[x3d-public] XML3D/X3DOM integration query.
Philipp Slusallek
philipp.slusallek at dfki.de
Sun Aug 14 22:55:05 PDT 2016
Am 15.08.2016 um 06:34 schrieb John Carlson:
>> On Aug 15, 2016 12:27 AM, "Leonard Daly" <Leonard.Daly at realism.com> wrote:
>>> Okay. I have heard that X3DOM is going to be integrated with XML3D, and probably glTF and SRC, so it’s a very good place to be.
>> John, I had not heard this (XML3D integration). Perhaps I am reading more into your statement than you intended. I did hear about a discussion that it could be done. X3DOM already supports SRC. SRC is a short step away from glTF. I expect to have working code for that this year.
> I believe the information came from Philip, but I'd have to go through
> the archives to make sure. I will do some searches.
Some background on what we have done here:
Recently we have started to condense the core of XML3D into a reusable
core library for Declarative 3D on the Web. This core library covers all
the necessary functionality to put XML3D and X3D (!) on top of it,
simply using WebComponents.
This core library covers
-- Rendering elements, which cover a flexible drawable element,
appearance/lighting, and fully programmable materials/shading via
shade.js. This part also covers the interface to the renderer, where we
reuse Three.js for now but plan to support a real-time ray tracer soon
as well.
-- Data elements, which provide the flexible definition and reuse of
generic data representation as well as data processing using flowgraphs
that can be generated from with these elements (Xflow) that can be used
for animation, geometry/image processing, and such,
-- Scene graph elements for organizing the other elements and handling
hierarchical transformations. This also includes the advanced CSS
support of XML3D.
In a sense, the system provides all the benefits of XML3D (generic data
handling & processing, fully programmable shading, and so on) and makes
it available also for X3D.
We demonstrated this simply by writing suitable WebComonents. They
simply map their specific X3D data attributes into the underlying
framework using the flexible data engine of Xflow. We have shown that
this works rather well and easily.
So far, we have implemented 16 of the core X3DOM nodes (probably more by
now). So there are still plenty of elements to go. Some of the advanced
nodes (e.g. volume rendering) would also need extensions to the core
library. The current state is a proof of concept, but we have already
shown all the basic 3D stuff, skeletal animation, skinning, automatic
generation of geometry, and others.
Actually, these additional WebComponents could be provided by a central
repository (e.g. managed by Web3D?) and automatically get loaded on
demand when referenced in a scene. Think of it as "Docker services for
3D". This would allow for a nice, incremental, and distributed
development. This is how our prototype works internally already.
So in essence, yes, we have shown that X3D could be combined with XML3D
into a single core system -- plus WebComponents that provide the many
additional domain-specific elements. However, whether this integration
really happens on a larger scale, is an open question. There definitely
was a lot of interest at the Web3D conference. But we cannot do this alone.
We would be happy to work with people who want to drive this further.
After a bit of cleanup, we plan to provide the system on Github for
everyone to extend and enhance. Maybe the Web3D consortium might be
interested in coordinating this?
All this work was published at Web3D this year. The paper is in the
Web3D proceedings and will be up shortly also on
> On Aug 15, 2016 12:27 AM, "Leonard Daly" <Leonard.Daly at realism.com
> <mailto:Leonard.Daly at realism.com>> wrote:
> Sorry for the late replies...
>> Okay. I have heard that X3DOM is going to be integrated with
>> XML3D, and probably glTF and SRC, so it’s a very good place to be.
> John, I had not heard this (XML3D integration). Perhaps I am reading
> more into your statement than you intended. I did hear about a
> discussion that it could be done. X3DOM already supports SRC. SRC is
> a short step away from glTF. I expect to have working code for that
> this year.
>> Cobweb will likely follow suit. To use X3DOM in the near term,
>> you may need to study X3D XML encoding.
> Not sure where your information is coming from. This does not agree
> with conversations I had with Max & Johannes.
>> Not all features are supported in X3DOM. Andreas Plesch and
>> Leonard Daly know more about the internals of X3DOM, so maybe we
>> could form a team to help you out. My phone number is
>> 712-369-1032 <tel:712-369-1032>. Let me know what phone number
>> you are calling from.
>> __ __
>> I don’t have any presentations planned, but could probably whip up
>> a few things I know. If you want to go with the X3D JSON
>> encoding, I would choose Roy Walmsley, Don Brutzman and myself to
>> go over the details of the X3D JSON encoding, and use my X3D JSON
>> Loader as a reference for X3DOM (in the short term).
> The presentations I gave at Web3D and SIGGRAPH are at
> http://realism.com/presentations/188?title=Extending-X3DOM-to-Mobile
> <http://realism.com/presentations/188?title=Extending-X3DOM-to-Mobile>.
> This is an HTML-based presentation slides. It comes in 2 parts. It
> covers the work I have been doing in X3DOM to develop support for
> mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.) and virtual reality. I hope
> to have all of the code discussed in the presentation up this week
> on Github. There will be a separate announcement to x3d-public,
> x3dom-users, and x3dom-developers.
> Leonard Daly
>> __ __
>> John____
>> __ __
>> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>
>> for Windows 10
>> __ __
>> *From: *Puvithra Chandrasekar <mailto:puvithrac at gmail.com>
>> *Sent: *Friday, August 12, 2016 3:06 AM
>> *To: *John Carlson <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>
>> *Subject: *RE: [x3dom-developers] x3dom Open points
>> __ __
>> Thank you for fast reply...
>> Am working in Robert Bosch.Currently we have used x3dom to
>> generate 3d diagram.we need more information regarding this plugin
>> to go future.If you share your contact we can have a call to
>> discuss on functionalities in x3dom.If you take any session in
>> webex we will join and we will be more interested to attend x3dom
>> training it will be very helpfull for us
>> Waiting for your response..
>> Thanks
>> Regards,
>> Puvithra
>> On Aug 12, 2016 12:22 PM, "John Carlson" <yottzumm at gmail.com
>> <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>> wrote:____
>> It’s by no means perfect, but this app uses X3DOM, Cobweb, and
>> X3D JSON Loader as well as the JSON Prototype Expander. Other
>> links I have include EXI and GPG (will take some time)
>> encryption if you are interested.____
>> https://x3d.carlsonsolutiondesign.com/
>> <https://x3d.carlsonsolutiondesign.com/> Many more examples
>> are here: https://x3d.carlsonsolutiondesign.com/index2.html
>> <https://x3d.carlsonsolutiondesign.com/index2.html>
>> Let me know if your company needs more help coming up to speed
>> on X3DOM.
>> Here’s a video of a Kibana plugin I wrote with X3DOM, Angular
>> and D3.js: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZbO2Y8NNS8
>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZbO2Y8NNS8>
>> Enjoy!
>> John
>> Sent from Mail
>> <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
>> *From: *Puvithra Chandrasekar <mailto:puvithrac at gmail.com>
>> *Sent: *Friday, August 12, 2016 12:54 AM
>> *To: *John Carlson <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>
>> *Subject: *Re: [x3dom-developers] x3dom Open points
>> Dear John,
>> Could you please share link if any application is implemented
>> using x3dom .
>> I need to share the usage of x3dom and so every application in
>> my office they will start using this plugin.Kindly share if
>> any live link is available.
>> Thanks in Advance
>> Regards
>> Puvithra
>> __ __
> --
> *Leonard Daly*
> 3D Systems & Cloud Consultant
> X3D Co-Chair on Sabbatical
> President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
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