[X3D-Ecosystem] Blender: Moving towards multiple shapes per EMPTY Blender object

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 20:39:26 PST 2024

When I say “EMPTY,” you reply “Transform.”

I am moving towards multiple X3D Shape objects per each EMPTY blender
object on import.   An EMPTY object is an object without geometry,
armature, viewpoint or light (others?), particularly: some X3D HAnim nodes
and some X3D Grouping nodes become EMPTY objects.  This will allow for
Shapes and EMPTYs  to travel together.  My preference is for an EMPTY
object to contain multiple Shape children, like X3D.  This might be handled
through multiple EMPTY objects.  Either as a hierarchy (hierarchy of meshes
like maleWaving.dae) or siblings.  I believe that multiple shapes per EMPTY
might already be implemented, since my all_shapes object is a table.

At this point, I don’t envision the EMPTY objects changing type.  If that
is even possible.

Ultimately, the plan is for shapes to contain a default matrix (like an X3D
Group).  I realize it’s impossible to enforce this in Blender, so if a
Shape’s matrix_world or matrix_local becomes non-default, I will insert a
Transform between the EMPTY and the Shape on export.

What needs to be done:  How do you do keyframing on EMPTY objects?  Is this
possible through the GUI?  Like changing a number value in a transform
creates an animation?

Can someone send me a Python log?  Or answer the previous paragraph, “Yes.”

So, all the X3D events on EMPTY objects need to be implemented as key
frames, if not already done.

Apologies that it takes so long for me to think through these things.

The default EMPTY translation on output will be Transform, unless you make
a point of using one of my creations, like using my import modifications,
my loader, and my exporter.

Have fun with non-HAnim export!  Maybe use bones with skin weights next

Please show another way to do humanoid animation in Blender!  I’ve gotten
gramps (with bones and weights, thanks) and maleWaving.dae (I don’t see
bones…are there weights?).  I guess I’ll watch some Rigify videos.


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