[x3d-public] X3D JSON question. Order of head statements (component, unit, meta), Transform children

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 08:39:57 PST 2023

A tool I am aware of reorders head statements when converting from XML to
JSON.  Should it?  Should it also reorder children of Transform?  Does it
matter for JSON as long as when it's converted back to XML, everything is

I work on X3DJSONLD, a tool that converts JSON to a variety of things, and
reordering JSON will impact X3DJSONLD, which expects them in "X3D XML
schema" order.

Any opinions?  Should I assume the worst, and restore order in X3DJSONLD?
What should/does the JSON encoding working draft say?

If I used the first tool on the X3DJSONLD web page, will people be
surprised to see the head statements the wrong order in JSON?

I am already adjusting head because I assume there were 3 meta statements
that I could get rid of, and the first tool only has 2 meta statements I
can get rid of.


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