyleNode attribute class is implemented by multiple nodes. The class attribute on each X3D node and statement is a space-separated list of classes, reserved for use by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and XML stylesheets.'
- 'X3DGroupingNode field addChildren is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DGroupingNode field children is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DGroupingNode field removeChildren is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DLayerNode field viewport is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DNode field IS is implemented by multiple nodes. IS/connect statements define prototype connections between ProtoInterface fields and node fields within a ProtoBody.'
- 'X3DNode field metadata is implemented by multiple nodes. Information about this node can be contained in a MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString or MetadataSet node.'
- 'X3DNurbsSurfaceGeometryNode field texCoord is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DPickSensorNode field pickedGeometry is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DPickSensorNode field pickingGeometry is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DPickSensorNode field pickTarget is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DRigidJointNode field body1 is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DRigidJointNode field body2 is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DShapeNode field appearance is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DShapeNode field geometry is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DTexture3DNode field textureProperties is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DTextureProjectorNode field texture is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'X3DViewpointNode field navigationInfo is implemented by multiple nodes.'
- 'Zero or more contained programmable shader nodes (ComposedShader, PackagedShader, ProgramShader) that specify, in order of preference, author-programmed rendering characteristics.'
- 'Zero or more contained TextureCoordinate or TextureCoordinateGenerator nodes that specify texture coordinates for the different texture channels, used for texture mapping onto corresponding geometry.'
- fieldAcousticPropertiesHasParentAppearance
- fieldAddChildrenHasParentCADPart
- fieldAddChildrenHasParentContour2D
- fieldAddChildrenHasParentHAnimJoint
- fieldAddChildrenHasParentLayer
- fieldAddChildrenHasParentLayoutGroup
- fieldAddChildrenHasParentLayoutLayer
- fieldAddedEntitiesHasParentDISEntityManager
- fieldAddGeometryHasParentNurbsSet
- fieldAddTrimmingContourHasParentNurbsTrimmedSurface
- fieldAmbientTextureHasParentMaterial
- fieldAttribHasParentElevationGrid
- fieldAttribHasParentIndexedLineSet
- fieldAttribHasParentLineSet
- fieldAttribHasParentPointSet
- fieldBackHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldBackTextureHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldBackTextureHasParentTextureBackground
- fieldBaseTextureHasParentPhysicalMaterial
- fieldBodiesHasParentRigidBodyCollection
- fieldBody1HasParentContact
- fieldBody2HasParentContact
- fieldBottomHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldBottomTextureHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldBottomTextureHasParentTextureBackground
- fieldChildrenHasParent
- fieldCollidableHasParentCollidableOffset
- fieldCollidablesHasParentCollisionCollection
- fieldCollidablesHasParentCollisionSpace
- fieldColliderHasParentCollisionSensor
- fieldColliderHasParentRigidBodyCollection
- fieldColorHasParentElevationGrid
- fieldColorHasParentGeoElevationGrid
- fieldColorHasParentIndexedLineSet
- fieldColorHasParentLineSet
- fieldColorHasParentParticleSystem
- fieldColorHasParentPointSet
- fieldColorRampHasParentParticleSystem
- fieldComponentHasParenthead
- fieldConnectHasParentIS
- fieldContactsHasParentCollisionSensor
- fieldControlPointHasParentNurbsCurve
- fieldControlPointHasParentNurbsOrientationInterpolator
- fieldControlPointHasParentNurbsPositionInterpolator
- fieldControlPointHasParentNurbsSurfaceInterpolator
- fieldCoordHasParentHAnimSegment
- fieldCoordHasParentIndexedLineSet
- fieldCoordHasParentLineSet
- fieldCoordHasParentPointSet
- fieldCoordHasParentPolylineEmitter
- fieldCoordHasParentVolumeEmitter
- fieldCrossSectionCurveHasParentNurbsSweptSurface
- fieldDataHasParentGeoMetadata
- fieldDiffuseTextureHasParentMaterial
- fieldDisplacersHasParentHAnimJoint
- fieldDisplacersHasParentHAnimSegment
- fieldEmissiveTextureHasParentMaterial
- fieldEmissiveTextureHasParentPhysicalMaterial
- fieldEmissiveTextureHasParentUnlitMaterial
- fieldEmitterHasParentParticleSystem
- fieldFieldHasParentComposedShader
- fieldFieldHasParentExternProtoDeclare
- fieldFieldHasParentPackagedShader
- fieldFieldHasParentProtoInterface
- fieldFieldHasParentScript
- fieldFieldHasParentShaderProgram
- fieldFieldValueHasParentProtoInstance
- fieldFillPropertiesHasParentAppearance
- fieldFogCoordHasParentElevationGrid
- fieldFogCoordHasParentIndexedLineSet
- fieldFogCoordHasParentLineSet
- fieldFogCoordHasParentPointSet
- fieldFontStyleHasParentText
- fieldFrontHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldFrontTextureHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldFrontTextureHasParentTextureBackground
- fieldGeometry1HasParentContact
- fieldGeometry2HasParentContact
- fieldGeometryHasParentBoundedPhysicsModel
- fieldGeometryHasParentNurbsSet
- fieldGeometryHasParentParticleSystem
- fieldGeometryHasParentRigidBody
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoCoordinate
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoElevationGrid
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoLocation
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoLOD
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoPositionInterpolator
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoProximitySensor
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoTouchSensor
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoTransform
- fieldGeoOriginHasParentGeoViewpoint
- fieldGradientsHasParentIsoSurfaceVolumeData
- fieldHeadHasParentX3D
- fieldIntersectionsHasParentCollisionSensor
- fieldJointsHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldJointsHasParentRigidBodyCollection
- fieldLayersHasParentLayerSet
- fieldLayoutHasParentLayoutGroup
- fieldLayoutHasParentLayoutLayer
- fieldLeftHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldLeftTextureHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldLeftTextureHasParentTextureBackground
- fieldLinePropertiesHasParentAppearance
- fieldMappingHasParent
- fieldMassDensityModelHasParentRigidBody
- fieldMaterialHasParentAppearance
- fieldMaterialHasParentShadedVolumeStyle
- fieldMetaHasParenthead
- fieldMetallicRoughnessTextureHasParentPhysicalMaterial
- fieldMotionsHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldNormalHasParentElevationGrid
- fieldNormalHasParentGeoElevationGrid
- fieldNormalHasParentIndexedLineSet
- fieldNormalHasParentLineSet
- fieldNormalHasParentPointSet
- fieldNormalTextureHasParentMaterial
- fieldNormalTextureHasParentPhysicalMaterial
- fieldNormalTextureHasParentUnlitMaterial
- fieldOcclusionTextureHasParentMaterial
- fieldOcclusionTextureHasParentPhysicalMaterial
- fieldOutputsHasParentChannelSplitter
- fieldPartsHasParentComposedShader
- fieldPhysicsHasParentParticleSystem
- fieldPointPropertiesHasParentAppearance
- fieldProfileCurveHasParentNurbsSwungSurface
- fieldProgramsHasParentProgramShader
- fieldProtoBodyHasParentProtoDeclare
- fieldProtoInterfaceHasParentProtoDeclare
- fieldProxyHasParentCollision
- fieldRemoveChildrenHasParentCADPart
- fieldRemoveChildrenHasParentContour2D
- fieldRemoveChildrenHasParentHAnimJoint
- fieldRemoveChildrenHasParentLayer
- fieldRemoveChildrenHasParentLayoutGroup
- fieldRemoveChildrenHasParentLayoutLayer
- fieldRemovedEntitiesHasParentDISEntityManager
- fieldRemoveGeometryHasParentNurbsSet
- fieldRemoveTrimmingContourHasParentNurbsTrimmedSurface
- fieldRenderStyleHasParentBlendedVolumeStyle
- fieldRenderStyleHasParentComposedVolumeStyle
- fieldRenderStyleHasParentIsoSurfaceVolumeData
- fieldRenderStyleHasParentSegmentedVolumeData
- fieldRenderStyleHasParentVolumeData
- fieldRightHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldRightTextureHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldRightTextureHasParentTextureBackground
- fieldRootNodeHasParentGeoLOD
- fieldSceneHasParentX3D
- fieldSegmentIdentifiersHasParentSegmentedVolumeData
- fieldSegmentsHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSet_contactsHasParentRigidBodyCollection
- fieldShadersHasParentAppearance
- fieldShapeHasParentCADFace
- fieldShapeHasParentCollidableShape
- fieldShininessTextureHasParentMaterial
- fieldSitesHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSkeletonHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSkinBindingCoordsHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSkinBindingNormalsHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSkinCoordHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSkinHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSkinNormalHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldSourceHasParentSound
- fieldSpecularTextureHasParentMaterial
- fieldSurfaceHasParentSurfaceEmitter
- fieldSurfaceNormalsHasParentCartoonVolumeStyle
- fieldSurfaceNormalsHasParentEdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle
- fieldSurfaceNormalsHasParentShadedVolumeStyle
- fieldSurfaceNormalsHasParentSilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle
- fieldSurfaceNormalsHasParentToneMappedVolumeStyle
- fieldTargetObjectHasParentTransformSensor
- fieldTexCoordHasParentElevationGrid
- fieldTexCoordHasParentGeoElevationGrid
- fieldTexCoordHasParentMultiTextureCoordinate
- fieldTexCoordHasParentParticleSystem
- fieldTexCoordRampHasParentParticleSystem
- fieldTextureHasParentAppearance
- fieldTextureHasParentComposedTexture3D
- fieldTextureHasParentMultiTexture
- fieldTexturePropertiesHasParentGeneratedCubeMapTexture
- fieldTexturePropertiesHasParentImageCubeMapTexture
- fieldTexturePropertiesHasParentMovieTexture
- fieldTextureTransformHasParentAppearance
- fieldTextureTransformHasParentMultiTextureTransform
- fieldTopHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldTopTextureHasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- fieldTopTextureHasParentTextureBackground
- fieldTrajectoryCurveHasParentNurbsSweptSurface
- fieldTrajectoryCurveHasParentNurbsSwungSurface
- fieldTransferFunctionHasParentOpacityMapVolumeStyle
- fieldTrimmingContourHasParentNurbsTrimmedSurface
- fieldUnitHasParenthead
- fieldValueHasParentMetadataSet
- fieldViewpointsHasParentHAnimHumanoid
- fieldViewportHasParentLayoutGroup
- fieldVoxelsHasParentBlendedVolumeStyle
- fieldVoxelsHasParentIsoSurfaceVolumeData
- fieldVoxelsHasParentSegmentedVolumeData
- fieldVoxelsHasParentVolumeData
- fieldWatchListHasParent
- fieldWeightTransferFunction1HasParentBlendedVolumeStyle
- fieldWeightTransferFunction2HasParentBlendedVolumeStyle
- hasAddChildren
- hasAddGeometry
- hasAddTrimmingContour
- hasAncestor
- hasBack
- hasBottom
- hasChild
- hasColorRamp
- hasContacts
- hasDescendant
- hasFront
- hasIntersections
- hasLeft
- hasMapping
- hasParent
- hasParentAnalyser
- hasParentAppearance
- hasParentAudioDestination
- hasParentBiquadFilter
- hasParentBlendedVolumeStyle
- hasParentBoundedPhysicsModel
- hasParentCADFace
- hasParentCADPart
- hasParentCartoonVolumeStyle
- hasParentChannelMerger
- hasParentChannelSelector
- hasParentChannelSplitter
- hasParentCollidableOffset
- hasParentCollidableShape
- hasParentCollision
- hasParentCollisionCollection
- hasParentCollisionSensor
- hasParentCollisionSpace
- hasParentComposedCubeMapTexture
- hasParentComposedShader
- hasParentComposedTexture3D
- hasParentComposedVolumeStyle
- hasParentContact
- hasParentContour2D
- hasParentConvolver
- hasParentDelay
- hasParentDISEntityManager
- hasParentDynamicsCompressor
- hasParentEdgeEnhancementVolumeStyle
- hasParentElevationGrid
- hasParentExternProtoDeclare
- hasParentfield
- hasParentfieldValue
- hasParentGain
- hasParentGeneratedCubeMapTexture
- hasParentGeoCoordinate
- hasParentGeoElevationGrid
- hasParentGeoLocation
- hasParentGeoLOD
- hasParentGeoMetadata
- hasParentGeoPositionInterpolator
- hasParentGeoProximitySensor
- hasParentGeoTouchSensor
- hasParentGeoTransform
- hasParentGeoViewpoint
- hasParentHAnimHumanoid
- hasParentHAnimJoint
- hasParentHAnimSegment
- hasParenthead
- hasParentImageCubeMapTexture
- hasParentIndexedLineSet
- hasParentIS
- hasParentIsoSurfaceVolumeData
- hasParentLayer
- hasParentLayerSet
- hasParentLayoutGroup
- hasParentLayoutLayer
- hasParentLineSet
- hasParentLoadSensor
- hasParentMaterial
- hasParentMetadataSet
- hasParentMovieTexture
- hasParentMultiTexture
- hasParentMultiTextureCoordinate
- hasParentMultiTextureTransform
- hasParentNurbsCurve
- hasParentNurbsOrientationInterpolator
- hasParentNurbsPositionInterpolator
- hasParentNurbsSet
- hasParentNurbsSurfaceInterpolator
- hasParentNurbsSweptSurface
- hasParentNurbsSwungSurface
- hasParentNurbsTrimmedSurface
- hasParentOpacityMapVolumeStyle
- hasParentPackagedShader
- hasParentParticleSystem
- hasParentPhysicalMaterial
- hasParentPointSet
- hasParentPolylineEmitter
- hasParentProgramShader
- hasParentProtoBody
- hasParentProtoDeclare
- hasParentProtoInstance
- hasParentProtoInterface
- hasParentRigidBody
- hasParentRigidBodyCollection
- hasParentScene
- hasParentScript
- hasParentSegmentedVolumeData
- hasParentShadedVolumeStyle
- hasParentShaderProgram
- hasParentSilhouetteEnhancementVolumeStyle
- hasParentSound
- hasParentSpatialSound
- hasParentStaticGroup
- hasParentStreamAudioDestination
- hasParentSurfaceEmitter
- hasParentText
- hasParentTextureBackground
- hasParentToneMappedVolumeStyle
- hasParentTransformSensor
- hasParentUnlitMaterial
- hasParentViewpointGroup
- hasParentVolumeData
- hasParentVolumeEmitter
- hasParentWaveShaper
- hasParentX3D
- hasRemoveChildren
- hasRemoveGeometry
- hasRemoveTrimmingContour
- hasRight
- hasTexCoordRamp
- hasTop
- hasWatchList