[Source] troubleshooting Netbeans configuration and Xj3D build_nps.xml under 64-bit Windows 7

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Sun Dec 11 13:45:06 PST 2011

On 12/11/2011 1:31 PM, Alan Hudson wrote:
> I notice you have odejava natives being loaded. I have some memory of their being some strange interactions between gluegen and either the audio or physics systems. I seem to remember one of them having old copies of gluegen which forced it into some wierd state. You might try removing the odejava or audio jars / dlls to see if that resolves it. Or maybe just the gluegen jar/dll for those projects.

hmmm, curious/interesting but still obscure to me...  will wait until
i can work together with Terry who has a much better grip on such things.
again thanks.

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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