[x3d-public] X3D minutes 29 JAN 2021: X3D4 Committee Draft (CD) submission nearly complete, all accepted changes published
Don Brutzman
brutzman at nps.edu
Sat Jan 30 17:00:27 PST 2021
Attendees: Anita Havele, Vince Marchetti, Dick Puk, Don Brutzman. Preliminary meeting with Michalis, followup with Nicholas.
X3D Weekly Meeting, 09-1000 Pacific time, Friday 29 JAN 2021.
This week we reviewed final steps for X3D4 Committee Draft (CD) submission to ISO.
[0.1] Web3D Teleconference Information
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Confirmed that no Web3D Consortium member-only information is in these minutes.
Prior minutes:
[0.1] [x3d-public] X3D minutes 22 JAN 2021: X3D4 advancement, 2 Khronos issues, accessType adjustments, charter adjustment, adding tools
1. Press Release
Reviewed draft, Anita leading. Refinements continue.
2. X3D4 Committee Draft (CD)
We reviewed comments received during the ballot process and editor resolutions.
a. Appearance alphaMode, alphaCutoff
Accepted, looks great. See email thread, github spec and Mantis for resolution.
Michalis confirmed: yes we really need AUTO, because it matches X3D3 support.
alphaCutoff is useful and exactly matches glTF as well.
SFFloat [in out] alphaCutoff 0.5 [0,1]
This applies to all textures, and only applies to rendering (not physically based textures for normals, bump maps).
b. X3D EnvironmentLight and glTF Image Based Lighting (IBL)
* partial design Michalis
* earlier PhysicalEnvironmentLight implementation X3DOM, but a different approach (and yet compatibility still workable)
2 different approaches need to be reconciled, possibly mergable... apparently some issues being considered in Khronos as well.
So we cannot finalize the node in X3D quite yet... but the functionality will definitely be added that matches Khronos glTF.
Editors Note in spec? Absent our identifying this as an issue, I don't think we should publish. Web3D can comment on our ballot, but other national bodies cannot effectively comment on something that is not present.
Several other Editors Notes exist in the Sound component (regarding TBD items with W3C Streams) and also HTML Guidelines. Removing them is not the correct approach because we would not meet our goal outcomes for trusted full disclosure, public understanding, diligent implementations, and thorough review by national bodies and liaison Standards Development Organizations (SDOs).
Discussed (again) at some length.. this is a showstopper blocking publication as CD until resolved. Can we include editors notes?
We will meet Monday 0900 Pacific to review specific ISO rules regarding Committee Draft. The specific question is whether inclusion of any editor NOTE are allowed in a Committee Draft (CD). It is important to communicate this information to INCITS, patnered organizations and national bodies.
I will not be putting EnvironmentLight into X3D Schema/X3DUOM production until we all think we have initial node signatures worth testing.
Meanwhile, proceeding ahead with goal of successful outcome in mind. See email list for EnvironmentLight preliminary draft, actual converged design is future work.
c. X3D HTML Guidelines
Excellent comments by Andreas considering issues in depth. Thank you for implementation experience and review diligence.
Editorial review by Dick and Don with small adjustments going into spec.
See email list for final resolution details. Now complete.
d. Editorial errata
Still need to fix style-removal stylesheet to avoid overzealous whitespace-removal issue.
Had hoped for one more review of Mantis: nope, too much time spent on unseen ISO esoterica. Issue details remain available in Mantis and email archives.
All improvements always remain welcome, this is the "value proposition" for Web3D Consortium. We have much to be grateful for.
2. Production Pipeline
- All identified critical issues addressed: done.
- Update online WD3 with "neon green" CSS style for editor resolutions: done.
- Mantis updated correspondingly to match rationale: done.
- All accepted X3D4 changes applied to schema, DTD, X3DUOM, Tooltips, X3DJSAIL, X3DPSAIL, stylesheet converters, and Semantic Web Turtle: done and published.
- Final specification editors review Monday 1 FEB 0900: ready, we'll be on regular Web3D zoom channel.
- TODO Prepare cover letter for formal submission by Web3D Consortium.
- TODO Pristine copy converted and checked, then will become Committee Draft and get checked into github.
- TODO WD3 markup showing post-ballot editor resolution changes published on web3d.org
- TODO Submit to SC24 with information copies to INCITS, W3C, Khronos.
- TODO Great Jubilation Ensues
Summary: some administrative work remains for next week, but all results available now.
Have fun with X3D4! 8)
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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