[Source] troubleshooting Netbeans configuration and Xj3D build_nps.xml under 64-bit Windows 7

Alan Hudson alan at shapeways.com
Tue Dec 13 09:48:28 PST 2011

On 12/12/2011 5:34 PM, Don Brutzman wrote:
> summary:  success!
> After the jogamp versions failed, Terry extracted the relevant binary
> jogl and gluegen .dll and .jar files from the Netbeans OpenGl Plugin
> project.
> http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/3260/netbeans-opengl-pack
> After deleting all of the prior .dll and .jar files, i dropped those in.
>> brutzman
>> 2011-12-12 17:07:03 -0800 (Mon, 12 Dec 2011)
>> 88
>> opengl, gluegen binaries from Netbeans OpenGl Plugin, tested sat under Windows 7 64-bit
>> D   branches/NPS/lib/gluegen-rt.jar
>> A   branches/NPS/lib/gluegen-rt.jar
>> U   branches/NPS/lib/jogl.jar
>> U   branches/NPS/natives/x86_64/win/jogl.dll
>> U   branches/NPS/natives/x86_64/win/jogl_awt.dll
>> U   branches/NPS/natives/x86_64/win/jogl_cg.dll
> rendering worked on windows 7 64 bit!!
> for moving boxes at least.    8)
Rex thought there was some incompatability with the new version that he 
couldn't work out before.  It would be nice to get moved over to jogamp 
as it seems alive.  But for now please do not check that into trunk.  
We'll need to investigate whether it just works or needs Aviatrix3D changes.
> checked them into our NPS branch.  Terry then updated them
> on his Mac.  rendering works, but joal didn't.  this makes
> sense because both jogl and joal are dependent on gluegen.
> we backed up one version of gluegen and that restored audio
> without breaking rendering... this is the kind of balancing
> act that Terry has been doing all along.
the state of Java native libraries is sad and likely going downhill.  
Best I can tell there is no Oracle support for media libraries.  I 
suspect that for all native library projects we want to use we'll have 
to be heavily involved to keep them working for us.
> so we will go forward with this jogl for now, for the
> NPS build.  we didn't try experimenting with the trunk.
> so, looking ahead, it would be good to get clear
> on what are the authoritative binaries
> for jogl/joal/gluegen that work with aviatrix...
> jogamp or netbeans pack or something else?
I checked in what I view as the authoritative version of jogl fore Xj3D 
into the natives directory.  I do not have version of JOAL or odejava I 
consider authortitative.

Alan Hudson, Director 3D Tools

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