[x3d-public] (generator) for standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies and shapes

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 21:30:14 PDT 2019

Neural standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Chaotic standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Stochastic standards,  ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Quantum standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Hyperdimensional/Spatiotemporal standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Partial standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Differential standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Natural standards, ontologies,  semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Jargonistic standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Domain-specific standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes
Problem oriented standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies, and shapes

Is there a theory of computer science generators?  Is it called automated testing, automated programming or generative programming?

I can generate documents from grammars or schema with an existing generator, but how does one generate a generator?  How does one create an ontology of generators?   Is there a system for constructing generators?  How does one generate graph/network data with a generator?  Merely add several data points to a particular generation event?   What if data points are related?

https://github.com/ftomassetti/civs (civilization evolver)


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