[Korea-chapter] CAD Working Group meeting (17:00 PDT, June 27th)

Hyokwang Lee adpc9 at partdb.com
Tue Jun 26 20:59:27 PDT 2012

CAD Working group meeting is on June 27 Wed at 5:00pm PDT.( June 28 Thu at 09:00am KST)


Agenda items for CAD WG teleconference are as follows.


- CADFace  spec. change


- organization of CAD BoF

* Draft http://www.web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/CAD_BoF_2012#Draft


- Other Issues/News


- Work in progress (to be discussed if needed)

* X3D Validator(Don)

* NURBS component(vince)

* Possibility of liaison with TC184/SC4


With best regards,

Hyokwang Lee


=== notice for Web3D2012 ========================================================

- CAD BoF : Tuesday 7 August 11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

- Working Group meeting : Friday 3 August 0900-1200 PDT at Hilton Checkers Hotel

- Building a set of example models to confirm correct operation

  and encourage the evolution of best practices!!


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