[x3d-public] X3D JSON schema validation problems: @class and IMPORT/EXPORT attributes

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Sun Jul 9 15:55:09 PDT 2017

Finally getting "back up on the horse" to test JSON conversions using X3dToJson.xslt (hooray!)

Attached please find current version of X3DJSAIL output .x3d test scene, plus corresponding .json version.

Roy, it looks like there may be several omissions in the X3D JSON Schema:

a. @class attribute (previously untested) not recognized

b. IMPORT/EXPORT statements (previously untested) are apparently expecting an array when simple attributes are provided


Console output follows.  Please advise, TIA.

translation input: test/HelloWorldProgramOutput.x3d
..expected output: test/HelloWorldProgramOutput.json
Script DEF=colorTypeConversionScript contains CDATA source-code text, copied as "#sourceText" using "strings" mode
Script DEF=MaterialModulatorScript contains CDATA source-code text, copied as "#sourceText" using "strings" mode
..error checking with jslint
jslint:test/HelloWorldProgramOutput.json:447:1:JavaScript URL.
jslint:test/HelloWorldProgramOutput.json:812:1:JavaScript URL.
Java Result: 1
..error checking with json-schema-validator
--- BEGIN C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\stylesheets\test\HelloWorldProgramOutput.json---
validation: FAILURE
[ {
   "level" : "error",
   "schema" : {
     "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
     "pointer" : "/definitions/Box"
   "instance" : {
     "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/5/Transform/-children/0/Anchor/-children/0/Shape/-geometry/Box"
   "domain" : "validation",
   "keyword" : "additionalProperties",
   "message" : "object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"@class\"]",
   "unwanted" : [ "@class" ]
}, {
   "level" : "error",
   "schema" : {
     "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
     "pointer" : "/definitions/IMPORT"
   "instance" : {
     "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/24/IMPORT"
   "domain" : "validation",
   "keyword" : "type",
   "message" : "instance type (object) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"array\"])",
   "found" : "object",
   "expected" : [ "array" ]
}, {
   "level" : "error",
   "schema" : {
     "loadingURI" : "file:/C:/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json#",
     "pointer" : "/definitions/EXPORT"
   "instance" : {
     "pointer" : "/X3D/Scene/-children/25/EXPORT"
   "domain" : "validation",
   "keyword" : "type",
   "message" : "instance type (object) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"array\"])",
   "found" : "object",
   "expected" : [ "array" ]
} ]
--- END C:\x3d-code\www.web3d.org\x3d\stylesheets\test\HelloWorldProgramOutput.json---
Java Result: 100

p.s. John it looks like MetadataString "@value conversion is incorrectly encoding " as " instead of \" (though #comment and other values look OK), will work on it.
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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{ "X3D": {
    "JSON schema":"http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json",
    "head": {
        "component": [
        "unit": [
        "meta": [
            "@content":"Example HelloWorldProgram creates an X3D model using the X3D Java Scene Access Interface (SAI) Library"
            "@content":"6 September 2016"
            "@content":"29 May 2017"
            "@content":"X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL)"
            "@content":"Netbeans http://www.netbeans.org"
            "@content":"Don Brutzman"
            "@content":"Console output, ClassicVRML encoding, VRML97 encoding and pretty-print documentation:"
            "@content":"tested sat: name value cannot contain embedded space character"
            "@content":"09 July 2017"
            "@content":"X3dToJson.xslt, http://www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/X3dToJson.html"
            "@content":"X3D JSON encoding: http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php/X3D_JSON_Encoding"
            "#comment":"comment #1"
            "#comment":"comment #2"
            "#comment":"comment #3"
            "#comment":"comment #4"
    "Scene": {
          { "ViewpointGroup":
              "@description":"Available viewpoints",
                { "Viewpoint":
                    "@description":"Hello X3DJSAIL"
                { "Viewpoint":
                    "@description":"top-down view from above",
          { "WorldInfo":
              "@title":"HelloWorldProgram produced by X3D Java SAI Library (X3DJSAIL)"
          { "WorldInfo":
          { "WorldInfo":
          { "LayerSet":
          { "Transform":
                { "Anchor":
                    "@description":"select for X3D Java SAI Library (X3DJSAIL) description",
                      { "Shape":
                            { "Appearance":
                                  { "Material":
                                  { "ImageTexture":
                            { "Box":
          { "Shape":
                { "Appearance":
                      { "Material":
                { "IndexedLineSet":
                      { "Coordinate":
          { "PositionInterpolator":
          { "TimeSensor":
          { "ROUTE":
          { "ROUTE":
          { "Transform":
                { "Shape":
                      { "Appearance":
                            { "Material":
                      { "Text":
                          "@string":["X3D Java","SAI Library","X3DJSAIL"],
                            { "MetadataSet":
                                  { "MetadataString":
                                      "@value":["escaped quotation marks example 1: He said, \"Immel did it!\""]
                                  { "MetadataString":
                                      "@value":["escaped quotation marks example 2: He said, "Immel did it!""]
                            { "FontStyle":
                              "#comment":"escaped quotation marks example 3: He said, \"Immel did it!\""
                              "#comment":"escaped quotation marks example 4: He said, "Immel did it!""
                { "Collision":
                        "#comment":"test containerField='proxy'"
                      { "Shape":
                            { "Text":
                                "@string":["One, Two, Three","","He said, \"Immel did it!\""]
                              "#comment":"alternative XML encoding: Text string='\"One, Two, Three\" \"\" \"He said, \\"Immel did it!\\"\"'"
                              "#comment":"alternative Java source: .setString(new String [] {\"One, Two, Three\", \"\", \"He said, \\\"Immel did it!\\\"\"})"
                              "#comment":"reference: http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/X3dSpecifications/StringArrayEncodingExamplesIndex.html"
                  "#comment":"It's a beautiful world"
                  "#comment":"... for you!"
            "#comment":"repeatedly spin 180 degrees as a readable special effect"
          { "OrientationInterpolator":
          { "TimeSensor":
          { "ROUTE":
          { "ROUTE":
          { "Group":
                { "Background":
                { "Script":
                    "field": [
"function colorInput (eventValue) // Example source code",
"   colorsOutput = new MFColor(eventValue); // assigning value sends output event",
"// Browser.print('colorInput=' + eventValue + ', colorsOutput=' + colorsOutput + '\n');",
                { "ColorInterpolator":
                        "#comment":"AZURE to INDIGO and back again"
                { "TimeSensor":
                { "ROUTE":
                { "ROUTE":
                { "ROUTE":
          { "ProtoDeclare":
              "@appinfo":"tooltip: ArtDeco01 prototype is a Material node",
              "ProtoInterface": {
                  "field": [
                      "@appinfo":"tooltip for descriptionField",
                      "@value":"ArtDeco01 prototype is a Material node"
              "ProtoBody": {
                      "#comment":"Initial node of ProtoBody determines prototype node type"
                    { "Material":
                      "#comment":"[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic] should be connected to scene graph: ArtDeco01ProtoDeclare.getNodeType()=\"Material\""
                      "#comment":"presence of follow-on TouchSensor shows that additional nodes are allowed in ProtoBody after initial node, regardless of node types"
                    { "TouchSensor":
                        "@description":"within ProtoBody",
                        "IS": {
                            "connect": [
          { "ExternProtoDeclare":
              "@appinfo":"this is a different Material node",
              "field": [
                  "@appinfo":"tooltip for descriptionField",
                  "#comment":"[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic] ArtDeco02ExternProtoDeclare.getNodeType()=\"ERROR_UNKNOWN_EXTERNPROTODECLARE_NODE_TYPE: ExternProtoDeclare name='ArtDeco02Material' type cannot be remotely accessed at run time, TODO X3DJSAIL needs to add further capability.\""
            "#comment":"Tested ArtDeco01ProtoInstance, ArtDeco02ProtoInstance for improper node type when ProtoInstance is added in wrong place"
          { "Shape":
                { "Appearance":
                      { "ProtoInstance":
                          "fieldValue": [
                              "@value":"ArtDeco01 can substitute for a Material node"
                              "#comment":"[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic] ArtDeco01ProtoInstance.getNodeType()=\"ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOINSTANCE_NODE_TYPE: ProtoInstance name='ArtDeco01' has no corresponding ProtoDeclareObject or ExternProtoDeclareObject to provide type.\""
                        "#comment":"ArtDeco01 Material prototype goes here..."
                { "Sphere":
          { "Shape":
                { "Appearance":
                      { "ProtoInstance":
                          "fieldValue": [
                              "@value":"ArtDeco02 can substitute for another Material node"
                              "#comment":"[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic] ArtDeco02ProtoInstance.getNodeType()=\"ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOINSTANCE_NODE_TYPE: ProtoInstance name='ArtDeco02' has no corresponding ProtoDeclareObject or ExternProtoDeclareObject to provide type.\""
                        "#comment":"ArtDeco02 Material prototype goes here..."
                { "Cone":
          { "Inline":
          { "IMPORT":
          { "EXPORT":
          { "ProtoDeclare":
              "@appinfo":"mimic a Material node and modulate fields as an animation effect",
              "ProtoInterface": {
                  "field": [
              "ProtoBody": {
                    { "Material":
                        "IS": {
                            "connect": [
                      "#comment":"Only first node (the node type) is renderable, others are along for the ride"
                    { "Script":
                        "field": [
                        "IS": {
                            "connect": [
"function initialize ()",
"    newColor = diffuseColor; // start with correct color",
"function set_enabled (newValue)",
"\tenabled = newValue;",
"function clockTrigger (timeValue)",
"    if (!enabled) return;",
"    red   = newColor.r;",
"    green = newColor.g;",
"    blue  = newColor.b;",
"    ",
"    // note different modulation rates for each color component, % is modulus operator",
"    newColor = new SFColor ((red + 0.02) % 1, (green + 0.03) % 1, (blue + 0.04) % 1);",
"\tif (enabled)",
"\t\tBrowser.print ('diffuseColor=(' + red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + ') newColor=' + newColor.toString() + '\n');",
            "#comment":"Test success: declarative statement createDeclarativeShapeTests()"
          { "Group":
                { "Shape":
                      { "MetadataString":
                          "@value":["test case"]
                      { "Appearance":
                            { "ProtoInstance":
                              "#comment":"DeclarativeMaterialExample gets overridden by subsequently added MaterialModulator ProtoInstance"
                      { "Cone":
                  "#comment":"Test success: declarativeGroup.addChild() singleton pipeline method"
            "#comment":"Test success: declarative statement addChild()"
            "#comment":"Test success: x3dModel.findNodeByDEF(DeclarativeAppearanceExample) = <Appearance DEF='DeclarativeAppearanceExample'/> i.e. <Appearance DEF='DeclarativeAppearanceExample'> <ProtoInstance DEF='MyMaterialModulator' name='MaterialModulator' containerField='material'/> <!- - DeclarativeMaterialExample gets overridden by subsequently added MaterialModulator ProtoInstance - -> </Appearance>"
            "#comment":"Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(findThisNameValue) = <MetadataString DEF='FindableMetadataStringTest' name='findThisNameValue' value='\"test case\"'/>"
            "#comment":"Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(\"ArtDeco01Material\", \"ProtoDeclare\") found"
            "#comment":"Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(\"MaterialModulator\", \"ProtoDeclare\") found"
            "#comment":"Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(\"MaterialModulator\", \"ProtoInstance\") found"
          { "Group":
                  "#comment":"testFieldObjects() results"
                  "#comment":"SFBool default=true, true=true, false=false, negate()=true"
                  "#comment":"MFBool default=, initial=true false true, negate()=false true false"
                  "#comment":"SFFloat default=0.0, initial=1.0, setValue(2)=2.0, setValue(3.0f)=3.0, setValue(4.0)=4.0"
                  "#comment":"MFFloat default=, initial=1 2 3, append(5)=1 2 3 5, inserts(3,4)(0,0)=0 1 2 3 4 5, append(6)=0 1 2 3 4 5 6, size()=7"
                  "#comment":"... get1Value[3]=3.0, remove[1]=0 2 3 4 5 6, set1Value(0,10)=10 2 3 4 5 6, multiply(2)=20 4 6 8 10 12, clear="
                  "#comment":"SFVec3f default=0 0 0, initial=1 2 3, setValue=4 5 6, multiply(2)=8 10 12, normalize()=0.45584232 0.5698029 0.68376344"
          { "Sound":
                { "AudioClip":
                  "#comment":"Scene example fragment from http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/ConformanceNist/Sounds/AudioClip/default.x3d"
          { "Sound":
                { "MovieTexture":
                  "#comment":"Scene example fragment from http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/ConformanceNist/Appearance/MovieTexture/mpeg1-systems.x3d"
                  "#comment":"Expected containerField='source', allowed containerField values=\"texture\" \"source\" \"back\" \"bottom\" \"front\" \"left\" \"right\" \"top\" \"backTexture\" \"bottomTexture\" \"frontTexture\" \"leftTexture\" \"rightTexture\" \"topTexture\""

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