[x3d-public] View3dscene 3.16.0 release, and our Patreon page

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 13:32:48 PST 2017


We're proud to release view3dscene 3.16.0, our open-source
cross-platform X3D and VRML browser (and a viewer for other 3D
formats). Download it from


This release is accompanied by Castle Game Engine release 6.0. Castle
Game Engine is a unique 3D and 2D game engine using X3D as it's scene
graph (and interchange format, too). The engine information and
downloads are available on


This release is a culmination of more than a year of intensive engine
development. We have various new X3D extensions:

- Shape.shading = "WIREFRAME",
- fields "slices", "stacks", "divisions" to specify geometry triangulation,
- using normal maps from a MovieTexture,
- Shape.render,
- many shadow maps and shadow volumes improvements.

Of interest is also our new animation format (using X3D internally)
that allows to export any Blender animation (with armature, shape
keys, physics simulation, particles...) to our engine (and
view3dscene). It is called castle-anim-frames, and the detailed
description is on
https://castle-engine.sourceforge.io/creating_data_blender.php .

The release announcement, with a complete list of changes and links to
new features documentation, is on


Last but not least, I wanted to mention our new Patreon page. You can
support the engine and view3dscene development and get some real
rewards --- in particular, I'm devoting a weekend per month
exclusively to the features requested by Patrons. So you can request
any view3dscene feature you miss! Please check out our Patreon page


Best regards,

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