[x3d-public] both X3DOM and X_ITE.

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Mon May 28 07:42:21 PDT 2018

➢ > both X3DOM and X_ITE … 

The discussions about both X3DOM and X_ITE are, to me, missing a very important feature. Neither of these tools can do HAnim skeleton controlled deformable skin. This is a very important feature, lending itself to many important applications in addition to HAnim. There have been several discussions about the hanim joint(s) to deformable skin bindings and as far as I have seen, there is no doubt that the way x3d specifies the basic, most simple, and most transportable technique to achieve the result. So, as the HAnim standard takes the next step, why not move a bit toward implementing this important capability in your browsers. BSContact does it, I think Instant does it mostly but x3dom and x_ite don’t. 

Thanks and Best, 

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