[Source] [X3D] X3D Schema, DTD corrections: Pi/2 bounds were incorrect at 1.5708

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Mon Sep 5 18:26:31 PDT 2011

On 9/5/2011 3:39 PM, Justin Couch wrote:
> Norbraten, Terry (CIV) wrote:
>> I believe it's a manual pull down of the DTDs from time to time from
>> Web3D.  It was performed by me during May this year.
> Yes. In the past we have done it manually because we want quality control
> over what is in the codebase. Automated commits can cause lots of problems
> because you can't guarantee what is going in there. There is also the
> potential that other stuff needs to be updated along the way (eg bindings
> to the XML might need to change, or the parser code itself).

OK.  Thanks.

I updated manually and tested the latest DTD(s) in the NPS branch.

The current update fixed the Xj3D binary compression errors that
were getting thrown by various field defaults of 1.5708 > Math.PI / 2

I regenerated all of the .x3db examples for two archives,
X3dForWebAuthors and ConformanceNist.  This provides a pretty
thorough selection of X3D nodes (247 + 732 models total).
No validation problems noted. This tests Xj3D validation
using the DTD each time.

(Xj3D binary compression does have trouble with prototypes and some
of the newer nodes, but those are other topics for another time.)

Wondering what other checks beside scene validation would need to be
performed prior to updating the trunk with latest DTDs?
Change summary available at

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br      brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270   MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA  +1.831.656.2149
X3D, virtual worlds, underwater robots     http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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