[x3d-public] corrections to X3DUOM web page, reading encodings into python scenegraph, X3D-Dart

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 07:04:29 PDT 2021

Don, please place this email in a folder for JSON development. No action 
is necessary at this point.

https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3DUOM.html#JavaScript should say 
we're going with draft-07 JSON schema, and we have validation solutions 
available for Java, JavaScript and Python. Note that there have been 
JSON schema upgrades beyond draft-07, but these have been unacceptable 
because we can't validate the JSON schema against itself.  An example of 
using the Python validator looks like this:

os.system(f'python3 validate.py < 

More info under X3DJSONLD/src/main/python.   See generateSchemas.py for 
documentation, you can see all my calls to created schemas, validate 
schemas, and validate JSON documents there. We could probably toss the 
schema if we get a good solution there that is portable to different 
programming languages.   If you don't want to use Java or JavaScript 
validators, perhaps a Python validator would be a good approach.


We don't have a way to read any encoding into Python that I know of.   
What should be our approach there?  Convert XML to Python? Are we going 
to read glTF?  xslt3 supports JSON input, I think. I could start digging 
into reading XML into a Python scenegraph by modifying the x3d.py 
generating stylesheet.  If I read my skills right, I will only be able 
to get some of the way.


I'm asking for help with X3D-Dart SAI on the flutter Discord server.  
Hopefully I can entice some help as I've only been able to spend around 
2-3 days a month on X3D coding.  There appears to be aborted development 
of three.dart and and active development of FlutterGL .   I saw one 
embedded demo of Unity in Flutter. Likely, X3D-Dart will sit atop 
FlutterGL, like X3DOM and X_ITE sit atop webGL, or we can develop 
rendering separate from the scenegraph by subclassing.



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