Extensible 3D (X3D)
Part 1: Architecture and bases
Node index
This index lists the nodes in alphabetical order. Abstract nodes and objects are italicized.
Node | Specification |
9.4.1 | |
12.4.1 | |
14.3.1 | |
14.3.2 | |
16.4.1 | |
24.4.1 | |
BallJoint | 37.4.1 |
23.4.1 | |
30.4.1 | |
30.4.2 | |
30.4.3 | |
30.4.4 | |
BoundedPhysicsModel | 40.4.1 |
13.3.1 | |
CADAssembly | 32.4.1 |
CADFace | 32.4.2 |
CADLayer | 32.4.3 |
CADPart | 32.4.4 |
14.3.3 | |
ClipPlane | 11.4.1 |
CollidableOffset | 37.4.2 |
CollidableShape | 37.4.3 |
23.4.2 | |
CollisionCollection | 37.4.4 |
CollisionSensor | 37.4.5 |
CollisionSpace | 37.4.6 |
11.4.1 | |
39.4.1 | |
19.4.1 | |
11.4.2 | |
ComposedCubeMapTexture | 34.4.1 |
ComposedShader | 31.4.1 |
ComposedTexture3D | 33.4.1 |
13.3.2 | |
40.4.2 | |
Contact | 37.4.7 |
27.4.1 | |
27.4.2 | |
11.4.3 | |
39.4.2 | |
27.4.3 | |
19.4.2 | |
19.4.3 | |
13.3.3 | |
20.4.1 | |
17.4.1 | |
DISEntityManager | 28.3.1 |
DISEntityTypeMapping | 28.3.2 |
14.3.4 | |
DoubleAxisHingeJoint | 37.4.8 |
EaseInEaseOut | 19.4.4 |
13.3.4 | |
28.3.3 | |
ExplosionEmitter | 40.4.3 |
13.3.5 | |
12.4.2 | |
FloatVertexAttribute | 31.4.2 |
24.4.2 | |
FogCoordinate | 24.4.3 |
15.4.1 | |
ForcePhysicsModel | 40.4.4 |
GeneratedCubeMapTexture | 34.4.2 |
25.3.1 | |
25.3.2 | |
25.3.3 | |
25.3.4 | |
25.3.5 | |
25.3.6 | |
25.3.7 | |
GeoProximitySensor | 25.3.8 |
25.3.9 | |
25.3.10 | |
25.3.11 | |
10.4.1 | |
26.3.1 | |
26.3.2 | |
26.3.3 | |
26.3.4 | |
26.3.5 | |
ImageCubeMapTexture | 34.4.3 |
18.4.1 | |
ImageTexture3D | 33.4.2 |
13.3.6 | |
11.4.4 | |
IndexedQuadSet | 32.4.5 |
IndexedTriangleFanSet | 11.4.5 |
IndexedTriangleSet | 11.4.6 |
IndexedTriangleStripSet | 11.4.7 |
9.4.2 | |
30.4.5 | |
30.4.6 | |
21.4.1 | |
Layer | 35.4.1 |
LayerSet | 35.4.2 |
Layout | 36.4.1 |
LayoutGroup | 36.4.2 |
LayoutLayer | 36.4.3 |
LinePickSensor | 38.4.1 |
12.4.3 | |
LineSet | 11.4.8 |
9.4.3 | |
LocalFog | 24.4.4 |
23.4.3 | |
12.4.4 | |
Matrix3VertexAttribute | 31.4.3 |
Matrix4VertexAttribute | 31.4.4 |
7.4.1 | |
7.4.2 | |
7.4.3 | |
7.4.4 | |
7.4.5 | |
MotorJoint | 37.4.8 |
18.4.2 | |
18.4.3 | |
18.4.4 | |
18.4.5 | |
23.4.4 | |
11.4.9 | |
19.4.5 | |
27.4.4 | |
27.4.5 | |
27.4.6 | |
NurbsPatchSurface | 27.4.7 |
27.4.8 | |
NurbsSet | 27.4.9 |
27.4.10 | |
NurbsSweptSurface | 27.4.11 |
NurbsSwungSurface | 27.4.12 |
27.4.13 | |
NurbsTrimmedSurface | 27.4.14 |
39.4.3 | |
39.4.4 | |
19.4.6 | |
OrthoViewpoint | 23.4.5 |
PackagedShader | 31.4.5 |
ParticleSystem | 40.4.5 |
PickableGroup | 38.4.2 |
18.4.6 | |
PixelTexture3D | 33.4.3 |
20.4.2 | |
PointEmitter | 40.4.6 |
17.4.2 | |
PointPickSensor | 38.4.3 |
11.4.10 | |
14.3.5 | |
PolylineEmitter | 40.4.7 |
14.3.6 | |
39.4.5 | |
39.4.6 | |
39.4.7 | |
39.4.8 | |
19.4.7 | |
19.4.8 | |
PrimitivePickSensor | 38.4.4 |
ProgramShader | 31.4.6 |
22.4.1 | |
QuadSet | 32.4.6 |
28.3.4 | |
14.3.7 | |
RigidBody | 37.4.9 |
RigidBodyCollection | 37.4.10 |
39.4.9 | |
19.4.9 | |
ScreenFontStyle | 36.4.4 |
ScreenGroup | 36.4.5 |
29.4.1 | |
ShaderPart | 31.4.7 |
ShaderProgram | 31.4.8 |
12.4.5 | |
28.3.5 | |
SingleAxisHingeJoint | 37.4.11 |
SliderJoint | 37.4.12 |
16.4.2 | |
13.3.7 | |
20.4.3 | |
SplinePositionInterpolator | 19.4.10 |
SplinePositionInterpolator2D | 19.4.11 |
SplineScalarInterpolator | 19.4.12 |
17.4.3 | |
SquadOrientationInterpolator | 19.4.13 |
10.4.2 | |
21.4.2 | |
SurfaceEmitter | 40.4.8 |
10.4.3 | |
39.4.10 | |
15.4.2 | |
24.4.3 | |
18.4.7 | |
TextureCoordinate3D | 33.4.4 |
TextureCoordinate4D | 33.4.5 |
18.4.8 | |
TextureProperties | 18.4.9 |
18.4.10 | |
TextureTransform3D | 33.4.7 |
TextureTransformMatrix3D | 33.4.6 |
8.4.1 | |
30.4.7 | |
20.4.4 | |
10.4.4 | |
TransformSensor | 22.4.2 |
28.3.6 | |
11.4.11 | |
11.4.12 | |
14.3.8 | |
11.4.13 | |
TwoSidedMaterial | 12.4.6 |
UniversalJoint | 37.4.13 |
23.4.6 | |
ViewpointGroup | 23.4.7 |
Viewport | 35.4.3 |
22.4.3 | |
VolumeEmitter | 40.4.7 |
VolumePickSensor | 38.4.5 |
WindPhysicsModel | 40.4.8 |
7.4.6 | |
12.3.1 | |
12.3.2 | |
24.3.1 | |
7.3.1 | |
10.3.1 | |
39.3.1 | |
7.3.2 | |
11.3.1 | |
11.3.2 | |
11.3.3 | |
39.3.2 | |
20.3.1 | |
22.3.1 | |
X3DEnvironmentTextureNode | 34.3.1 |
X3DFogObject | 24.3.2 |
39.3.3 | |
15.3.1 | |
11.3.4 | |
11.3.5 | |
10.3.2 | |
7.3.3 | |
19.3.1 | |
21.3.1 | |
X3DLayerNode | 35.3.1 |
X3DLayoutNode | 36.3.1 |
17.3.1 | |
12.3.3 | |
7.3.3 | |
X3DNBodyCollidableNode | 37.3.1 |
X3DNBodyCollisionSpaceNode | 37.3.2 |
9.3.1 | |
7.3.4 | |
11.3.6 | |
X3DNurbsControlCurveNode | 27.3.1 |
X3DNurbsSurfaceGeometryNode | 27.3.2 |
27.3.3 | |
X3DParticleEmitterNode | 40.3.1 |
X3DParticlePhysicsModelNode | 40.3.2 |
X3DPickableObject | 38.3.1 |
X3DPickingNode | 38.3.2 |
20.3.2 | |
X3DProductStructureChildNode | 32.3.1 |
X3DProgrammableShaderObject | 31.3.1 |
7.3.5 | |
X3DRigidJointNode | 37.3.3 |
29.3.1 | |
7.3.6 | |
30.3.1 | |
X3DShaderNode | 31.3.2 |
12.3.4 | |
16.3.1 | |
16.3.2 | |
18.3.1 | |
18.3.2 | |
18.3.3 | |
X3DTexture3DNode | 33.3.1 |
18.3.4 | |
8.3.1 | |
20.3.3 | |
30.3.2 | |
9.3.2 | |
X3DVertexAttributeNode | 31.3.3 |
X3DViewpointNode | 23.3.1 |
X3DViewportNode | 35.3.2 |