Holger Seelig holger.seelig at yahoo.de
Mon Nov 16 06:26:56 PST 2015


Cobweb X3D Browser, Version 1.19

We got it!!! Cobweb is now able to read either files in X3D XML Encoding 
or files in X3D Classic Encoding.  This means you can display your files 
in the format of your choice as .x3d, .x3dz, x3dv, .x3dvz, .wrl or .wrz 
as you can see with or without compression.  Beside this we fixed a lot 
of bugs, made optimizations and added many many new examples to our test 
page.  They are not specially made for Cobweb but most of them are found 
on the Internet and are provided and shown »as is«.  All examples that 
run in Cobweb are now made public and are available at GitHub.

For more information and a live preview please visit Cobweb at:

Core Features of Cobweb

* Full VRML2 support, complete and standard compliant
* High performance JavaScript rendering engine
* Scripting support
	* full VRMLScript support
* Advanced prototyping support
	* unlimited nested prototypes
	* multiple IS references
	* extern prototypes support
* Advanced shading
	* specification conform Gouraud and Phong shading
	* support for eight simultaneous lights for each Shape node
	* Color node support
	* smooth texture mapping
	* autogenerated normals depending on creaseAngle value
* Support for complex routing graphs
* Support for MovieTexture and Sound using HTML5 <video> and <audio> 
* Support for Text and local font files.
* Prepared for the rich set of standard X3D nodes,
* and everything you dreamed of.

For more information and a live preview please visit Cobweb at:


Holger Seelig
Mediengestalter Digital – Digital Media Designer

Scheffelstraße 31a
04277 Leipzig

Cellular: +49 1577 147 26 11
E-Mail:   holger.seelig at yahoo.de
Web:      http://titania.create3000.de

Cobweb - Something special, something more!

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