SRC and glTF
SRC - The Shape Resource Container Project and github source
Faster 3D Models with Binary glTF
Summary of relationship between glTF, Binary glTF and SRC: (some definitions come from Patrick Cozzi's recent page)
- "glTF is a JSON format with binary payloads for geometry, textures, animation key frames, and skin inverse-bind matrices. These resources are referenced by uri using a glTF buffer." [Cozzi]
- Binary glTF is a proposed glTF extension that defines a binary container format containing glTF JSON, binary resources, and shader sources. [adapted from Cozzi]
- "SRC is a flexible yet highly efficient format for progressive transmission and compositing of arbitrary 3D asset data, including meshes, textures, and arbitrary vertex attributes." [Fraunhofer]
- SRC has proposed changes to the draft Binary glTF encoding that further support efficient performance, including streamability and progressive mesh rendering. Compatibility investigations are being discussed.
- It is proposed that SRC be an extension to Binary glTF. Joint effort between Khronos and Web3D. Continuing the technical development is most important, while the IPR is being discussed.
SRC is a recommended subset of glTF for usage with X3D scenes. It does not extend glTF in any way
It is proposed that SRC be part of the X3D specification -
X3D working group expects to include the Shape-contained, geometric-compression oriented SRC encoding as part of X3D Abstract Specifications 19775 and also a future Efficient Binary Encoding, 19777-4.