[x3d-public] [h-anim] HAnim LOA3 with 390 pr skin w and w/o Ext Proto

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 8 18:47:12 PDT 2016

Thanks, Don,
I like the .x3dv version because I can make it easy to count the 
For the deformable skin you must know the exact order that a point 
appears in the user code. Then the number (index) of the point is 
listed in the appropriate skinCoordIndex of the Joint that controls 
the deformation.

     coord DEF JoeSkinCoord Coordinate { point [

0.0 1.77 0.0               #0 skull_tip
0.0 1.665 0.09             #1 sellion
-0.033 1.62 0.087          #2 r_infraorbitale
0.033 1.62 0.087           #3 l_infraorbitale
0.0 1.55 0.097             #4 supramenton
-0.077 1.64 -0.01          #5 r_tragion
-0.0527 1.58 0.015         #6 r_gonion
0.077 1.64 -0.01           #7 l_tragion
0.0527 1.58 0.015          #8 l_gonion
0.0 1.625 -0.0925          #9 nuchale
-0.03 1.46 0.035           #10 r_clavicale
0.0 1.44 0.03              #11 suprasternale
0.03 1.46 0.035            #12 l_clavicale
-0.1135 1.318 0.095        #13 r_thelion
0.1135 1.318 0.095         #14 l_thelion
0.0 1.25 0.113             #15 substernale
-0.087 1.19 0.09           #16 r_rib10
-0.0935 1.03 0.075         #17 r_asis
0.087 1.19 0.09            #18 l_rib10
0.0935 1.03 0.075          #19 l_asis
-0.1425 1.065 0.0033       #20 r_iliocristale
-0.15 0.9 -0.01            #21 r_trochanterion
0.1425 1.065 0.0033        #22 l_iliocristale
0.15 0.9 -0.01             #23 l_trochanterion
0.0 1.53 -0.084            #24 cervicale
0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113      #25 rib10_midspine
-0.0773 1.019 -0.12        #26 r_psis
0.0773 1.019 -0.12         #27 l_psis
0.005 1.0915 -0.1091       #28 waist_preferred_post
# right arm
-0.178 1.4825 -0.0625      #29 r_acromion
-0.17 1.38 0.007           #30 r_axilla_ant
-0.1884 0.8676 -0.036      #31 r_radial_styloid
-0.16 1.38 -0.127          #32 r_axilla_post
-0.2 1.1388 -0.08          #33 r_olecranon
-0.244 1.1388 -0.04        #34 r_humeral_lateral_epicn
-0.165 1.1388 -0.04        #35 r_humeral_medial_epicn
-0.23 1.133 -0.055         #36 r_radiale Not used in this skin
-0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177     #37 r_metacarpal_pha2
-0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423     #38 r_dactylion tip of middle finger
-0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584     #39 r_ulnar_styloid
-0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064     #40 r_metacarpal_pha5
# left arm
0.175 1.4825 -0.06         #41 l_acromion
0.17 1.38 0.007            #42 l_axilla_ant
0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415      #43 l_radial_styloid
0.16 1.38 -0.125           #44 l_axilla_post
0.2 1.1388 -0.08           #45 l_olecranon
0.165 1.1388 -0.04         #46 l_humeral_medial_epicn
0.244 1.1388 -0.04         #47 l_humeral_lateral_epicn
0.23 1.133 -0.055          #48 l_radiale Not used in this skin
0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237      #49 l_metacarpal_pha2
0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482      #50 l_dactylion
0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648      #51 l_ulnar_styloid
0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122      #52 l_metacarpal_pha5
-0.1 0.4913 -0.03          #53 r_knee_crease
-0.17 0.466 0.0            #54 r_femoral_lateral_epicn
-0.05 0.466 0.0            #55 r_femoral_medial_epicn
-0.165 0.01 0.12           #56 r_metatarsal_pha5
-0.15 0.07 0.0             #57 r_lateral_malleolus
-0.085 0.086 0.0125        #58 r_medial_malleolus
-0.09 0.056 0.0125         #59 r_sphyrion
-0.115 0.02 0.122          #60 r_metatarsal_pha1
-0.115  0.04 -0.055        #61 r_calcaneous_post
-0.110 0.011 0.19          #62 r_digit2
0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309      #63 l_knee_crease
0.17 0.466 0.0             #64 l_femoral_lateral_epicn
0.05 0.4867 0.0            #65 l_femoral_medial_epicn
0.165 0.01 0.12            #66 l_metatarsal_pha5
0.15 0.07 0.0              #67 l_lateral_malleolus
0.085 0.086 0.0125         #68 l_medial_malleolus
0.09 0.056 0.0125          #69 l_sphyrion
0.115 0.02 0.122           #70 l_metatarsal_pha1
0.115  0.04 -0.055         #71 l_calcaneous_post
0.110 0.011 0.19           #72 l_digit2
0.0 0.875 0.0              #73 crotch
-0.0646 1.5149 -0.038      #74 r_neck_base
0.0646 1.5149 -0.038       #75 l_neck_base
0.0 1.07225 0.09           #76 navel
-0.11 1.427 -0.1375        #77 add r_acromioclavicular back
-0.235 1.42 -0.0625        #78 add r_shoulder skin outboard
0.11 1.427 -0.1375         #79 add l_acromioclavicular back
0.235 1.42 -0.0625         #80 add l_shoulder skin outboard
0.0 1.41 -0.145            #81 add center top back
0.0 0.925 0.08             #82 add center front lower
-0.087 1.19 -0.09          #83 add back opposite rib10
0.087 1.19 -0.09           #84 add back opposite rib10
0.172 1.32 -0.03           #85 add mid left top
-0.172 1.32 -0.03          #86 add mid right top
0.15 1.23 -0.015           #87 add mid left mid
-0.15 1.23 -0.015          #88 add mid right mid
0.079 0.92 -0.14           #89 add back of l_hip
0.1 0.90 0.077             #90 add front of l_hip
-0.079 0.92 -0.14          #91 add back of r_hip
-0.1 0.90 0.075            #92 add front of r_hip
0.0 0.87 0.0               #93 add between legs
0.171 0.65 0.0             #94 add below l_hip outside
0.02 0.65 0.0              #95 add below l_hip inside
0.1 0.65 -0.08             #96 add below l_hip back
0.1 0.65 0.07              #97 add below l_hip front
-0.171 0.65 0.0            #98 add below r_hip outside
-0.02 0.65 0.0             #99 add below r_hip inside
-0.1 0.65 -0.08            #100 add below r_hip back
-0.1 0.65 0.07             #101 add below r_hip front
# left arm
0.25 1.27 -0.04            #102 add at left mid arm
0.17 1.27 -0.04            #103 add at left mid arm
0.2 1.27 -0.09             #104 add at mid left arm
0.2 1.27 0.02              #105 add at left mid arm
0.244 1.1388 -0.04         #106 add at left elbow outer use 
0.165 1.1388 -0.04         #107 add at left elbow inner use 
0.2 1.1388 -0.08           #108 add at left elbow back use l_olecranon
0.2 1.1388 -0.013          #109 add at left elbow front
0.225 1.0 -0.01            #110 add below left elbow outside front
0.225 1.0 -0.07            #111 add below left elbow outside back
0.185 1.0 -0.01            #112 add below left elbow inside front
0.185 1.0 -0.07            #113 add below left elbow inside back
# left wrist and hand (only -x to +x changed from right)
0.2 1.1388 -0.04           #114 0 at elbow center not used
0.225 0.92 -0.04           #115 1 add above wrist outside front
0.175 0.92 -0.04           #116 2 add above wrist inside front
0.2 0.92 -0.065        #117 3 add above wrist inside back
0.2 0.92 -0.015        #118 4 add above wrist front
0.225 0.89 -0.04       #119 5 left wrist outside front
0.175 0.89 -0.04       #120 6 left wrist outside front
0.2   0.89 -0.065      #121 7 left wrist outside front
0.2   0.89 -0.015      #122 8 left wrist outside front
0.218 0.86 -0.04       #123 9 below left wrist
0.184 0.86 -0.04       #124 10  below left wrist
0.2 0.87 -0.07         #125 1   below left wrist
0.2 0.87 0.0           #126 2 # left hand metacarples # r_thumb1
0.21 0.85 0.0          #127 3
0.1854 0.85 0.0        #128 4 # l_index0
0.212 0.84 -0.015      #129 5
0.183 0.84 -0.015      #130 6 # l_middle0
0.213 0.835 -0.04      #131 7
0.190 0.835 -0.04      #132 8 # l_ring0
0.211 0.835 -0.065     #133 9
0.192 0.835 -0.065     #134 20 # l_pinky0
0.208 0.84 -0.085      #135 1
0.190 0.84 -0.085      #136 2
0.2 0.84 -0.095        #137 3 # l_thumb web
0.215 0.82 0.0         #138 4
0.193 0.815 0.005      #139 5
0.198 0.80 0.012       #140 6 # l_thumb 2
0.21 0.82 0.03         #141 7
0.19 0.82 0.03         #142 8
0.2 0.835 0.039        #143 9 # l_thumb 3
0.212 0.8 0.05         #144 30
0.188 0.8 0.05         #145 1
0.2 0.807 0.057        #146 2
0.2 0.793 0.035        #147 3 # l_thumb end
0.2 0.774 0.076        #148 4 tip
0.212 0.78 0.07        #149 5
0.188 0.78 0.07        #150 6
0.2 0.785 0.075        #151 7
0.2 0.77 0.062         #152 8 # l_index1
0.215 0.793 -0.015     #153 9
0.187 0.793 -0.015     #154 40
0.2 0.793 -0.005       #155 1 # l_middle1
0.215 0.788 -0.04      #156 2
0.187 0.788 -0.04      #157 3 # l_ring1
0.215 0.793 -0.065     #158 4
0.187 0.793 -0.065     #159 5 # l_pinky1
0.21 0.79 -0.085       #160 6
0.19 0.79 -0.085       #161 7
0.2 0.79 -0.095        #162 8 # l_between fingers
0.19 0.77 -0.0275      #163 9
0.19 0.77 -0.0525      #164 50
0.19 0.78 -0.0775      #165 1 # l_index2
0.212 0.745 -0.015     #166 2
0.188 0.745 -0.02      #167 3
0.2 0.745 -0.0255      #168 4
0.2 0.745 -0.0045      #169 5 # l_index3
0.211 0.72 -0.015      #170 6
0.189 0.72 -0.015      #171 7
0.2 0.72 -0.0252       #172 8
0.2 0.72 -0.0048       #173 9 # l_indexend
0.21 0.695 -0.015      #174 60
0.19 0.695 -0.015      #175 1
0.2 0.695 -0.025       #176 2
0.2 0.695 -0.005       #177 3
0.2 0.685 -0.015       #178 4 # l_middle2
0.215 0.74 -0.04       #179 5
0.185 0.74 -0.04       #180 6
0.2 0.74 -0.055        #181 7
0.2 0.74 -0.025        #182 8 # l_middle3
0.21 0.7142 -0.04      #183 9
0.19 0.7142 -0.04      #184 70
0.2 0.7142 -0.053      #185 1
0.2 0.7142 -0.027      #186 2 # l_middleend
0.21 0.68 -0.04        #187 3
0.19 0.68 -0.04        #188 4
0.2 0.68 -0.05         #189 5
0.2 0.68 -0.03         #190 6
0.2 0.67 -0.04         #191 7 # l_ring2
0.212 0.74 -0.065      #192 8
0.188 0.74 -0.065      #193 9
0.2 0.74 -0.0756       #194 80
0.2 0.74 -0.0542       #195 1 # l_ring3
0.21 0.7177 -0.065     #196 2
0.19 0.7177 -0.065     #197 3
0.2 0.7177 -0.0751     #198 4
0.2 0.7177 -0.0549     #199 5 # l_ringend
0.21 0.695 -0.065      #200 6
0.19 0.695 -0.065      #201 7
0.2 0.695 -0.075       #202 8
0.2 0.695 -0.055       #203 9
0.2 0.685 -0.065       #204 90 # l_pinky2
0.211 0.755 -0.085     #205 1
0.189 0.755 -0.085     #206 2
0.2 0.755 -0.0952      #207 3
0.2 0.755 -0.0748      #208 4 # l_pinky3
0.21 0.735 -0.085      #209 5
0.19 0.735 -0.085      #210 6
0.2 0.735 -0.0951      #211 7
0.2 0.735 -0.0749      #212 8 # l_pinkyend
0.21 0.72 -0.085       #213 9
0.19 0.72 -0.085       #214 100
0.2 0.72 -0.095        #215 1
0.2 0.72 -0.075        #216 2
0.2 0.71 -0.085        #217 3
# right arm
-0.23 1.23  -0.04      #218 114 add at right mid arm outside
-0.16 1.23  -0.04      #219 115 add at right mid arm inside
-0.2 1.235 -0.105      #220 116 add at right mid arm back
-0.2 1.255 0.02        #221 117 add at right mid arm front
-0.244 1.1388 -0.04    #222 118 add at right elbow outer use 
-0.165 1.1388 -0.04    #223 119 add at right elbow inner use 
-0.2 1.1388 -0.08      #224 120 add at right elbow back use 
-0.2 1.1388 0.013      #225 121 add at right elbow front
-0.225 1.0 -0.01       #226 122 add below right elbow outside front
-0.225 1.0 -0.07       #227 123 add below right elbow outside back
-0.185 1.0 -0.01       #228 124 add below right elbow inside front
-0.185 1.0 -0.07       #229 125 add below right elbow inside back
# right wrist and hand
-0.2 1.1388 -0.04      #230 0 at elbow center not used
-0.225 0.92 -0.04      #231 1 # above right wrist
-0.175 0.92 -0.04      #232 2
-0.2 0.92 -0.065       #233 3
-0.2 0.92 -0.015       #234 4 # right wrist
-0.225 0.89 -0.04       #235 5
-0.175 0.89 -0.04       #236 6
-0.2   0.89 -0.065      #237 7
-0.2   0.89 -0.015      #238 8 # below right wrist
-0.218 0.86 -0.04       #239 9
-0.184 0.86 -0.04       #240 10
-0.2 0.87 -0.07         #241 1
-0.2 0.87 0.0           #242 2 # right hand metacarples # r_thumb1
-0.21 0.85 0.0          #243 3
-0.1854 0.85 0.0        #244 4 # r_index0
-0.212 0.84 -0.015      #245 5
-0.183 0.84 -0.015      #246 6 # r_middle0
-0.213 0.835 -0.04      #247 7
-0.190 0.835 -0.04      #248 8 # r_ring0
-0.211 0.835 -0.065     #249 9
-0.192 0.835 -0.065     #250 20 # r_pinky0
-0.208 0.84 -0.085      #251 1
-0.190 0.84 -0.085      #252 2
-0.2 0.84 -0.095        #253 3 # r_thumb web
-0.215 0.82 0.0         #254 4
-0.193 0.815 0.005      #255 5
-0.198 0.80 0.012       #256 6 # r_thumb 2
-0.21 0.82 0.03         #257 7
-0.19 0.82 0.03         #258 8
-0.2 0.835 0.039        #259 9 # r_thumb 3
-0.212 0.8 0.05         #260 30
-0.188 0.8 0.05         #261 1
-0.2 0.807 0.057        #262 2
-0.2 0.793 0.035        #263 3 # r_thumb end
-0.2 0.774 0.076        #264 4 tip
-0.212 0.78 0.07        #265 5
-0.188 0.78 0.07        #266 6
-0.2 0.785 0.075        #267 7
-0.2 0.77 0.062         #268 8 # r_index1
-0.215 0.793 -0.015     #269 9
-0.187 0.793 -0.015     #270 40
-0.2 0.793 -0.005       #271 1 # r_middle1
-0.215 0.788 -0.04      #272 2
-0.187 0.788 -0.04      #273 3 # r_ring1
-0.215 0.793 -0.065     #274 4
-0.187 0.793 -0.065     #275 5 # r_pinky1
-0.21 0.79 -0.085       #276 6
-0.19 0.79 -0.085       #277 7
-0.2 0.79 -0.095        #278 8 # r_between fingers
-0.19 0.77 -0.0275      #279 9
-0.19 0.77 -0.0525      #280 50
-0.19 0.78 -0.0775      #281 1 # r_index2
-0.212 0.745 -0.015     #282 2
-0.188 0.745 -0.02      #283 3
-0.2 0.745 -0.0255      #284 4
-0.2 0.745 -0.0045      #285 5 # r_index3
-0.211 0.72 -0.015      #286 6
-0.189 0.72 -0.015      #287 7
-0.2 0.72 -0.0252       #288 8
-0.2 0.72 -0.0048       #289 9 # r_indexend
-0.21 0.695 -0.015      #290 60
-0.19 0.695 -0.015      #291 1
-0.2 0.695 -0.025       #292 2
-0.2 0.695 -0.005       #293 3
-0.2 0.685 -0.015       #294 4 # r_middle2
-0.215 0.74 -0.04       #295 5
-0.185 0.74 -0.04       #296 6
-0.2 0.74 -0.055        #297 7
-0.2 0.74 -0.025        #298 8 # r_middle3
-0.21 0.7142 -0.04      #299 9
-0.19 0.7142 -0.04      #300 70
-0.2 0.7142 -0.053      #301 1
-0.2 0.7142 -0.027      #302 2 # r_middleend
-0.21 0.68 -0.04        #303 3
-0.19 0.68 -0.04        #304 4
-0.2 0.68 -0.05         #305 5
-0.2 0.68 -0.03         #306 6
-0.2 0.67 -0.04         #307 7 # r_ring2
-0.212 0.74 -0.065      #308 8
-0.188 0.74 -0.065      #309 9
-0.2 0.74 -0.0756       #310 80
-0.2 0.74 -0.0542       #311 1 # r_ring3
-0.21 0.7177 -0.065     #312 2
-0.19 0.7177 -0.065     #313 3
-0.2 0.7177 -0.0751     #314 4
-0.2 0.7177 -0.0549     #315 5 # r_ringend
-0.21 0.695 -0.065      #316 6
-0.19 0.695 -0.065      #317 7
-0.2 0.695 -0.075       #318 8
-0.2 0.695 -0.055       #319 9
-0.2 0.685 -0.065       #320 90 # r_pinky2
-0.211 0.755 -0.085     #321 1
-0.189 0.755 -0.085     #322 2
-0.2 0.755 -0.0952      #323 3
-0.2 0.755 -0.0748      #324 4 # r_pinky3
-0.21 0.735 -0.085      #325 5
-0.19 0.735 -0.085      #326 6
-0.2 0.735 -0.0951      #327 7
-0.2 0.735 -0.0749      #328 8 # r_pinkyend
-0.21 0.72 -0.085       #329 9
-0.19 0.72 -0.085       #330 100
-0.2 0.72 -0.095        #331 1
-0.2 0.72 -0.075        #332 2
-0.2 0.71 -0.085        #333 3
# left leg and foot
0.115 0.466 0.06        #334 add at l_knee front
0.115 0.466 -0.055      #335 add l_knee_crease
0.15 0.466 0.0          #336 add l_knee outside 
0.05 0.466 0.0          #337 add l_knee inside l_femoral_medial_epicn
0.17 0.3 0.0            #338 add below l_knee outside
0.06 0.3 0.0            #339 add below l_knee inside
0.1 0.3 -0.05           #340 add below l_knee back
0.1 0.3 0.05            #341 add below l_knee front
0.15 0.07 0.0           #342 add at l_ankle outside
0.085 0.086 0.0125      #343 add at l_ankle inside
0.115 0.069 -0.045      #344 add at l_ankle back
0.117 0.0975 0.0615     #345 add at l_ankle front
0.1375 0.006 -0.03      #346 add at l_subtalar outside
0.095 0.006 -0.03       #347 add at l_subtalar inside
0.115  0.015 -0.045     #348 add at l_subtalar rear
0.115 0.06 0.1          #349 add at l_midtarsal up
0.115 0.0 0.07          #350 add at l_midtarsal down
0.165 0.0 0.07          #351 add at l_midtarsal outside
0.095 0.0 0.07          #352 add at l_midtarsal inside
0.115 0.04 0.13         #353 add at l_metatarsal top
0.125 0.0 0.12          #354 add at l_metatarsal bottom
0.165 0.0 0.12          #355 add at l_metatarsal outside
0.087 0.0 0.122         #356 add at l_metatarsal inside
0.090 0.012 0.188       #357 add at l_piggywentomarket_tip
0.110 0.011 0.19        #358 add at l_piggystayedhome_tip
0.128 0.011 0.185       #359 add at l_piggyateroastbeef_tip
0.142 0.011 0.178       #360 add at l_piggyhadnone_tip
0.154 0.010 0.168       #361 add at 
# right leg and foot
-0.115 0.466 0.06       #362 add at r_knee front
-0.115 0.466 -0.055     #363 add r_knee_crease
-0.17 0.466 0.0         #364 add r_femoral_lateral_epicn
-0.05 0.466 0.0         #365 add r_femoral_medial_epicn
-0.17 0.3 0.0           #366 add below r_knee
-0.06 0.3 0.0           #367 add below r_knee
-0.1 0.3 -0.05          #368 add below r_knee
-0.1 0.3 0.05           #369 add below r_knee
-0.15 0.07 0.0          #370 add at r_ankle
-0.085 0.086 0.0125     #371 add at r_ankle
-0.115 0.069 -0.045     #372 add at r_ankle
-0.117 0.0975 0.0615    #373 add at r_ankle
-0.1375 0.006 -0.03     #374 add at r_subtalar outside
-0.095 0.006 -0.03      #375 add at r_subtalar inside
-0.095 0.006 -0.03      #376 add at r_subtalar rear
-0.115 0.06 0.1         #377 add at r_midtarsal up
-0.115 0.0 0.07         #378 add at r_midtarsal down
-0.165 0.0 0.07         #379 add at r_midtarsal outside
-0.095 0.0 0.07         #380 add at r_midtarsal inside
-0.115 0.04 0.13        #381 add at r_metatarsal top
-0.125 0.0 0.12         #382 add at r_metatarsal bottom
-0.165 0.0 0.12         #383 add at r_metatarsal outside
-0.087 0.0 0.122        #384 add at r_metatarsal inside
-0.090 0.012 0.188      #385 add at r_piggywenttomarket_tip
-0.110 0.011 0.19       #386 add at r_piggystayedhome_tip
-0.128 0.011 0.185      #387 add at r_piggyateroastbeef_tip
-0.142 0.011 0.178      #388 add at r_piggyhadnone_tip
-0.154 0.010 0.168      #389 add at 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Brutzman" <brutzman at nps.edu>
To: "Joe D Williams" <joedwil at earthlink.net>; <x3d-public at web3d.org>; 
<h-anim at web3d.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [h-anim] HAnim LOA3 with 390 pr skin w and w/o Ext Proto

> On 9/7/2016 5:45 PM, Don Brutzman wrote:
>> [...]
>> Modified scene attached.
> all the best, Don
> -- 
> Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br 
> brutzman at nps.edu
> Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA 
> +1.831.656.2149
> X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics 
> http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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