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X3D Tidy for Scene Cleanup, Corrections and Modifications |
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Overview | Availability | Corrections and Modifications | Parameters | References | Acknowledgements | Contact
X3D Resources: Quality Assurance (QA) | X3D Scene Authoring Hints
Authors can use X3D Tidy to fix minor errors and apply best practices for X3D scene authoring. X3D Tidy provides an additional degree of Quality Assurance (QA) that helps achieve intended results in X3D scenes and metadata.
X3D Tidy takes an .x3d scene (written using the X3D XML encoding) as input, and returns a modified .x3d scene as output. Any corrections are applied in place without changing the overall formatting or layout of the original X3D scene.
X3D Tidy does not attempt to make scene corrections which might change intended scene content or require an authoring decision.
Prerequisite: since X3dTidy.xslt is an XSLT stylesheet, the input .x3d scene must be encoded in valid XML. The X3D Validator and various other tools listed in X3D Resources: Quality Assurance (QA) can help to achieve this necessary level of compliance.
X3D Tidy is an XSLT stylesheet, available at X3dTidy.xslt.
X3D Tidy has passed a significant amount of testing with the open-source X3D Examples Archives. It is available as part of the following tools:
targets, as well as a
which are used to automatically test all scenes in the
X3D Examples Archives.
X3D Tidy is able to make the following unambiguous scene corrections.
as <WorldInfo/>
to name='Image'
array, or <ProtoInstance> fieldValue
values, replace deprecated values
array to include online addresses, prepend .x3d variants to .wrl addresses, or append .wrl variants to .x3d addresses
or vrmlscript:
prefix with ecmascript:
otherwise insert ecmascript:
prefix if missing
from <ProtoInstance USE='SomeProtoInstanceDEFname' containerField='someFieldName'/>
arrays in geometry nodes, detect omissions and append missing space character after -1 sentinel values if needed.
TODO. More adjustment capabilities are planned, suggestions are welcome.
X3D Tidy is able to apply the following scene modifications.
TODO. More adjustment capabilities are planned, suggestions are welcome.
Fine-grained control of X3D Tidy operation can be achieved by overriding any of the following XSLT stylesheet parameters at invocation time.
Default parameter default=value pairs follow:
<!-- Default parameter values follow, can be overridden when invoking this stylesheet --> <xsl:param name="conversionRequired" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="title" ><xsl:text><!-- default title value for file name is empty --></xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="modifyX3dVersion" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="revisedX3dVersion" ><xsl:text>3.3</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="reviseCurrentDate" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="fixDateFormats" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="fixMFStringQuotes" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:te xt></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="fixGeoSystemMetadata" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="fixMetaNamesMatchDublinCore" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="omitObsoleteAttributes" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <!-- prependWorldInfoIfMissing values: true, false, or can also provide name to use --> <xsl:param name="prependWorldInfoIfMissing" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="replaceBlackEmissiveColor" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <!-- expand local url array to include online addresses --> <xsl:param name="fixUrlAdditionHttpAddresses" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <!-- note that url quotes are always added if needed --> <xsl:param name="appendWrlAfterX3dAddresses" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="prependX3dBeforeWrlAddresses"><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="defaultUrlAddress" ><xsl:text><!-- default value is empty --></xsl:text></xsl:param> <!-- baseUrlAvailable false means that stylesheet is being used by servlet, or else styled results won't be in original directory: --> <xsl:param name="baseUrlAvailable" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="changeJavascriptEcmascript" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="insertMissingEcmascript" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="insertMissingMetaLicense" ><xsl:text>true</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="licenseLink" ><xsl:text>https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/license.html</xsl:text></xsl:param>
HAnim: illustrating or cleaning HAnimHumanoid skeletons of HAnimJoint/HAnimSegement/HAnimSite nodes:
<!-- Default parameter values can be overridden when invoking this stylesheet --> <xsl:param name="HAnimGeometryRemove" ><xsl:text>false</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="HAnimSkeletonIllustrate" ><xsl:text>false</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="HAnimSiteIllustrate" ><xsl:text>false</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="HAnimViewpointIllustrate" ><xsl:text>false</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="jointColor" ><xsl:text>1 0.5 0</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="segmentColor" ><xsl:text>1 1 0</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="siteColor" ><xsl:text>1 0 0</xsl:text></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="siteViewpointColor" ><xsl:text>0 0 1</xsl:text></xsl:param> TODO: <xsl:param name="HAnimAddBoneSegments" ><xsl:text>false</xsl:text></xsl:param>
Authors can also suppress the external application of X3D Tidy corrections within an individual scene by including one or more of the following
statements in the
section of an X3D scene.
<!-- Authors can override default X3D Tidy stylesheet parameter values by including meta tag(s) in an X3D scene. Examples follow. --> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="ignore"/> <!-- ignores all corrections --> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="modifyX3dVersion=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="reviseCurrentDate=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="fixMFStringQuotes=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="fixGeoSystemMetadata=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="fixMetaNamesMatchDublinCore=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="fixDateFormats=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="replaceBlackEmissiveColor=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="fixUrlAdditionHttpAddresses=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="appendWrlAfterX3dAddresses=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="prependX3dBeforeWrlAddresses=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="changeJavascriptEcmascript=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="insertMissingEcmascript=false"/> <meta name="X3dTidy" content="insertMissingMetaLicense=false"/>
X3D Tidy has been developed as part of the X3D Quality Assurance (QA) (QA) efforts.
HTML Tidy provides inspiration for this work. The following references describe HTML Tidy functionality in further detail.
Sincere thanks to the many people who have contributed content and suggestions to improve X3D Tidy:
John Carlson, Roy Walmsley, plus the many members of Web3D Consortium and X3D Community.
Updated: 2 July 2022
Maintained by Don Brutzman (brutzman at nps.edu). Comments & suggestions are welcome.
Revisions are found under Sourceforge version control. This page is available online at https://www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/X3dTidy.html