[X3D-Ecosystem] Nearly post mortem

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 21:43:16 PDT 2024

I also think that HAnim export may remain viable, but will be joints+skin
based, until Blender or an extension raises the game.

Any examples to the otherwise welcome.

I think we should perhaps focus on authoring tools which produce segments
and sites, and provide conversion to X3D in the short term, like

But I’ll try delta transforms first.


On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 11:21 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> If delta transforms don’t work, I’m willing to say that Joint centers
> won’t work without Blender bones, which probably means we should focus on
> joints+multiple skins (clothes), and find another tool to hook sites to
> segments to joints.  Further development on the Blender addon should be
> focused on more fruitful areas, like PBR import/export, or revamping
> Blender itself, to suit X3D requirements (the latter is beyond my interest,
> skill and pay grade, I don’t do C++ debugging like a lowly paid game
> developer.  My interest might be piqued by a 5 year, 1.25 million contract
> with benefits, and then I would probably die.  What’s the point?) Systems
> which already support X3D could be employed to develop an authoring system
> (CGE, Sunrize, Titania, Flux???).  I’d consider working with Pascal and
> JavaScript, pro bono.  Pascal looks a lot more sane than C++.
> There might be a way to hook armatures into joints, sites and segments,
> without Blender bones, but don’t ask me how to animate that behemoth yet.
> I think we’re more likely to have success converting sites and segments to
> Blender bones in addition to joints, but I don’t know how to hook
> Transforms or Groups to Blender bones, so no go.  At this point, i don’t
> quite know how to hook armature to anything but Blender bones and mesh.
> If someone can make available a blender file which shows something else,
> that would probably be a step forward.
> One could also take the approach that animation should not be done in
> Blender, but I’m already hearing rumblings of KHR_interactivity being
> implemented.
> Note that when I went for #beginner-help on Blender Discord, no one wanted
> to help with X3D.
> If I get go ahead to convert sites and segments to Blender bones, I will
>  go ahead with that.
> The reason why our initial Blender examples worked was because the nesting
> of transforms went in one direction.  I’m pretty sure if the centers go one
> way, then the reverse, one will need delta transforms or non-nested
> transforms. I would welcome this  X3D example being developed.
> Overall, it looks like I got extremely lucky that gramps worked in
> Blender, and I could export him.
> All the problems probably go away without a hierarchy.
> Anyway, after delta transforms, I’ll be looking for some direction.  If
> they work, then I see a path forward for sites and segments.
> John
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 10:10 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What I have discovered in my journeys is to that locations seem to added
>> together, such that if humanoid_root not at 0,0,0, then it gets added to
>> sacroiliac, etc.  that is, if you go down the leg or arm, they will go
>> upwards in Y, despite perfect location values appearing in Blender.  It
>> probably doesn’t help to do any kind of coordinate swapping or matrix_local
>> vs matrix_world.  What I will look into is doing delta transforms next,
>> subtracting child center from parent center and assigning to delta
>> location.  Another way to solve this is provide a flat transform hierarchy.
>> I will check in an example which shows this—eventually.
>> Anyway, I’m discovering new ways to curse at AI, finally taking over from
>> them, despite luring them with $20/month. Probably you.com is better for
>> the end user and worse for the AI provider.  It just seems like you.com
>> could be blocked by the AI providers.
>> Blender’s not much better than AI.
>> John
>> On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 4:06 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have revamped the examples and created a bat script to run the python
>>> along with showing the examples in castle-model-viewer.  Enjoy!
>>> X3DJSONLD/blend/localtest at master · coderextreme/X3DJSONLD (github.com)
>>> <https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/tree/master/blend/localtest>
>>> I'm still working on JinLOA1, showing that centers AND geometry can be
>>> loaded properly, while also nesting HAnimJoints in Blender, and ignoring
>>> joints and segments fields in HAnimHumanoid.
>>> I feel a bit like John C. from Terminator, saving humanoids from SkyNet.
>>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 10:08 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, except for JinLOA1scaled1.x3d. Don’t import with the .x3d addon,
>>>> use the provided python and change the file name.  The default addon does
>>>> not handle ROUTEs.
>>>> I will double check the files.
>>>> John
>>>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 6:29 PM Katy Schildmeyer <
>>>> katy at ksappareldesign.com> wrote:
>>>>> John, are there supposed to be animations on these when I press play
>>>>> for them in blender? Otherwise I see the centers and hierarchy when I
>>>>> import as x3d. Will also test in c4d and etc.
>>>>> Katherine Schildmeyer
>>>>> KS Apparel Design & Consulting
>>>>> www.ksappareldesign.com
>>>>> PH: 503-367-4856
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>>>>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 5:18 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I appear to have solved the problem with the Blender X3D addon
>>>>>> (crosses fingers).
>>>>>> Perhaps someone is willing to do a final test before I attempt to
>>>>>> incorporate it into a Blender addon.
>>>>>> I will next try the example on Hanim Jin 20c for loading into Blender.
>>>>>> Thanks for your support.
>>>>>> John
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