[X3D-Public] Specific FreeWRL notes - was Re: VRML models - was Re: Octaga?

John A. Stewart astewart at crc.ca
Sat May 7 06:42:10 PDT 2011

Hi Joe/Richard/Don;

Richard - The "Classic" format for FreeWRL does not like your PROTOs  
for reasons that I won't get into here. It's not your problem, BTW,  
but FreeWRL's.

The XML parser for FreeWRL has a different (newer) implementation of  
PROTOS and EXTERNPROTOS, so it might work better.

Don's "Classic" to "XML" converter also has issues with your input -  
too bad, as it would have been nice to run that through FreeWRL to see  
how the XML-encoded parser handled it.

Joe - I agree about HAnim support; the FreeWRL volunteers are  
currently focusing on making the interface between the  
platform-specific and the bulk of the FreeWRL code common on all  
platforms. I think that after we have the code solid on the targeted  
platforms (windows, linux, osx, iphone, android, .net devices, browser  
plugins, standalone installs) then work on supplimenting the node  
support can continue.

John A. Stewart

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