Interface Component

public interface Component
Abstract node interface, defined by X3D Java Scene Access Interface (SAI) Specification to support X3D Java interoperability.

Package hint: This interface is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI). Description of a single component.1188311883 A component description contains useful pieces of information about the requirements. Of primary importance is the specification component name and level. Additional information includes title and URL for the component provider.
See Also:
SAI Java Specification: B.6.1 ComponentInfo, X3D Abstract Specification: COMPONENT statement, X3D Tooltips: Component, X3D Scene Authoring Hints
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int getLevel()
    Get the level of the component.
    java.lang.String getName()
    Get the name of this component.
    java.lang.String getProviderURL()
    Get the URL of the provider.
    java.lang.String getTitle()
    Get the title of this component.
    java.lang.String toX3DString()
    Return a formatted string version of this component that conforms to the X3D specification for X3D file encoding.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
      Get the name of this component.
      name The name of the component
    • getLevel

      int getLevel()
      Get the level of the component. A level is always greater than zero. The level information may represent one of two things, depending on how the component info was created. When created as part of a file that is requesting a specific level of support, the level will indicate the requested level, not the maximum available on the system. When this is returned from a query of the system to see what components are available then the level is maximum supported by the implementation.
      The level value for the component
    • getTitle

      java.lang.String getTitle()
      Get the title of this component. This is a long-form version that can be used in a UI. If no title is set, will return null.
      The title string of the component
    • getProviderURL

      java.lang.String getProviderURL()
      Get the URL of the provider. This is used for user interface information to point an end user at someone who has implemented this bit of functionality. It is not used by the system to download the component or its definition.
      The URL of the provider as a string
    • toX3DString

      java.lang.String toX3DString()
      Return a formatted string version of this component that conforms to the X3D specification for X3D file encoding. The string will start with the COMPONENT keyword, as per specification.
      A correctly formatted string.