November 2015 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Nov 1 02:51:00 PST 2015
Ending: Mon Nov 30 23:25:28 PST 2015
Messages: 130
- [x3d-public] *** COBWEB RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT ***
Holger Seelig
- [x3d-public] [1510.02796] Advanced Data Visualization in Astrophysics: the X3D Pathway
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [x3d-edit-developers] editing x3d UPDATE
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [X3D-Public] camera, random path on a sphere
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] [X3D-Public] camera, random path on a sphere
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [X3D-Public] camera, random path on a sphere
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] [X3D-Public] camera, random path on a sphere
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [X3D-Public] camera, random path on a sphere around the center
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] [x3d] Ideas for discussion during V4.0
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] [x3d] Ideas for discussion during V4.0 Concepts: Name scopes and node name conflicts
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [x3d] Ideas for discussion during V4.0 Concepts: Name scopes and node name conflicts
Michael Aratow
- [x3d-public] [x3dom-developers] [x3dom-users] Improvements to the unofficial *X3D* JSON loader [ implicit and explicit namespaces ]
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] [x3dom-developers] [x3dom-users] Improvements to the unofficial *X3D* JSON loader [ implicit and explicit namespaces ]
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] [x3dom-developers] gamma correction standardization
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] [x3dom-users] Improvements to the unofficial *X3D* JSON loader
clement at
- [x3d-public] [x3dom-users] X3D JSON Loader + JSON->XML->Cobweb. Better support for convex="false" with new dev version of X3DOM, ArchHalf.json rendering fixed. Move ROUTEs after children. Almost XHTML support.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] AllX3dElementsAttributes.xml listing of all X3D elements and attributes
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] AllX3dElementsAttributes.xml listing of all X3D elements and attributes
Joe D Williams
- [x3d-public] AllX3dElementsAttributes.xml listing of all X3D elements and attributes
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source
Joe D Williams
- [x3d-public] bug in InstantReality or my code?
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] bug in InstantReality or my code?
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] bug in InstantReality or my code?
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] bug in InstantReality or my code?
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] bug in InstantReality or my code?
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] convex field only a hint ?
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] convex field only a hint? are quads rectangular?
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] convex field only a hint? are quads rectangular?
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] did you fix this? JSON encoding stylesheet
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] did you fix this? JSON encoding stylesheet
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] did you fix this? JSON encoding stylesheet
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] did you fix this? JSON encoding stylesheet
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] dropped mail
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] editing x3d
Alan Grimes
- [x3d-public] editing x3d UPDATE
Alan Grimes
- [x3d-public] editing x3d UPDATE
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Email Subjects
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] Email Subjects
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Enhanced X3D JSON loader
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: [x3dom-users] This xhtml page shows correctly in X3DOM dev version, but not release. Any hopes for an update soon
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: D3 image of HelloWorld.x3d file
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: Good parsers for lousy JSON implementations.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: Modifications to X3D XML Schema to support JSON
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: Send us your example JSON
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: tags -> div, tag -> class, attribute -> style : a new style of X3D programming
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: X3D JSON encoding: .x3d to .json stylesheet, examples available for continued work
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fwd: X3DOM visualization in Kibana with Elasticsearch database
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] gamma correction standardization
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] geoSystem use [was: bug in InstantReality or my code?]
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] HelloWorldScenes images ok in SVN and in zip
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] HelloWorldScenes images ok in SVN and in zip
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] HelloWorldScenes images ok in SVN and in zip
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] HelloWorldScenes images ok in SVN and in zip
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] HelloWorldScenes images ok in SVN and in zip
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] How to tell if a file is JSON
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] How to tell if a file is JSON
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] How to tell if a file is JSON
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] How to tell if a file is JSON
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] Improvements to the unofficial *X3D* JSON loader
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Improvements to the unofficial *X3D* JSON loader
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] interactive cobweb viewer
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] interactive cobweb viewer
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] JSON encoding of unexpected additional attributes on Scene, head, ProtoBody and IS elements
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] JSON encoding of unexpected additional attributes on Scene, head, ProtoBody and IS elements
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Jsonix XML -> JSON output converted to standard X3D JSON via script
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] JSON Script encoding [was announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source]
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] JSON Script encoding [was announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source]
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] JSON Script encoding [was announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source]
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] JSON Script encoding [was announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source]
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] JSON Script encoding [was announce: updated encoding, X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter: string arrays, whitespace, UTF-8, Script #source]
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Latest X3DJSONLD uses scripts. New disclaimer. Do not use unless you *really* know what JSON you are loading! and have inspected the JSON!
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] live x3dom+cobweb viewer
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] might X3D workflows get illustrated, documented for public use?
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Problem with Instant Reality 2.6.0, FreeWRL on Mac. Not quite sure what to do about schematron error.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Problem with Instant Reality 2.6.0, FreeWRL on Mac. Not quite sure what to do about schematron error.
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Projective Texture Mapping (PTM)
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Projective Texture Mapping (PTM)
Roy Walmsley
- [x3d-public] relationship between ECMA JSON specification and IETF RFC 7159
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Spearheading X3D JSON Schema effort; RelaxNG? maintainability
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Spearheading X3D JSON Schema effort; RelaxNG? Z notation
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] Trying to use X3dToJson.xslt in web page to produce JSON.
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D-Edit console [was: Re: Problem with Instant Reality 2.6.0, FreeWRL on Mac. Not quite sure what to do about schematron error.]
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D-Edit console [was: Re: Problem with Instant Reality 2.6.0, FreeWRL on Mac. Not quite sure what to do about schematron error.]
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D-Edit console [was: Re: Problem with Instant Reality 2.6.0, FreeWRL on Mac. Not quite sure what to do about schematron error.]
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] x3d case correction tool
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON Loader + JSON->XML->Cobweb. Better support for convex="false" with new dev version of X3DOM, ArchHalf.json rendering fixed. Move ROUTEs after children. Almost XHTML support.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON Loader and viewer + x3dom xml viewer+cobweb viewer
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON Loader and viewer + x3dom xml viewer+cobweb viewer
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON Loader and viewer + x3dom xml viewer+cobweb viewer
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON Loader and viewer + x3dom xml viewer+cobweb viewer
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON Loader and viewer + x3dom xml viewer+cobweb viewer
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON loader needs testing with routes and fields
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter - JSON schema
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter - tools; omitting overall [array brackets]
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter - tools; omitting overall [array brackets]
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter - tools; omitting overall [array brackets]
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] X3D to JSON Stylesheet Converter - updated release
Don Brutzman
- [x3d-public] XML3D 5.0 and X3D V4.0
Kristian Sons
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 23:25:28 PST 2015
Archived on: Mon Nov 30 23:25:28 PST 2015
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).