[X3D-Public] convert x3d zu wrl

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 10:27:39 PDT 2012

Chris wrote:
> Can you tell me please, which part I have to remove and how I should add
> the #VRML V2.0 utf8 to get a working wrl file?

You have to first convert it to classic encoding. I used my view3dscene 
for this, although there are other viewers/converters that can do it 
too. Then I simply opened it in a text editor, removed the beginning lines

#X3D V3.0 utf8
META ...

and added "#VRML V2.0 utf8", and saved with .wrl extension.

This gives you a valid VRML 2.0... as long as you didn't use any 
features that are only available in X3D. I noticed 
Viewport.centerOfRotation, removed it, rest seems to be valid for VRML 
2.0. view3dscene opens it fine (although view3dscene allows to use many 
X3D features inside VRML 2.0 too (that's a useful extension), so it's 
not a strict test).

I uploaded the result on 
http://michalis.ii.uni.wroc.pl/~michalis/tmp/neu%20cull-vrml.zip :)

> I was looking inputonly,... but I did not found anything.

That's Ok, your model didn't use it, so no need to replace anything.


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