Interface X3DFieldTypes

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface X3DFieldTypes
Set of constants corresponding to each X3D field type and accessType.

Package hint: This interface is defined by the X3D Java Language Binding Specification for the Scene Authoring Interface (SAI).
See Also:
SAI Java Specification: B.4.11 X3DFieldTypes, SAI Abstract Specification: 5.2.15 SAIFieldType, X3D Abstract Specification: 5.3 Field types, X3D Tooltips, X3D Scene Authoring Hints
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int INITIALIZE_ONLY
    Enumeration constant INITIALIZE_ONLY has value 2.
    static int INPUT_ONLY
    Enumeration constant INPUT_ONLY has value 1.
    static int INPUT_OUTPUT
    Enumeration constant INPUT_OUTPUT has value 3.
    static int MFBOOL
    Enumeration constant MFBOOL has value 2.
    static int MFCOLOR
    Enumeration constant MFCOLOR has value 22.
    static int MFCOLORRGBA
    Enumeration constant MFCOLORRGBA has value 24.
    static int MFDOUBLE
    Enumeration constant MFDOUBLE has value 8.
    static int MFFLOAT
    Enumeration constant MFFLOAT has value 6.
    static int MFIMAGE
    Enumeration constant MFIMAGE has value 26.
    static int MFINT32
    Enumeration constant MFINT32 has value 4.
    static int MFMATRIX3D
    Enumeration constant MFMATRIX3D has value 38.
    static int MFMATRIX3F
    Enumeration constant MFMATRIX3F has value 36.
    static int MFMATRIX4D
    Enumeration constant MFMATRIX4D has value 42.
    static int MFMATRIX4F
    Enumeration constant MFMATRIX4F has value 40.
    static int MFNODE
    Enumeration constant MFNODE has value 12.
    static int MFROTATION
    Enumeration constant MFROTATION has value 20.
    static int MFSTRING
    Enumeration constant MFSTRING has value 28.
    static int MFTIME
    Enumeration constant MFTIME has value 10.
    static int MFVEC2D
    Enumeration constant MFVEC2D has value 30.
    static int MFVEC2F
    Enumeration constant MFVEC2F has value 14.
    static int MFVEC3D
    Enumeration constant MFVEC3D has value 18.
    static int MFVEC3F
    Enumeration constant MFVEC3F has value 16.
    static int MFVEC4D
    Enumeration constant MFVEC4D has value 34.
    static int MFVEC4F
    Enumeration constant MFVEC4F has value 32.
    static int OUTPUT_ONLY
    Enumeration constant OUTPUT_ONLY has value 4.
    static int SFBOOL
    Enumeration constant SFBOOL has value 1.
    static int SFCOLOR
    Enumeration constant SFCOLOR has value 21.
    static int SFCOLORRGBA
    Enumeration constant SFCOLORRGBA has value 23.
    static int SFDOUBLE
    Enumeration constant SFDOUBLE has value 7.
    static int SFFLOAT
    Enumeration constant SFFLOAT has value 5.
    static int SFIMAGE
    Enumeration constant SFIMAGE has value 25.
    static int SFINT32
    Enumeration constant SFINT32 has value 3.
    static int SFMATRIX3D
    Enumeration constant SFMATRIX3D has value 37.
    static int SFMATRIX3F
    Enumeration constant SFMATRIX3F has value 35.
    static int SFMATRIX4D
    Enumeration constant SFMATRIX4D has value 41.
    static int SFMATRIX4F
    Enumeration constant SFMATRIX4F has value 39.
    static int SFNODE
    Enumeration constant SFNODE has value 11.
    static int SFROTATION
    Enumeration constant SFROTATION has value 19.
    static int SFSTRING
    Enumeration constant SFSTRING has value 27.
    static int SFTIME
    Enumeration constant SFTIME has value 9.
    static int SFVEC2D
    Enumeration constant SFVEC2D has value 29.
    static int SFVEC2F
    Enumeration constant SFVEC2F has value 13.
    static int SFVEC3D
    Enumeration constant SFVEC3D has value 17.
    static int SFVEC3F
    Enumeration constant SFVEC3F has value 15.
    static int SFVEC4D
    Enumeration constant SFVEC4D has value 33.
    static int SFVEC4F
    Enumeration constant SFVEC4F has value 31.