[Source] AV3D Repository relocation to GitHub

Justin Couch justin at vlc.com.au
Sat Aug 11 20:18:06 PDT 2012

Just letting everyone know that I've moved the AV3D and j3d core 
repositories over to github.

The new URLs to clone them are:


Over the coming weeks I'll be also adding in maven build support for 
these libraries. This will result in some substantial reorganisation of 
the repository directories to suit maven's preferences.

Bug tracking I will move over to GitHub but will keep the j3d.org 
websites on my own server. Eventually I intend to move these to a CMS to 
make management easier for me and encourage me to update stuff more 
often! Sadly life has had a way of getting in the road with a lot of 
things recently. :(

Justin Couch                         http://www.vlc.com.au/justin/
3D Java Graphics Information                    http://www.j3d.org/
"Humanism is dead. Animals think, feel; so do machines now.
Neither man nor woman is the measure of all things. Every organism
processes data according to its domain, its environment; you, with
all your brains, would be useless in a mouse's universe..."
                                               - Greg Bear, Slant

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