[x3d-public] Holger, vrmlbanner.x3d doesn't pass QA tests

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Sun Dec 6 16:58:16 PST 2015

Good questions... here are some answers.

Incidentally this is a cool-looking scene, it would be great if it can be offered to Web3D under an open-source license.  Authors retain rights.  Good for inclusion in

On 12/6/2015 11:32 AM, Holger Seelig wrote:
>>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type"ProtoInstance".
> I can understand that this error occurs, but it is not clear to me why ProtoInstance declarations with USE must have a name attribute this can implicitly taken from the original node.

To ensure correct results, the name is also required to confirm that the correct prototype is being utilized (tested by X3D DTD, Schema and Schematron).

This is consistent with other USE attributes where the name of the element must match the node name of the original (tested by X3D Schematron).

To take advantage of the implicit availability of the name, I added a block to X3D-Tidy to automatically fix such an omission (when possible).  It will be released in the next version of X3D-Edit.

>>>> <Script DEF='k_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>   'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[1]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
> Scripts in VRML files with Script nodes often start with "javascript:", or "vrmlscript:". the file is taken as is and converted, no further conversions were applied.

It is necessary to change the name to ecmascript: in order to meet the X3D specification.

29.2.8 Script languages

9.2.3 Scripting language protocols

This problem is detected by X3D Schematron and can be corrected using X3D-Tidy.

>>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ca' value=''/> fielddeclaration
>>>> is missing initialization value
> cannot reproduce this kind of errors

Certain fields require values, even if they are defaults - omitting them is a specification and validation error.

> Holger

Your scene exercises many tests and features, thanks for that - I'll keep working with it for a while. Unfortunately X3D-Tidy appears to be garbling parts of it, will keep trying to get a clean conversion result.

Your efforts are appreciated Holger!

> Am 06.12.2015 um 18:43 schrieb John Carlson:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: "Don Brutzman" <brutzman at nps.edu <mailto:brutzman at nps.edu>>
>> Date: Dec 5, 2015 9:12 PM
>> Subject: Re: X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet bug? Switch attribute whichChoice
>> defaulting to -1????
>> To: "John Carlson" <yottzumm at gmail.com <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>>
>> Cc:
>> On 12/4/2015 7:19 PM, John Carlson wrote:
>>     I’m not sure if these attachments will make it through the email.
>> both attachments received.
>>     Please verify that whichChoice is probably not being set on
>>     Switches. There may be a default value though, I’m not sure.
>> excerpt:
>>      <ProtoDeclare name='K'>
>>        <ProtoInterface>
>> [...]
>>          <field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFInt32' name='F'
>> value='-1'/>
>>          <field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFInt32' name='type'/>
>> [...]
>>        </ProtoInterface>
>>        <ProtoBody>
>>          <Group>
>>            <Switch>
>>              <IS>
>>                <connect nodeField='whichChoice' protoField='type'/>
>>              </IS>
>> Looks like you have not set an initial value on the 'type' field.
>> This means that no value is passed to the Switch, so it uses default
>> whichChoice = =1 meaning no children rendered.
>> The X3D to JSON stylesheet is definitely counting on a clean scene.  I
>> don't duplicate tests in such converters that also exist in the X3D
>> Validator suite.
>> FYI other scene errors & warnings from X3D Validator:
>> --------- Commence validation checks for vrmlbanner.x3d ---------
>> Performing well-formed XML check...
>> Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/vrmlbanner.x3d...
>> Well-formed XML check: pass
>> Performing DOCTYPE check...
>> [X3dDoctypeChecker] success: valid XML declaration found; success: final
>> X3D 3.3 DOCTYPE found.
>> Performing DTD validation...
>> Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/vrmlbanner.x3d...
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> Too many errors, stopping further checking.
>> XML DTD validation: fail!
>> Performing X3D schema validation...
>> Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/vrmlbanner.x3d...
>> Referenced entity at
>> "nbres:/org/web3d/x3d/externals/schemas/x3d-3.3-Web3dExtensionsPublic.xsd".
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>> "ProtoInstance".
>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'ProtoInstance'.
>> Too many errors, stopping further checking.
>> XML schema validation: fail!
>> Performing X3D regular expression (regex) values check...
>> Found 2 leading-zero matches:
>> - in line 6 column 38:  01
>> - in line 9 column 39:  01
>> Performing X3dToClassicVrml.xslt conversion check...
>> Performing X3D Schematron check...
>> <X3D profile='Full'> is defined, but nodes in scene have actual
>> profile='Immersive' [/X3D, info]
>> Missing X3D filename in meta tag, should appear as <meta name='title'
>> content='FileName.x3d'/> [/X3D/head, warning]
>> url for X3D file should appear in <meta name='identifier'
>> content='http://someAddress/somePath/FileName.x3d'/> [/X3D/head, warning]
>> Missing X3D scene description in meta tag, should appear as <meta
>> name='description' content='topic sentence plus good summary'/>
>> [/X3D/head, info]
>> <Script DEF='k_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[1]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='k_1'> <field name='i' accessType='outputOnly'/> cannot
>> define function i() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[1]/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='G' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoInterface/field[31], error]
>> <Script DEF='I'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I'> <field name='set_s' accessType='inputOnly'/> function
>> set_s() defined more than once
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoBody/Script/field[8], error]
>> <Script DEF='I'> <field name='set_t' accessType='inputOnly'/> function
>> set_t() defined more than once
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='type' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[3]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='L' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[3]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>> <Script DEF='P_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[3]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='translation' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[5], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='rotation' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='scaleOrientation'
>> value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[10], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='V' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='W' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>> <Script DEF='Y_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='Y_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='Y_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field must
>> have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='Z' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[10], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='ba' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[11], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='ca' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[12], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[14], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[15], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>> <Script DEF='ka'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='ka'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='oa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>> <TouchSensor DEF='pa_1'/> is missing description.  Example:
>> description='touch to activate'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/TouchSensor, warning]
>> <Script DEF='qa_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='qa_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='qa_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ca' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[17], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ea' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[20], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Fa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[21], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ga' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ha' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[23], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='direction' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[24], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ia' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[26], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ka' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[28], error]
>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Pa' accessType='outputOnly'/> does not
>> send output event via assignment statement Pa=___;
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[19], warning]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Qa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[22], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Ra' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[23], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Sa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[25], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Ta' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[36], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Ua' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[38], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Va' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[39], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='ya' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[40], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='direction' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='hb' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ib' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>> <Script DEF='jb'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='jb'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='jb'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field must
>> have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[7], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ba' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ca' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[10], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[12], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[13], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='lb' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[16], error]
>> <Script DEF='I_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[9]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[9]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[9]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[18], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[20], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Bb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Cb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[23], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Db' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[24], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Eb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[25], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Fb' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[31], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Hb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[33], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Jb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[35], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Kb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[36], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[48], error]
>> <Script DEF='gc_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='gc_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='gc_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='gc_1'> <field name='set_coord' accessType='inputOnly'/>
>> must define function set_coord (newValue)
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script/field[2], error]
>> <Script DEF='gc_1'> <field name='set_texCoord' accessType='inputOnly'/>
>> must define function set_texCoord (newValue)
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], error]
>> <Group DEF=''/> element has no child node
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[11]/ProtoBody/Group, warning]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='hb' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ib' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='pd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='qd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[10], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='rd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[11], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='sd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='td' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ud' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='vd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='wd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[16], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='xd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[17], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[21], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[25], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[26], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ha' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[27], error]
>> <Script DEF='jb_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='jb_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='jb_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='jb_1'> <field name='s' accessType='initializeOnly'/> cannot
>> define function s() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[25], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Ld' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[40], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Md' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[41], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[42], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='lb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[43], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Nd' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[45], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='od' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[46], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Od' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[47], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Pd' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[48], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Qd' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[49], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[50], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[51], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Rd' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[52], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Td' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[54], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Za' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[55], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Ud' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[56], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Vd' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[57], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Wd' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[58], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Xd' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[59], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Yd' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[60], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='oa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>> <SphereSensor DEF='ke_1'/> is missing description.  Example:
>> description='touch to activate'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/SphereSensor, warning]
>> <Script DEF='le_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='le_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='le_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='pe' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>> <Script DEF='I_2'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I_2'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I_2'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='I_2'> <field name='ve' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script/field[12], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Be' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='De' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>> <Script DEF=''/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration is
>> missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>> <Script DEF=''/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='R' accessType='inputOnly'/> function R()
>> defined more than once
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[1], error]
>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='Ie' accessType='outputOnly'/> does not send
>> output event via assignment statement Ie=___;
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[4], warning]
>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='U' accessType='initializeOnly'/> cannot
>> define function U() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[5], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='Pe' value=''/> field declaration is
>> missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[13], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='Qe' value=''/> field declaration is
>> missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[14], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='translation' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='rotation' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[11], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='scaleOrientation'
>> value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>> <PositionInterpolator DEF='qf_1'/> missing key array
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/PositionInterpolator, error]
>> <PositionInterpolator DEF='qf_1'/> missing keyValue array
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/PositionInterpolator, error]
>> <PositionInterpolator DEF='qf_1'/> key array (size=1) must match
>> keyValue array (size=0.3333333333333333 sets of 3-tuple values)
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/PositionInterpolator, error]
>> <Script DEF='rf_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='rf_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='rf_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[18], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='vf' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[23], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='sf' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[24], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='od' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[25], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='wf' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[26], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='xf' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[27], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[28], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[29], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='G' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Cf' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoInterface/field[21], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoInterface/field[25], error]
>> <Script DEF='If_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='If_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='If_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='offset' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[4], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ig' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[5], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='jg' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>> <Script DEF=''/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='U' accessType='initializeOnly'/> cannot
>> define function U() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='lg' value=''/> field declaration is
>> missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script/field[7], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='ff' value=''/> field declaration is
>> missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script/field[8], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Fg' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Gg' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[10], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='reverse' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ig' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>> <Script DEF='I_3'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I_3'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I_3'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='I_3'> <field name='R' accessType='inputOnly'/> function R()
>> defined more than once
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[2], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='I_3'> <field name='Kg' value=''/> SFBool field must
>> have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[14], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='I_3'> <field name='Lg' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[15], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='I_3'> <field name='Qa' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[16], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='loop' value=''/> SFBool
>> field must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>> <Sound DEF='Kh_1'/> location='0 0 0' has height of sound ellipse
>> centered on ground plane, consider changing location y-value to 1.6 in
>> order to match typical avatar height (in meters)
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Sound, warning]
>> <AudioClip DEF='Lh_1'/> is missing description.  Example:
>> description='touch to activate'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Sound/AudioClip, warning]
>> <AudioClip DEF='Lh_1'/> is missing description, which is needed for
>> usability.  Example: description='AudioClip sound of ___ is playing...'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Sound/AudioClip, warning]
>> <Script DEF='Mh_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='loop' value=''/> SFBool
>> field must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Qa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ph' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='duration' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Qh' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Rh' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[16], error]
>> <Script DEF='Sh'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='Sh'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='Sh'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='Th' value=''/> SFBool field must
>> have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[15], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='Uh' value=''/> SFBool field must
>> have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[18], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[20], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field declaration
>> is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[21], error]
>> <Script DEF='jb_2'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='jb_2'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='jb_2'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_2'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script/field[5], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_2'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script/field[6], error]
>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_2'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script/field[7], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[17], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='emissiveColor' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[18], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='specularColor' value=''/>
>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[19], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[24], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Jb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[34], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Kb' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[35], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='di' value=''/> SFBool field
>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[40], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[41], error]
>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ha' value=''/> field
>> declaration is missing initialization value
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[42], error]
>> <Script DEF='qi_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='qi_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <Script DEF='qi_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Mi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Ni'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Pi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Qi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Qi"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Qi"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Ri'/> USE node cannot have matching DEF node as
>> direct ancestor or parent, instead must be directed acyclic graph
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Ri'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Ri'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Yi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Zi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Zi"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Zi"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='aj'/> USE node cannot have matching DEF node as
>> direct ancestor or parent, instead must be directed acyclic graph
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='aj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="aj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="aj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='dj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[5]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='ej'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[5]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='gj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='hj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='jj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='kj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='lj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='mj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='nj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="oj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="oj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='sj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='tj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='wj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='xj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='yj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='wj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Bj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Cj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance USE='wj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>> of its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Fj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='Gj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="zj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="zj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Dj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Dj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Hj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Hj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>> error]
>> <Transform USE='sj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>> its DEF node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue/Transform,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Nj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Nj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Mj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Mj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>> error]
>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transfor...
>> _______________________________________________
>> x3d-public mailing list
>> x3d-public at web3d.org
>> http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/x3d-public_web3d.org

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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