[Source] problem with jgeom build, java3d dependency

Justin Couch justin at vlc.com.au
Wed Nov 27 17:38:37 PST 2013

On 28/11/2013 12:45 am, Vincent Marchetti wrote:

> I'm not sure if distributing javax.media.j3d package with jgeom is a good idea (even though we partially do this by including vecmath.jar in our distribution). I may have to ponder this over some pumpkin pie, or at least try to find out what the Best Practices are thought to be for this. I thought the javax.* packages were supposed to be standard extensions, preinstalled or maintained by the JRE; and I wonder what other incompatibilities will be introduced if we start substituting our own updates to Java3d.

Generally not a good idea to rely on it. For all intents and purposes 
Java3D is dead and with it vecmath.  Updates to this are not available 
and haven't been since about 2008 or so. The latest version on Maven is 
1.3.1 from around 2004, nowhere near the "current" version of 1.5.1.

For AV3D 3.0 I've totally removed vecmath and implemented my own 
replacement for it.

Justin Couch                                 http://www.vlc.com.au/
Java 3D Graphics Information                    http://www.j3d.org/
LinkedIn                     http://au.linkedin.com/in/justincouch/
G+                                                       WetMorgoth
"Look through the lens, and the light breaks down into many lights.
  Turn it or move it, and a new set of arrangements appears... is it
  a single light or many lights, lights that one must know how to
  distinguish, recognise and appreciate? Is it one light with many
  frames or one frame for many lights?"      -Subcomandante Marcos

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