[x3d-public] Holger, vrmlbanner.x3d doesn't pass QA tests

Holger Seelig holger.seelig at yahoo.de
Sun Dec 6 23:57:07 PST 2015

Yes, it can sometimes be interesting to keep busy with vrmlbanner.x3d. 
I have found this file about two or three years ago somewhere in the 
Internet and can now not find out where. But vrmlbanner.x3d contains 
many VRML/X3D pitfalls and should therefore definitely be included at 
Web3dOutreach. I think the author would be happy if the scene would be 
presented again.

Am 07.12.2015 um 01:58 schrieb Don Brutzman:
> Good questions... here are some answers.
> Incidentally this is a cool-looking scene, it would be great if it can
> be offered to Web3D under an open-source license.  Authors retain
> rights.  Good for inclusion in
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Web3dOutreach/
> On 12/6/2015 11:32 AM, Holger Seelig wrote:
>>>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element
>>>>> type"ProtoInstance".
>> I can understand that this error occurs, but it is not clear to me why
>> ProtoInstance declarations with USE must have a name attribute this
>> can implicitly taken from the original node.
> To ensure correct results, the name is also required to confirm that the
> correct prototype is being utilized (tested by X3D DTD, Schema and
> Schematron).
> This is consistent with other USE attributes where the name of the
> element must match the node name of the original (tested by X3D
> Schematron).
> To take advantage of the implicit availability of the name, I added a
> block to X3D-Tidy to automatically fix such an omission (when
> possible).  It will be released in the next version of X3D-Edit.
> ======================
>>>>> <Script DEF='k_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>   'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[1]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>> Scripts in VRML files with Script nodes often start with
>> "javascript:", or "vrmlscript:". the file is taken as is and
>> converted, no further conversions were applied.
> It is necessary to change the name to ecmascript: in order to meet the
> X3D specification.
> 29.2.8 Script languages
> http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/scripting.html#Scriptlanguages
> 9.2.3 Scripting language protocols
> http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/networking.html#ScriptingLanguageProtocols
> This problem is detected by X3D Schematron and can be corrected using
> X3D-Tidy.
> ======================
>>>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ca' value=''/> fielddeclaration
>>>>> is missing initialization value
>> cannot reproduce this kind of errors
> Certain fields require values, even if they are defaults - omitting them
> is a specification and validation error.
>> Holger
> Your scene exercises many tests and features, thanks for that - I'll
> keep working with it for a while. Unfortunately X3D-Tidy appears to be
> garbling parts of it, will keep trying to get a clean conversion result.
> Your efforts are appreciated Holger!
>> Am 06.12.2015 um 18:43 schrieb John Carlson:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: "Don Brutzman" <brutzman at nps.edu <mailto:brutzman at nps.edu>>
>>> Date: Dec 5, 2015 9:12 PM
>>> Subject: Re: X3dToJson.xslt stylesheet bug? Switch attribute whichChoice
>>> defaulting to -1????
>>> To: "John Carlson" <yottzumm at gmail.com <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>>
>>> Cc:
>>> On 12/4/2015 7:19 PM, John Carlson wrote:
>>>     I’m not sure if these attachments will make it through the email.
>>> both attachments received.
>>>     Please verify that whichChoice is probably not being set on
>>>     Switches. There may be a default value though, I’m not sure.
>>> excerpt:
>>>      <ProtoDeclare name='K'>
>>>        <ProtoInterface>
>>> [...]
>>>          <field accessType='inputOutput' type='SFInt32' name='F'
>>> value='-1'/>
>>>          <field accessType='initializeOnly' type='SFInt32' name='type'/>
>>> [...]
>>>        </ProtoInterface>
>>>        <ProtoBody>
>>>          <Group>
>>>            <Switch>
>>>              <IS>
>>>                <connect nodeField='whichChoice' protoField='type'/>
>>>              </IS>
>>> Looks like you have not set an initial value on the 'type' field.
>>> This means that no value is passed to the Switch, so it uses default
>>> whichChoice = =1 meaning no children rendered.
>>> The X3D to JSON stylesheet is definitely counting on a clean scene.  I
>>> don't duplicate tests in such converters that also exist in the X3D
>>> Validator suite.
>>> FYI other scene errors & warnings from X3D Validator:
>>> --------- Commence validation checks for vrmlbanner.x3d ---------
>>> Performing well-formed XML check...
>>> Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/vrmlbanner.x3d...
>>> Well-formed XML check: pass
>>> Performing DOCTYPE check...
>>> [X3dDoctypeChecker] success: valid XML declaration found; success: final
>>> X3D 3.3 DOCTYPE found.
>>> Performing DTD validation...
>>> Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/vrmlbanner.x3d...
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> Too many errors, stopping further checking.
>>> XML DTD validation: fail!
>>> Performing X3D schema validation...
>>> Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/vrmlbanner.x3d...
>>> Referenced entity at
>>> "nbres:/org/web3d/x3d/externals/schemas/x3d-3.3-Web3dExtensionsPublic.xsd".
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Attribute "name" is required and must be specified for element type
>>> "ProtoInstance".
>>> cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'name' must appear on element
>>> 'ProtoInstance'.
>>> Too many errors, stopping further checking.
>>> XML schema validation: fail!
>>> Performing X3D regular expression (regex) values check...
>>> Found 2 leading-zero matches:
>>> - in line 6 column 38:  01
>>> - in line 9 column 39:  01
>>> Performing X3dToClassicVrml.xslt conversion check...
>>> Performing X3D Schematron check...
>>> <X3D profile='Full'> is defined, but nodes in scene have actual
>>> profile='Immersive' [/X3D, info]
>>> Missing X3D filename in meta tag, should appear as <meta name='title'
>>> content='FileName.x3d'/> [/X3D/head, warning]
>>> url for X3D file should appear in <meta name='identifier'
>>> content='http://someAddress/somePath/FileName.x3d'/> [/X3D/head,
>>> warning]
>>> Missing X3D scene description in meta tag, should appear as <meta
>>> name='description' content='topic sentence plus good summary'/>
>>> [/X3D/head, info]
>>> <Script DEF='k_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[1]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='k_1'> <field name='i' accessType='outputOnly'/> cannot
>>> define function i() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[1]/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='G' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoInterface/field[31], error]
>>> <Script DEF='I'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I'> <field name='set_s' accessType='inputOnly'/> function
>>> set_s() defined more than once
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoBody/Script/field[8], error]
>>> <Script DEF='I'> <field name='set_t' accessType='inputOnly'/> function
>>> set_t() defined more than once
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[2]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='type' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[3]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='L' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[3]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>>> <Script DEF='P_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[3]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='translation' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[5], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='rotation' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='scaleOrientation'
>>> value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[10], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='V' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='W' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>>> <Script DEF='Y_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='Y_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='Y_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field must
>>> have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='Z' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[10], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='ba' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[11], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='ca' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[12], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[14], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Y_1'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[4]/ProtoBody/Script/field[15], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>>> <Script DEF='ka'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='ka'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[5]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='oa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>>> <TouchSensor DEF='pa_1'/> is missing description.  Example:
>>> description='touch to activate'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/TouchSensor, warning]
>>> <Script DEF='qa_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='qa_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='qa_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[6]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ca' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[17], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ea' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[20], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Fa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[21], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ga' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ha' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[23], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='direction' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[24], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ia' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[26], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ka' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoInterface/field[28], error]
>>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Pa' accessType='outputOnly'/> does not
>>> send output event via assignment statement Pa=___;
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[19], warning]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Qa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[22], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Ra' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[23], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Sa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[25], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Ta' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[36], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Ua' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[38], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='Va' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[39], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Ma_1'> <field name='ya' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[7]/ProtoBody/Script/field[40], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='direction' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='hb' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ib' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field must
>>> have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[7], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ba' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ca' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[10], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[12], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[13], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb'> <field name='lb' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[8]/ProtoBody/Script/field[16], error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[9]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[9]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[9]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[18], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[20], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Bb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Cb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[23], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Db' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[24], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Eb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[25], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Fb' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[31], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Hb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[33], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Jb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[35], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Kb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[36], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoInterface/field[48], error]
>>> <Script DEF='gc_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='gc_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='gc_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='gc_1'> <field name='set_coord' accessType='inputOnly'/>
>>> must define function set_coord (newValue)
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script/field[2], error]
>>> <Script DEF='gc_1'> <field name='set_texCoord' accessType='inputOnly'/>
>>> must define function set_texCoord (newValue)
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[10]/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], error]
>>> <Group DEF=''/> element has no child node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[11]/ProtoBody/Group, warning]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='hb' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ib' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='pd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='qd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[10], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='rd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[11], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='sd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='td' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ud' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='vd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='wd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[16], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='xd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[17], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[21], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[25], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[26], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ha' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoInterface/field[27], error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb_1'> <field name='s' accessType='initializeOnly'/> cannot
>>> define function s() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[25],
>>> error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Ld' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[40], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Md' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[41], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[42], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='lb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[43], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Nd' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[45], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='od' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[46], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Od' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[47], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Pd' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[48], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Qd' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[49], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[50], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[51], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Rd' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[52], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Td' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[54], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Za' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[55], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Ud' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[56], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Vd' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[57], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Wd' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[58], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Xd' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[59], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_1'> <field name='Yd' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[12]/ProtoBody/Script/field[60], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='oa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>>> <SphereSensor DEF='ke_1'/> is missing description.  Example:
>>> description='touch to activate'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/SphereSensor, warning]
>>> <Script DEF='le_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='le_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='le_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[13]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='pe' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_2'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_2'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_2'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='I_2'> <field name='ve' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[14]/ProtoBody/Script/field[12], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Be' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='De' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>>> <Script DEF=''/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration is
>>> missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[15]/ProtoBody/Script/field[9], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>>> <Script DEF=''/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='R' accessType='inputOnly'/> function R()
>>> defined more than once
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[1], error]
>>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='Ie' accessType='outputOnly'/> does not send
>>> output event via assignment statement Ie=___;
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[4], warning]
>>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='U' accessType='initializeOnly'/> cannot
>>> define function U() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[5],
>>> error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='Pe' value=''/> field declaration is
>>> missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[13], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='Qe' value=''/> field declaration is
>>> missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[16]/ProtoBody/Script/field[14], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='translation' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='rotation' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[11], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='scaleOrientation'
>>> value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>>> <PositionInterpolator DEF='qf_1'/> missing key array
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/PositionInterpolator, error]
>>> <PositionInterpolator DEF='qf_1'/> missing keyValue array
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/PositionInterpolator, error]
>>> <PositionInterpolator DEF='qf_1'/> key array (size=1) must match
>>> keyValue array (size=0.3333333333333333 sets of 3-tuple values)
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/PositionInterpolator, error]
>>> <Script DEF='rf_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='rf_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='rf_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[18], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='vf' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[23], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='sf' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[24], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='od' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[25], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='wf' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[26], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='xf' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[27], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[28], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='rf_1'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[17]/ProtoBody/Script/field[29], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='G' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Cf' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoInterface/field[21], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoInterface/field[25], error]
>>> <Script DEF='If_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='If_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='If_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[18]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='offset' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[4], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ig' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[5], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='jg' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='center' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
>>> <Script DEF=''/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF=''/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF=''> <field name='U' accessType='initializeOnly'/> cannot
>>> define function U() unless accessType is inputOnly or
>>> inputOutput[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script/field[3],
>>> error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='lg' value=''/> field declaration is
>>> missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script/field[7], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF=''> <field name='ff' value=''/> field declaration is
>>> missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[19]/ProtoBody/Script/field[8], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Fg' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Gg' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[10], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='reverse' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ig' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_3'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_3'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_3'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='I_3'> <field name='R' accessType='inputOnly'/> function R()
>>> defined more than once
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[2], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='I_3'> <field name='Kg' value=''/> SFBool field must
>>> have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[14], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='I_3'> <field name='Lg' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[15], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='I_3'> <field name='Qa' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[20]/ProtoBody/Script/field[16], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='loop' value=''/> SFBool
>>> field must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
>>> <Sound DEF='Kh_1'/> location='0 0 0' has height of sound ellipse
>>> centered on ground plane, consider changing location y-value to 1.6 in
>>> order to match typical avatar height (in meters)
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Sound, warning]
>>> <AudioClip DEF='Lh_1'/> is missing description.  Example:
>>> description='touch to activate'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Sound/AudioClip, warning]
>>> <AudioClip DEF='Lh_1'/> is missing description, which is needed for
>>> usability.  Example: description='AudioClip sound of ___ is playing...'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Sound/AudioClip, warning]
>>> <Script DEF='Mh_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[21]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='loop' value=''/> SFBool
>>> field must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Qa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[12], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Ph' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[13], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='duration' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[14], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Qh' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[15], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Rh' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoInterface/field[16], error]
>>> <Script DEF='Sh'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='Sh'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='Sh'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='Th' value=''/> SFBool field must
>>> have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[15], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='Uh' value=''/> SFBool field must
>>> have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[18], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[20], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='Sh'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field declaration
>>> is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[22]/ProtoBody/Script/field[21], error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb_2'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb_2'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='jb_2'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_2'> <field name='aa' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script/field[5], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_2'> <field name='ea' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script/field[6], error]
>>> <Script name='' DEF='jb_2'> <field name='fa' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[23]/ProtoBody/Script/field[7], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='transparency' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[17], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='emissiveColor' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[18], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='specularColor' value=''/>
>>> field declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[19], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='s' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[22], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='u' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[24], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Jb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[34], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='Kb' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[35], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='di' value=''/> SFBool field
>>> must have value='true' or value='false'
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[40], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='choice' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[41], error]
>>> <ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='ha' value=''/> field
>>> declaration is missing initialization value
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoInterface/field[42], error]
>>> <Script DEF='qi_1'/> contained CDATA source block must start with
>>> 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='qi_1'/> source code contains boolean constant TRUE, use
>>> lower-case 'true' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <Script DEF='qi_1'/> source code contains boolean constant FALSE, use
>>> lower-case 'false' instead to match XML and JavaScript/ECMAScript rules
>>> [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare[24]/ProtoBody/Script, error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Mi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Ni'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[8]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Pi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Qi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Qi"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Qi"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Ri'/> USE node cannot have matching DEF node as
>>> direct ancestor or parent, instead must be directed acyclic graph
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Ri'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Ri'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Ri"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[9]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Yi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Zi'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Zi"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Zi"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='aj'/> USE node cannot have matching DEF node as
>>> direct ancestor or parent, instead must be directed acyclic graph
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='aj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="aj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="aj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[3]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='dj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[5]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='ej'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[4]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[5]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='gj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='hj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[5]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='jj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='kj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='lj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='mj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='nj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3]/Transform/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="oj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="oj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="lj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[6]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='Li'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Li"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='sj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='tj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='wj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='xj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='yj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[1]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='wj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Bj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Cj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[2]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance USE='wj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant
>>> of its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[6]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Fj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[1],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='Gj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[3]/Transform[3]/Transform/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[7]/Transform[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="zj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="zj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[1],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Dj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Dj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[2],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Hj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Hj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[3]/fieldValue[4]/ProtoInstance[3],
>>> error]
>>> <Transform USE='sj'/> USE node cannot be contained child descendant of
>>> its DEF node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[4]/fieldValue/Transform,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Jj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[5]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[8]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Nj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Nj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[1]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Mj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="Mj"/> is missing attribute name=''
>>> which is required even when the ProtoInstance is a USE node
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[2]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance DEF=''> must have name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/> has name that illegally overrides a
>>> reserved word from the X3D Specification
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name='' DEF=''/>'/> is required to have a name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transform/ProtoInstance[9]/fieldValue[3]/ProtoInstance,
>>> error]
>>> <ProtoInstance name="" DEF="" USE="wj"/> has no ProtoDeclare or
>>> ExternProtoDeclare with same name
>>> [/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2]/Transform[7]/Transfor...
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> x3d-public mailing list
>>> x3d-public at web3d.org
>>> http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/x3d-public_web3d.org
> all the best, Don

Holger Seelig
Mediengestalter Digital – Digital Media Designer

Scheffelstraße 31a
04277 Leipzig

Cellular: +49 1577 147 26 11
E-Mail:   holger.seelig at yahoo.de
Web:      http://titania.create3000.de

Future to the fantasy ★ ★

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