[x3d-public] X3DJSAIL: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library update

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Mon Jan 14 09:17:50 PST 2019

X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) supports programmers with standards-based X3D Java interfaces and objects, all as open source.


/New/. The current useful update provides results from the last few month's work:
a. Continued tracking and testing of refinements in X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM).
b. Continued testing and refinement of Blender and Meshlab conversions, model metadata preprocessing, and viewpoint-based image snapshots in X3D Model Exchange for Navy Makers.
c. Add ConfigurationProperties.VERSION_DATE and CommandLine -version option to support logging.
d. Corrected validation of MFString values.
e. Provide easy access to common web pages that assist X3D authors and programmers.
f. X_ITE export now defaults to full-size display in web browser, for example
g. Provide proper -help support, online url and output follow.

Example -help output: to top

$ java org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CommandLine -help

Usage: java [-classpath X3DJSAIL.*.jar] org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CommandLine
        [-help | -version | -home | -javadoc | -resources | -hints | -regexes | -tooltips | -X3DUOM]
        [-properties [propertiesFile]]
        [sourceModel.x3d | sourceModel.exi [-fromEXI] | sourceModel.gz [-fromGZIP] | sourceModel.zip [-fromZIP]]
        [-canonical] [-validate]
        [-toX3D | -toXML | -toTidy | -toClassicVrml | -toJava | -toJSON | -toVRML97]
        [-toHTML | -toX3DOM | -toX_ITE | -toMarkdown | -toEXI | -toGZIP | -toZIP]
        [-tofile [resultFile.*]] [-toImage [snapshotName.*]]

-classpath X3DJSAIL.*.jar         # optional classpath, can be set as environment variable
org.web3d.x3d.jsail.CommandLine   # CommandLine application
                                   # ===== informational ================
-help                             # provide this help message
-version                          # version date when this X3DJSAIL build was autogenerated
-home                             # launch X3DJSAIL home page
-javadoc                          # launch X3DJSAIL javadoc page
-resources                        # launch X3D Resources page
-hints                            # launch X3D Scene Authoring Hints page
-regexes                          # launch X3D Regular Expressions page
-tooltips                         # launch X3D Tooltips page
-X3DUOM                           # launch X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM) page
                                   # ===== inputs =======================
-properties [propertiesFile]      # override default X3DJSAIL properties
sourceModel.x3d                   # source model file name, X3D  format
sourceModel.exi -fromEXI          # source model file name, EXI  format
sourceModel.gz  -fromGZIP         # source model file name, GZIP format
sourceModel.zip -fromZIP          # source model file name, ZIP  format
                                   # ===== operations ===================
-canonical                        # canonical XML output using X3D Canonicalization (c14n)
-validate                         # validate correctness of loaded model
-toX3D                            # output in .x3d (XML) format
-toXML                            # output in .xml (X3D) format
-toTidy                           # X3D-Tidy cleanup in .x3d (XML) format
-toClassicVrml                    # output in .x3dv (ClassicVrml) X3D format
-toJava                           # output as .java source code using X3DJSAIL
-toJSON                           # output in .json (JavaScript Object Notation) format
-toVRML97                         # output in .wrl  (VRML97) format
-toHTML                           # output as .html  pretty-print documentation
-toX3DOM                          # output as .xhtml page with X3DOM display of X3D model
-toX_ITE                          # output as .html  page with X_ITE display of X3D model
-toMarkdown                       # output document metadata (meta tags) in .md (Markdown) format
-toEXI                            # output in .exi (Efficient XML Interchange) compressed-XML format
-toGZIP                           # output as .gz  (X3D XML) format, with gzip compression
-toZIP                            # output in .zip (X3D XML) format, with zip  compression
                                   # ===== outputs ======================
-tofile  [resultFile.*]           # specify output filename (otherwise original name with extension)
-toImage [snapshotName.*]         # create output images for each Viewpoint using Blender

Changelog at

Upcoming work includes
a. Experimental development of X3D Python binding with John Carlson using Pyjnius and X3DJSAIL.
b. Update of X3DUOM to support ISO Final Draft International Specification (FDIS) Humanoid Animation (HAnim) v2.0, part I Architecture and part II Motion Animation.
c. Continued work on X3D JSON schema validation, upgrading to v7 and tracking developmental JSON Schema v8.
d. Establish test suite of example scenes utilizing experimental X3Dv4 content.
e. Integration within tests applied by X3D Validator.

Questions, issue reports, and improvement recommendations welcome.

Have fun with X3D Java!  8)

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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