ISO/IEC 19774-2
Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation
This document is ISO/IEC 19774-2:2019,
Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation.
The full title of this document is:
Information technology —
Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation —
Part 2: Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation.
The Foreword provides background on the standards process for
HAnim. The Introduction describes the purpose, design
criteria, and functional characteristics of HAnim.
The following clauses define this document:
- Scope defines the subject matter and the aspects covered by
HAnim motion data animation.
- Normative references lists the normative standards
referenced in this document.
- Terms, definitions, acronyms and abbreviations contains the
glossary of terminology used in this document.
- Concepts describes the overall design of humanoid motion
data animation.
- HAnim motion data animation using interpolators
describes animation using interpolators.
- HAnim motion data animation using Motion objects describes
animation using Motion objects.
- Conformance specifies the rules for creating conforming
implementations and conforming content.
The following annexes are included in the specification:
- motion-capture file examples describe the composition of
some motion-capture files obtained by capture devices.
- An example of HAnim keyframe animation using interpolators
describes an example for creating keyframe animation of an HAnim figure
using interpolators.
- An example of HAnim motion data animation using interpolators
describes an example for creating motion data animation of an HAnim
figure using interpolators.
- An example of HAnim motion data animation using Motion object
describes an example for creating motion data animation of an HAnim
figure using Motion objects.
Bibliography lists the informative documents referenced in this
part of ISO/IEC 19774.