[x3d-public] HAnim Sites, motion

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 17:12:56 PDT 2018

2018-06-25 1:42 GMT+02:00 Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com>:
> Similar to the Joints and Segments lists of Humanoid, there is also a
> Sites list as a field.
> I strongly suspect that the content of that sites field is also not
> supposed to be rendered, and only available as an (optional?)
> convenience. Is that correct ? I did not find an example which uses
> the sites field.

That is also how I understood and implemented H-Anim in Castle Game
Engine / view3dscene: "joints", "segments" and "sites" are not

When traversing from HAnimHumanoid node, we traverse inside
"skeleton", "skin" and "viewpoints" (although "viewpoints" should not
have anything renderable of course).

You can take a look at my comments and implementation inside
THAnimHumanoidNode.DirectEnumerateActive in
where this logic is implemented:)


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