[x3d-public] Help! Working on VRMLScript SAI resource examples for X_ITE

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 00:54:11 PDT 2020

I used the desert3 link in included message reply, and got the following
error in console.  Note that I see DEF in X3DUOM, but it's hidden somewhere
in the standard I think.   So there may be some confusion?  Why would you
have 2 identical viewpoints?

x_ite.min.js:9 r {_value: h} "DEF" Error: Unkown field 'DEF' in node class
    at h.getField (x_ite.min.js:10)
    at Object.set (x_ite.min.js:9)
    at <anonymous>:9:16
set @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ VM29:9
VM29:11 Uncaught ReferenceError: MFNode is not defined
    at <anonymous>:11:32
(anonymous) @ VM29:11

Here is the code I used. MFNode is a constructor in ECMAScript SAI
standards, but it may take parameters.  I don't know what the right thing
to do is, but I'm willing to learn.
var browser = X3D.getBrowser();
var X3D0 = {};
X3D0.profile = "Immersive";
X3D0.version = "3.3";
//x3dVersionComparisonTest for this model:
ViewpointGroup2 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ViewpointGroup");
ViewpointGroup2.description = "Available viewpoints";
Viewpoint3 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Viewpoint");
Viewpoint3.DEF = "DefaultView";
Viewpoint3.description = "Hello X3DJSAIL";
ViewpointGroup2.children = new MFNode();

ViewpointGroup2.children[0] = Viewpoint3;

Viewpoint4 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Viewpoint");
Viewpoint4.DEF = "TopDownView";
Viewpoint4.description = "top-down view from above";
Viewpoint4.orientation = new SFRotation(new float[1,0,0,-1.570796]);
Viewpoint4.position = new SFVec3f(new float[0,100,0]);
ViewpointGroup2.children[1] = Viewpoint4;

browser.currentScene.children = new MFNode();

browser.currentScene.children[0] = ViewpointGroup2;

NavigationInfo5 = browser.currentScene.createNode("NavigationInfo");
NavigationInfo5.type = new MFString(new
browser.currentScene.children[1] = NavigationInfo5;

WorldInfo6 = browser.currentScene.createNode("WorldInfo");
WorldInfo6.DEF = "WorldInfoDEF";
WorldInfo6.title = "HelloWorldProgram produced by X3D Java SAI Library
browser.currentScene.children[2] = WorldInfo6;

WorldInfo7 = browser.currentScene.createNode("WorldInfo");
WorldInfo7.USE = "WorldInfoDEF";
browser.currentScene.children[3] = WorldInfo7;

WorldInfo8 = browser.currentScene.createNode("WorldInfo");
WorldInfo8.USE = "WorldInfoDEF";
browser.currentScene.children[4] = WorldInfo8;

MetadataString9 = browser.currentScene.createNode("MetadataString");
MetadataString9.name = "test";
MetadataString9.DEF = "scene.addChildMetadata";
MetadataString9.value = new MFString(new java.lang.String["Top-level root
Metadata node beneath Scene needs to be one of '-children' in JSON
browser.currentScene.metadata[5] = MetadataString9;

LayerSet10 = browser.currentScene.createNode("LayerSet");
LayerSet10.DEF = "scene.addChildLayerSetTest";
browser.currentScene.layerSet[6] = LayerSet10;

Transform11 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Transform");
Transform11.DEF = "LogoGeometryTransform";
Transform11.translation = new SFVec3f(new float[0,1.5,0]);
Anchor12 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Anchor");
Anchor12.description = "select for X3D Java SAI Library (X3DJSAIL)
Anchor12.url = new MFString(new java.lang.String["../X3DJSAIL.html","
Shape13 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Shape13.DEF = "BoxShape";
Appearance14 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Material15 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Material");
Material15.DEF = "GreenMaterial";
Material15.diffuseColor = new SFColor(new float[0,1,1]);
Material15.emissiveColor = new SFColor(new float[0.8,0,0]);
Material15.transparency = 0.1;
Appearance14.material = Material15;

ImageTexture16 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ImageTexture");
ImageTexture16.url = new MFString(new
Appearance14.texture = ImageTexture16;

Shape13.appearance = Appearance14;

Box17 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Box");
Box17.DEF = "test-NMTOKEN_regex.0123456789";
Box17.CssClass = "untextured";
Shape13.geometry = Box17;

Anchor12.children = new MFNode();

Anchor12.children[0] = Shape13;

Transform11.children = new MFNode();

Transform11.children[0] = Anchor12;

browser.currentScene.children[7] = Transform11;

Shape18 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Shape18.DEF = "LineShape";
Appearance19 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Material20 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Material");
Material20.emissiveColor = new SFColor(new float[0.6,0.19607843,0.8]);
Appearance19.material = Material20;

Shape18.appearance = Appearance19;

IndexedLineSet21 = browser.currentScene.createNode("IndexedLineSet");
IndexedLineSet21.coordIndex = new MFInt32(new int[0,1,2,3,4,0]);
//Coordinate 3-tuple point count: 6
Coordinate22 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Coordinate");
Coordinate22.point = new MFVec3f(new
IndexedLineSet21.coord = Coordinate22;

Shape18.geometry = IndexedLineSet21;

browser.currentScene.children[8] = Shape18;

PositionInterpolator23 =
PositionInterpolator23.DEF = "BoxPathAnimator";
PositionInterpolator23.key = new MFFloat(new
PositionInterpolator23.keyValue = new MFVec3f(new
browser.currentScene.children[9] = PositionInterpolator23;

TimeSensor24 = browser.currentScene.createNode("TimeSensor");
TimeSensor24.DEF = "OrbitClock";
TimeSensor24.cycleInterval = 8;
TimeSensor24.loop = True;
browser.currentScene.children[10] = TimeSensor24;

ROUTE25 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ROUTE");
ROUTE25.fromField = "fraction_changed";
ROUTE25.fromNode = "OrbitClock";
ROUTE25.toField = "set_fraction";
ROUTE25.toNode = "BoxPathAnimator";
browser.currentScene.children[11] = ROUTE25;

ROUTE26 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ROUTE");
ROUTE26.fromField = "value_changed";
ROUTE26.fromNode = "BoxPathAnimator";
ROUTE26.toField = "set_translation";
ROUTE26.toNode = "LogoGeometryTransform";
browser.currentScene.children[12] = ROUTE26;

Transform27 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Transform");
Transform27.DEF = "TextTransform";
Transform27.translation = new SFVec3f(new float[0,-1.5,0]);
Shape28 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Appearance29 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Material30 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Material");
Material30.USE = "GreenMaterial";
Appearance29.material = Material30;

Shape28.appearance = Appearance29;

Text31 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Text");
Text31.string = new MFString(new java.lang.String["X3D Java","SAI
//Comment example A, plain quotation marks: He said, \"Immel did it!\"
//Comment example B, XML character entities: He said, "Immel did
MetadataSet32 = browser.currentScene.createNode("MetadataSet");
MetadataSet32.name = "EscapedQuotationMarksMetadataSet";
MetadataString33 = browser.currentScene.createNode("MetadataString");
MetadataString33.name = "quotesTestC";
MetadataString33.value = new MFString(new java.lang.String["MFString
example C, backslash-escaped quotes: He said, \"Immel did it!\""]);
MetadataSet32.value = new MFNode();

MetadataSet32.value[0] = MetadataString33;

MetadataString34 = browser.currentScene.createNode("MetadataString");
MetadataString34.name = "extraChildTest";
MetadataString34.value = new MFString(new java.lang.String["checks
MetadataSetObject addValue() method"]);
MetadataSet32.value[1] = MetadataString34;

Text31.metadata = MetadataSet32;

FontStyle35 = browser.currentScene.createNode("FontStyle");
FontStyle35.justify = new MFString(new java.lang.String["MIDDLE","MIDDLE"]);
Text31.fontStyle = FontStyle35;

Shape28.geometry = Text31;

Transform27.children = new MFNode();

Transform27.children[0] = Shape28;

Collision36 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Collision");
//test containerField='proxy'
Shape37 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Shape37.DEF = "ProxyShape";
//alternative XML encoding: Text string='\"One, Two, Comment\" \"\" \"He
said, \\"Immel did it!\\"\"'
//alternative XML encoding: Text string='\"One, Two, Comment\" \"\" \"He
said, \\"Immel did it!\\"\" \"\"'
//alternative Java source: .setString(new String [] {\"One, Two, Comment\",
\"\", \"He said, \\\"\"Immel did it!\\\"\"\"})
Text38 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Text");
Text38.string = new MFString(new java.lang.String["One, Two, Text","","He
said, \"Immel did it!\" \"\""]);
Shape37.geometry = Text38;

Collision36.proxy = Shape37;

Transform27.children[1] = Collision36;

//It's a beautiful world
//... for you!
browser.currentScene.children[13] = Transform27;

//repeatedly spin 180 degrees as a readable special effect
OrientationInterpolator39 =
OrientationInterpolator39.DEF = "SpinInterpolator";
OrientationInterpolator39.key = new MFFloat(new float[0,0.5,1]);
OrientationInterpolator39.keyValue = new MFRotation(new
browser.currentScene.children[14] = OrientationInterpolator39;

TimeSensor40 = browser.currentScene.createNode("TimeSensor");
TimeSensor40.DEF = "SpinClock";
TimeSensor40.cycleInterval = 5;
TimeSensor40.loop = True;
browser.currentScene.children[15] = TimeSensor40;

ROUTE41 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ROUTE");
ROUTE41.fromField = "fraction_changed";
ROUTE41.fromNode = "SpinClock";
ROUTE41.toField = "set_fraction";
ROUTE41.toNode = "SpinInterpolator";
browser.currentScene.children[16] = ROUTE41;

ROUTE42 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ROUTE");
ROUTE42.fromField = "value_changed";
ROUTE42.fromNode = "SpinInterpolator";
ROUTE42.toField = "rotation";
ROUTE42.toNode = "TextTransform";
browser.currentScene.children[17] = ROUTE42;

Group43 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Group");
Group43.DEF = "BackgroundGroup";
Background44 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Background");
Background44.DEF = "GradualBackground";
Group43.children = new MFNode();

Group43.children[0] = Background44;

Script45 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Script");
Script45.DEF = "colorTypeConversionScript";
field46 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field46.name = "colorInput";
field46.accessType = "inputOnly";
field46.type = "SFColor";
Script45.field = new MFNode();

Script45.field[0] = field46;

field47 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field47.name = "colorsOutput";
field47.accessType = "outputOnly";
field47.type = "MFColor";
Script45.field[1] = field47;

"function colorInput (eventValue) // Example source code\n"+
"   colorsOutput = new MFColor(eventValue); // assigning value sends output
"// Browser.print('colorInput=' + eventValue + ', colorsOutput=' +
colorsOutput + '\\n');\n"+
Group43.children[1] = Script45;

ColorInterpolator48 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ColorInterpolator");
ColorInterpolator48.DEF = "ColorAnimator";
ColorInterpolator48.key = new MFFloat(new float[0,0.5,1]);
ColorInterpolator48.keyValue = new MFColor(new
//AZURE to INDIGO and back again
Group43.children[2] = ColorInterpolator48;

TimeSensor49 = browser.currentScene.createNode("TimeSensor");
TimeSensor49.DEF = "ColorClock";
TimeSensor49.cycleInterval = 60;
TimeSensor49.loop = True;
Group43.children[3] = TimeSensor49;

ROUTE50 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ROUTE");
ROUTE50.fromField = "colorsOutput";
ROUTE50.fromNode = "colorTypeConversionScript";
ROUTE50.toField = "skyColor";
ROUTE50.toNode = "GradualBackground";
Group43.children[4] = ROUTE50;

ROUTE51 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ROUTE");
ROUTE51.fromField = "value_changed";
ROUTE51.fromNode = "ColorAnimator";
ROUTE51.toField = "colorInput";
ROUTE51.toNode = "colorTypeConversionScript";
Group43.children[5] = ROUTE51;

ROUTE52 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ROUTE");
ROUTE52.fromField = "fraction_changed";
ROUTE52.fromNode = "ColorClock";
ROUTE52.toField = "set_fraction";
ROUTE52.toNode = "ColorAnimator";
Group43.children[6] = ROUTE52;

browser.currentScene.children[18] = Group43;

ProtoDeclare53 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoDeclare");
ProtoDeclare53.name = "ArtDeco01Material";
ProtoDeclare53.appinfo = "tooltip: ArtDeco01Material prototype is a
Material node";
ProtoInterface54 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInterface");
field55 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field55.name = "description";
field55.accessType = "inputOutput";
field55.appinfo = "tooltip for descriptionField";
field55.type = "SFString";
field55.value = "ArtDeco01Material prototype is a Material node";
ProtoInterface54.field = new MFNode();

ProtoInterface54.field[0] = field55;

field56 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field56.name = "enabled";
field56.accessType = "inputOutput";
field56.type = "SFBool";
field56.value = "true";
ProtoInterface54.field[1] = field56;

ProtoDeclare53.protoInterface = ProtoInterface54;

ProtoBody57 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoBody");
//Initial node of ProtoBody determines prototype node type
Material58 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Material");
Material58.ambientIntensity = 0.25;
Material58.diffuseColor = new SFColor(new
Material58.shininess = 0.127273;
Material58.specularColor = new SFColor(new
ProtoBody57.children = new MFNode();

ProtoBody57.children[0] = Material58;

//[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic] should be connected to scene graph:
//presence of follow-on TouchSensor shows that additional nodes are allowed
in ProtoBody after initial node, regardless of node types
TouchSensor59 = browser.currentScene.createNode("TouchSensor");
TouchSensor59.description = "within ProtoBody";
IS60 = browser.currentScene.createNode("IS");
connect61 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect61.nodeField = "description";
connect61.protoField = "description";
IS60.connect = new MFNode();

IS60.connect[0] = connect61;

connect62 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect62.nodeField = "enabled";
connect62.protoField = "enabled";
IS60.connect[1] = connect62;

TouchSensor59.iS = IS60;

ProtoBody57.children[1] = TouchSensor59;

ProtoDeclare53.protoBody = ProtoBody57;

browser.currentScene.children[19] = ProtoDeclare53;

ExternProtoDeclare63 =
ExternProtoDeclare63.name = "ArtDeco02Material";
ExternProtoDeclare63.appinfo = "this is a different Material node";
ExternProtoDeclare63.url = new MFString(new java.lang.String["
//[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic]
ExternProtoDeclare name='ArtDeco02Material' type cannot be remotely
accessed at run time. TODO X3DJSAIL needs to add further capability that
retrieves the ExternProtoDeclare file.\"
field64 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field64.name = "description";
field64.accessType = "inputOutput";
field64.appinfo = "tooltip for descriptionField";
field64.type = "SFString";
ExternProtoDeclare63.field = new MFNode();

ExternProtoDeclare63.field[0] = field64;

browser.currentScene.children[20] = ExternProtoDeclare63;

//Tested ArtDeco01ProtoInstance, ArtDeco02ProtoInstance for improper node
type when ProtoInstance is added in wrong place
Shape65 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Shape65.DEF = "TestShape1";
Appearance66 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Appearance66.DEF = "TestAppearance1";
//ArtDeco01Material prototype goes here... TODO ensure setContainerField is
handled in exported Java
ProtoInstance67 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInstance");
ProtoInstance67.name = "ArtDeco01Material";
//[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic]
fieldValue68 = browser.currentScene.createNode("fieldValue");
fieldValue68.name = "description";
fieldValue68.value = "ArtDeco01Material can substitute for a Material node";
ProtoInstance67.fieldValue = new MFNode();

ProtoInstance67.fieldValue[0] = fieldValue68;

Appearance66.shaders = new MFNode();

Appearance66.shaders[0] = ProtoInstance67;

Shape65.appearance = Appearance66;

Sphere69 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Sphere");
Sphere69.radius = 0.001;
Shape65.geometry = Sphere69;

browser.currentScene.children[21] = Shape65;

Shape70 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Shape70.DEF = "TestShape2";
Appearance71 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Appearance71.DEF = "TestAppearance2";
//ArtDeco02Material prototype goes here... TODO ensure setContainerField is
handled in exported Java
ProtoInstance72 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInstance");
ProtoInstance72.name = "ArtDeco02Material";
ProtoInstance72.DEF = "ArtDeco02MaterialDEF";
//[HelloWorldProgram diagnostic]
ExternProtoDeclare name='ArtDeco02Material' type cannot be remotely
accessed at run time. TODO X3DJSAIL needs to add further capability that
retrieves the ExternProtoDeclare file.\"
fieldValue73 = browser.currentScene.createNode("fieldValue");
fieldValue73.name = "description";
fieldValue73.value = "ArtDeco02Material can substitute for another Material
ProtoInstance72.fieldValue = new MFNode();

ProtoInstance72.fieldValue[0] = fieldValue73;

Appearance71.shaders = new MFNode();

Appearance71.shaders[0] = ProtoInstance72;

Shape70.appearance = Appearance71;

Cone74 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Cone");
Cone74.bottomRadius = 0.001;
Cone74.height = 0.001;
Shape70.geometry = Cone74;

browser.currentScene.children[22] = Shape70;

Shape75 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Shape75.DEF = "TestShape3";
Appearance76 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Appearance76.DEF = "TestAppearance3";
//ArtDeco02Material ProtoInstance USE goes here. Note that name field is
NOT defined as part of ProtoInstance USE.
ProtoInstance77 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInstance");
ProtoInstance77.USE = "ArtDeco02MaterialDEF";
Appearance76.shaders = new MFNode();

Appearance76.shaders[0] = ProtoInstance77;

Shape75.appearance = Appearance76;

Cylinder78 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Cylinder");
Cylinder78.height = 0.001;
Cylinder78.radius = 0.001;
Shape75.geometry = Cylinder78;

browser.currentScene.children[23] = Shape75;

Inline79 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Inline");
Inline79.DEF = "inlineSceneDef";
Inline79.url = new MFString(new java.lang.String["someOtherScene.x3d","
browser.currentScene.children[24] = Inline79;

IMPORT80 = browser.currentScene.createNode("IMPORT");
IMPORT80.AS = "WorldInfoDEF2";
IMPORT80.importedDEF = "WorldInfoDEF";
IMPORT80.inlineDEF = "inlineSceneDef";
browser.currentScene.children[25] = IMPORT80;

EXPORT81 = browser.currentScene.createNode("EXPORT");
EXPORT81.AS = "WorldInfoDEF3";
EXPORT81.localDEF = "WorldInfoDEF";
browser.currentScene.children[26] = EXPORT81;

ProtoDeclare82 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoDeclare");
ProtoDeclare82.name = "MaterialModulator";
ProtoDeclare82.appinfo = "mimic a Material node and modulate fields as an
animation effect";
ProtoDeclare82.documentation = "
ProtoInterface83 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInterface");
field84 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field84.name = "enabled";
field84.accessType = "inputOutput";
field84.type = "SFBool";
field84.value = "true";
ProtoInterface83.field = new MFNode();

ProtoInterface83.field[0] = field84;

field85 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field85.name = "diffuseColor";
field85.accessType = "inputOutput";
field85.type = "SFColor";
field85.value = "0 0 0";
ProtoInterface83.field[1] = field85;

field86 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field86.name = "emissiveColor";
field86.accessType = "inputOutput";
field86.type = "SFColor";
field86.value = "0.05 0.05 0.5";
ProtoInterface83.field[2] = field86;

field87 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field87.name = "specularColor";
field87.accessType = "inputOutput";
field87.type = "SFColor";
field87.value = "0 0 0";
ProtoInterface83.field[3] = field87;

field88 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field88.name = "transparency";
field88.accessType = "inputOutput";
field88.type = "SFFloat";
field88.value = "0";
ProtoInterface83.field[4] = field88;

field89 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field89.name = "shininess";
field89.accessType = "inputOutput";
field89.type = "SFFloat";
field89.value = "0";
ProtoInterface83.field[5] = field89;

field90 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field90.name = "ambientIntensity";
field90.accessType = "inputOutput";
field90.type = "SFFloat";
field90.value = "0";
ProtoInterface83.field[6] = field90;

ProtoDeclare82.protoInterface = ProtoInterface83;

ProtoBody91 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoBody");
Material92 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Material");
Material92.DEF = "MaterialNode";
IS93 = browser.currentScene.createNode("IS");
connect94 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect94.nodeField = "diffuseColor";
connect94.protoField = "diffuseColor";
IS93.connect = new MFNode();

IS93.connect[0] = connect94;

connect95 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect95.nodeField = "emissiveColor";
connect95.protoField = "emissiveColor";
IS93.connect[1] = connect95;

connect96 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect96.nodeField = "specularColor";
connect96.protoField = "specularColor";
IS93.connect[2] = connect96;

connect97 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect97.nodeField = "transparency";
connect97.protoField = "transparency";
IS93.connect[3] = connect97;

connect98 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect98.nodeField = "shininess";
connect98.protoField = "shininess";
IS93.connect[4] = connect98;

connect99 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect99.nodeField = "ambientIntensity";
connect99.protoField = "ambientIntensity";
IS93.connect[5] = connect99;

Material92.iS = IS93;

ProtoBody91.children = new MFNode();

ProtoBody91.children[0] = Material92;

//Only first node (the node type) is renderable, others are along for the
Script100 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Script");
Script100.DEF = "MaterialModulatorScript";
field101 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field101.name = "enabled";
field101.accessType = "inputOutput";
field101.type = "SFBool";
Script100.field = new MFNode();

Script100.field[0] = field101;

field102 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field102.name = "diffuseColor";
field102.accessType = "inputOutput";
field102.type = "SFColor";
Script100.field[1] = field102;

field103 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field103.name = "newColor";
field103.accessType = "outputOnly";
field103.type = "SFColor";
Script100.field[2] = field103;

field104 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field104.name = "clockTrigger";
field104.accessType = "inputOnly";
field104.type = "SFTime";
Script100.field[3] = field104;

IS105 = browser.currentScene.createNode("IS");
connect106 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect106.nodeField = "enabled";
connect106.protoField = "enabled";
IS105.connect = new MFNode();

IS105.connect[0] = connect106;

connect107 = browser.currentScene.createNode("connect");
connect107.nodeField = "diffuseColor";
connect107.protoField = "diffuseColor";
IS105.connect[1] = connect107;

Script100.iS = IS105;

"function initialize ()\n"+
"    newColor = diffuseColor; // start with correct color\n"+
"function set_enabled (newValue)\n"+
" enabled = newValue;\n"+
"function clockTrigger (timeValue)\n"+
"    if (!enabled) return;\n"+
"    red   = newColor.r;\n"+
"    green = newColor.g;\n"+
"    blue  = newColor.b;\n"+
"    // note different modulation rates for each color component, % is
modulus operator\n"+
"    newColor = new SFColor ((red + 0.02) % 1, (green + 0.03) % 1, (blue +
0.04) % 1);\n"+
" if (enabled)\n"+
" {\n"+
" Browser.print ('diffuseColor=(' + red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + ')
newColor=' + newColor.toString() + '\\n');\n"+
" }\n"+
ProtoBody91.children[1] = Script100;

ProtoDeclare82.protoBody = ProtoBody91;

browser.currentScene.children[27] = ProtoDeclare82;

//Test success: declarative statement createDeclarativeShapeTests()
Group108 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Group");
Group108.DEF = "DeclarativeGroupExample";
Shape109 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
MetadataString110 = browser.currentScene.createNode("MetadataString");
MetadataString110.name = "findThisNameValue";
MetadataString110.DEF = "FindableMetadataStringTest";
MetadataString110.value = new MFString(new java.lang.String["test case"]);
Shape109.metadata = MetadataString110;

Appearance111 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Appearance111.DEF = "DeclarativeAppearanceExample";
//DeclarativeMaterialExample gets overridden by subsequently added
MaterialModulator ProtoInstance
ProtoInstance112 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInstance");
ProtoInstance112.name = "MaterialModulator";
ProtoInstance112.DEF = "MyMaterialModulator";
Appearance111.shaders = new MFNode();

Appearance111.shaders[0] = ProtoInstance112;

Shape109.appearance = Appearance111;

Cone113 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Cone");
Cone113.bottom = False;
Cone113.bottomRadius = 0.05;
Cone113.height = 0.1;
Shape109.geometry = Cone113;

Group108.children = new MFNode();

Group108.children[0] = Shape109;

//Test success: declarativeGroup.addChild() singleton pipeline method
browser.currentScene.children[28] = Group108;

//Test success: declarative statement addChild()
//Test success: x3dModel.findNodeByDEF(DeclarativeAppearanceExample) =
<Appearance DEF='DeclarativeAppearanceExample'/> i.e. <Appearance
DEF='DeclarativeAppearanceExample'> <!- - DeclarativeMaterialExample gets
overridden by subsequently added MaterialModulator ProtoInstance - ->
<ProtoInstance DEF='MyMaterialModulator' name='MaterialModulator'
containerField='material'/> </Appearance>
//Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(findThisNameValue) =
<MetadataString DEF='FindableMetadataStringTest' name='findThisNameValue'
value='\"test case\"'/>
//Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(\"ArtDeco01Material\",
\"ProtoDeclare\") found
//Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(\"MaterialModulator\",
\"ProtoDeclare\") found
//Test success: x3dModel.findElementByNameValue(\"MaterialModulator\",
\"ProtoInstance\") found
Group114 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Group");
Group114.DEF = "TestFieldObjectsGroup";
//testFieldObjects() results
//SFBool default=true, true=true, false=false, negate()=true
//MFBool default=, initial=true false true, negate()=false true false
//SFFloat default=0.0, initial=1.0, setValue(2)=2.0, setValue(3.0f)=3.0,
//MFFloat default=, initial=1 2 3, append(5)=1 2 3 5, inserts(3,4)(0,0)=0 1
2 3 4 5, append(6)=0 1 2 3 4 5 6, size()=7
//... get1Value[3]=3.0, remove[1]=0 2 3 4 5 6, set1Value(0,10)=10 2 3 4 5
6, multiply(2)=20 4 6 8 10 12, clear=
//SFVec3f default=0 0 0, initial=1 2 3, setValue=4 5 6, multiply(2)=8 10
12, normalize()=0.45584232 0.5698029 0.68376344, regex matches()=true
//regex test SFVec3f().matches(\"1 2 3\")=true, regex test
SFVec3f().matches(\"1 2 3 4\")=false, regex test
(SFRotationObject.matches(\"0 0 0 0\")=true, failure detecting illegal
(zero axis) rotation value
browser.currentScene.children[29] = Group114;

Sound115 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Sound");
Sound115.location = new SFVec3f(new float[0,1.6,0]);
//set sound-ellipsoid location height at 1.6m to match typical avatar height
AudioClip116 = browser.currentScene.createNode("AudioClip");
AudioClip116.description = "chimes";
AudioClip116.url = new MFString(new java.lang.String["chimes.wav","
//Scene example fragment from
Sound115.source = AudioClip116;

browser.currentScene.children[30] = Sound115;

Sound117 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Sound");
Sound117.location = new SFVec3f(new float[0,1.6,0]);
//set sound-ellipsoid location height at 1.6m to match typical avatar height
MovieTexture118 = browser.currentScene.createNode("MovieTexture");
MovieTexture118.description = "mpgsys.mpg from ConformanceNist suite";
MovieTexture118.url = new MFString(new java.lang.String["mpgsys.mpg","
//Scene example fragment from
//Expected containerField='source', allowed containerField
values=\"texture\" \"source\" \"back\" \"bottom\" \"front\" \"left\"
\"right\" \"top\" \"backTexture\" \"bottomTexture\" \"frontTexture\"
\"leftTexture\" \"rightTexture\" \"topTexture\" \"watchList\"
Sound117.source = MovieTexture118;

browser.currentScene.children[31] = Sound117;

//Test success: AnchorObject.isNode()=true, siteAnchor.isNode()=true
//Test success: AnchorObject.isStatement()=false,
//Test success: ROUTEObject.isNode()=false,
//Test success: ROUTEObject.isStatement()=true,
//Test success: CommentsBlock.isNode()=false, testComments.isNode()=false
//Test failure: CommentsBlock.isStatement()=true,
Shape119 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Shape119.DEF = "ExtrusionShape";
//ExampleExtrusion isCrossSectionClosed()=true, crossSection='[1.0, 1.0,
1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]'
//ExampleExtrusion isSpineClosed()=false, spine='[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
Appearance120 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
Appearance120.DEF = "TransparentAppearance";
Material121 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Material");
Material121.transparency = 1;
Appearance120.material = Material121;

Shape119.appearance = Appearance120;

Extrusion122 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Extrusion");
Extrusion122.DEF = "ExampleExtrusion";
Shape119.geometry = Extrusion122;

browser.currentScene.children[32] = Shape119;

Group123 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Group");
//Test MFNode children array as an ordered list consisting of comments,
statements, ProtoInstance and nodes
ProtoDeclare124 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoDeclare");
ProtoDeclare124.name = "NewWorldInfo";
ProtoInterface125 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInterface");
field126 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field126.name = "description";
field126.accessType = "initializeOnly";
field126.type = "SFString";
ProtoInterface125.field = new MFNode();

ProtoInterface125.field[0] = field126;

ProtoDeclare124.protoInterface = ProtoInterface125;

ProtoBody127 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoBody");
WorldInfo128 = browser.currentScene.createNode("WorldInfo");
ProtoBody127.children = new MFNode();

ProtoBody127.children[0] = WorldInfo128;

ProtoDeclare124.protoBody = ProtoBody127;

Group123.children = new MFNode();

Group123.children[0] = ProtoDeclare124;

ProtoInstance129 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInstance");
ProtoInstance129.name = "NewWorldInfo";
ProtoInstance129.DEF = "Proto1";
fieldValue130 = browser.currentScene.createNode("fieldValue");
fieldValue130.name = "description";
fieldValue130.value = "testing 1 2 3";
ProtoInstance129.fieldValue = new MFNode();

ProtoInstance129.fieldValue[0] = fieldValue130;

Group123.children[1] = ProtoInstance129;

Group131 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Group");
Group131.DEF = "Node2";
//intentionally empty
Group123.children[2] = Group131;

ProtoInstance132 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInstance");
ProtoInstance132.name = "NewWorldInfo";
ProtoInstance132.DEF = "Proto3";
Group123.children[3] = ProtoInstance132;

Transform133 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Transform");
Transform133.DEF = "Node4";
//intentionally empty
Group123.children[4] = Transform133;

//Test satisfactorily creates MFNode children array as an ordered list with
mixed content
browser.currentScene.children[33] = Group123;

ProtoDeclare134 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoDeclare");
ProtoDeclare134.name = "ShaderProto";
ProtoBody135 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoBody");
ProgramShader136 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProgramShader");
ProtoBody135.children = new MFNode();

ProtoBody135.children[0] = ProgramShader136;

ProtoDeclare134.protoBody = ProtoBody135;

browser.currentScene.children[34] = ProtoDeclare134;

Shape137 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Appearance138 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Appearance");
//Test MFNode shaders array as an ordered list consisting of comments,
ProtoInstance and nodes
//Test satisfactorily creates MFNode shaders array as an ordered list with
mixed content
ProgramShader139 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProgramShader");
ProgramShader139.DEF = "TestShader1";
ShaderProgram140 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ShaderProgram");
ShaderProgram140.DEF = "TestShader2";
ShaderProgram140.type = "VERTEX";
ProgramShader139.programs = new MFNode();

ProgramShader139.programs[0] = ShaderProgram140;

Appearance138.shaders = new MFNode();

Appearance138.shaders[0] = ProgramShader139;

ProtoInstance141 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInstance");
ProtoInstance141.name = "ShaderProto";
ProtoInstance141.DEF = "TestShader3";
Appearance138.shaders[1] = ProtoInstance141;

ComposedShader142 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ComposedShader");
ComposedShader142.DEF = "TestShader4";
ShaderPart143 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ShaderPart");
ShaderPart143.DEF = "TestShader5";
ShaderPart143.type = "VERTEX";
ComposedShader142.parts = new MFNode();

ComposedShader142.parts[0] = ShaderPart143;

Appearance138.shaders[2] = ComposedShader142;

Shape137.appearance = Appearance138;

browser.currentScene.children[35] = Shape137;

Transform144 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Transform");
Transform144.DEF = "SpecialtyNodes";
CADLayer145 = browser.currentScene.createNode("CADLayer");
CADAssembly146 = browser.currentScene.createNode("CADAssembly");
CADPart147 = browser.currentScene.createNode("CADPart");
CADFace148 = browser.currentScene.createNode("CADFace");
CADPart147.children = new MFNode();

CADPart147.children[0] = CADFace148;

CADAssembly146.children = new MFNode();

CADAssembly146.children[0] = CADPart147;

CADLayer145.children = new MFNode();

CADLayer145.children[0] = CADAssembly146;

Transform144.children = new MFNode();

Transform144.children[0] = CADLayer145;

EspduTransform149 = browser.currentScene.createNode("EspduTransform");
Transform144.children[1] = EspduTransform149;

ReceiverPdu150 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ReceiverPdu");
Transform144.children[2] = ReceiverPdu150;

SignalPdu151 = browser.currentScene.createNode("SignalPdu");
Transform144.children[3] = SignalPdu151;

TransmitterPdu152 = browser.currentScene.createNode("TransmitterPdu");
Transform144.children[4] = TransmitterPdu152;

DISEntityManager153 = browser.currentScene.createNode("DISEntityManager");
DISEntityTypeMapping154 =
DISEntityManager153.mapping = new MFNode();

DISEntityManager153.mapping[0] = DISEntityTypeMapping154;

Transform144.children[5] = DISEntityManager153;

browser.currentScene.children[36] = Transform144;

On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 8:40 AM Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com>

> Hi John,
> x_ite just follows standard SAI, internal or external:
> //get Browser
> browser=X3D.getBrowser(); //X3D is global defined by x_ite.js
> //get current scene
> scene=browser.currentScene;
> //make shape node
> shape=scene.createNode('Shape');
> //make box node
> box=scene.createNode('Box');
> //set geometry field
> shape.geometry=box;
> //add as root node (for example)
> scene.addRootNode(shape);
> For me the easiest way to experiment with scripting like this, is to
> use the Chrome dev tools console with a simple scene like:
> https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas/desert3X_ITE.html
> Following the steps will give you a white box visible in the active scene.
> x3dom uses the DOM as an interface to the scene. So you create DOM
> elements using HTML5 methods and add those to the Scene DOM element.
> There may be a way to avoid using the DOM and use internal, SAI like
> functions. For example, the javascript domNode._x3dom property gives
> you access to fields and methods for a node. But usually it is easiest
> and most interoperable on a HTML5 page to use the DOM.
> The field names are the same across browser but the internal
> representation of field values (as a javascript object) is very
> different. So one cannot use the results of SAI x_ite calls directly
> with x3dom, or vice versa. It is necesssary to go through encodings.
> I do not think X3DJSAIL deals a lot with Browser or ExecutionContext
> SAI functions since they are tied to the specific browser but I may be
> wrong.
> Andreas
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 2:58 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Could Andreas explain how to use createNode in the context of X_ITE SAI?
> > I think that createNode may be the one significant thing missing from
> > There's an unrelated one in the physics code.
> >
> > That is, you use createNode to createNodes in SAI, then you use the
> fields of the returned object.  Are these the same across browsers?
> >
> > Here's how to get a node from the standard:
> >
> > Browser.currentScene.createNode('Shape');
> >
> > Again, there is no createNode in X3DJSAIL to speak of.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > John
> >
> > On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 1:24 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> We have 2 versions of  JavaScript server side API, Nashorn and Node,
> both dependent on X3DJSAIL, and the code looks similar.  However, we do not
> have a JavaScript native version yet, even with JSweet (it's incomplete).
> >>
> >> I believe that we should pursue an external SAI compatible with X_ITE,
> since X3DOM already has an external SAI.
> >>
> >> Below is an example of "External" with X_ITE. Note that X3D is required
> to be defined, and x_ite.js should be loaded before X3D is called.  So how
> do we do that in node?  This is why I've been suggesting headless browsers!
> >>
> >> ...so...I need to figure out an example of Transform in the standard.
> It would seem like the thing to do would be to implement createNode?  Are
> there any examples of createNode?  Yes, in X_ITE at least.  Do we need to
> create an execution context to use it?  Yes!
> >>
> >> Is there an X_ITE example of external createNode?
> >>
> >> Yes!
> >>
> >> As far as I can tell there is not a X3DOM version of ECMAScript SAI's
> createNode.
> >>
> >> So I think we should start with X_ITE as I said before, and try to
> create an External ECMAScript SAI script (not DOM).
> >>
> >> Do people agree that we should try to create an ECMAScript SAI example
> from outside X_ITE?
> >>
> >> It appears that we either have to start from X3D(), below.   Can we
> make X3D() into an external SAI?
> >>
> >> Do we need a browser in nodejs?
> >>
> >> has anyone looked into chrome embedded framework?
> >>
> >> John
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> function load_X_ITE_XML(content, selector) {
> >>         X3D(function() {
> >>                 var browser = X3D.getBrowser(selector);
> >>
>  browser.replaceWorld(browser.createX3DFromString(content));
> >>         }, function() {
> >>                 alert("Failed to render XML to X_ITE");
> >>         });
> >> }
> >>
> >> function load_X_ITE_DOM(element, selector) {
> >>         X3D(function() {
> >>                 if (typeof X3D.getBrowser !== 'undefined') {
> >>                         var browser = X3D.getBrowser(selector);
> >>                         if (typeof browser !== 'undefined' && typeof
> browser.importDocument !== 'undefined') {
> >>                                 var importedScene =
> browser.importDocument(element);
> >>                                 browser.replaceWorld(importedScene);
> >>                         }
> >>                 }
> >>         }, function() {
> >>                 alert("Failed to render DOM to X_ITE");
> >>         });
> >> }
> >>
> >> function load_X_ITE_JS(jsobj, selector) {
> >>         X3D(function() {
> >>                 if (typeof X3D.getBrowser !== 'undefined') {
> >>                         var browser = X3D.getBrowser(selector);
> >>                         if (typeof browser !== 'undefined' && typeof
> browser.importJS !== 'undefined') {
> >>                                 var importedScene =
> browser.importJS(jsobj);
> >>                                 browser.replaceWorld(importedScene);
> >>                         }
> >>                 }
> >>         }, function() {
> >>                 alert("Failed to render JSON to X_ITE");
> >>         });
> >> }
> >>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> John
> --
> Andreas Plesch
> Waltham, MA 02453
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