June 2019 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Jun 1 02:14:03 PDT 2019
Ending: Sun Jun 30 21:12:26 PDT 2019
Messages: 146
- [x3d-public] Most portable way to wrap X3D Player by App
Christoph Valentin
- [x3d-public] Declarative Design Language, System, or Network for 4D graphics
Christoph Valentin
- [x3d-public] Most portable way to wrap X3D Player by App
- [x3d-public] Most portable way to wrap X3D Player by App
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Most portable way to wrap X3D Player by App
Christoph Valentin
- [x3d-public] Most portable way to wrap X3D Player by App
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3Dwithin HTML
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3Dwithin HTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3Dwithin HTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3Dwithin HTML
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] Fwd: [x3dom-users] X3D logo - BIM Vision, X3D Exporter
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3Dwithin HTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for includingX3Dwithin HTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax forincludingX3Dwithin HTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax forincludingX3Dwithin HTML
Holger Seelig
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax forincludingX3DwithinHTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax forincludingX3DwithinHTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Interesting Slashdot re: graphics
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] Most portable way to wrap X3D Player by App
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] Semantic Web annotation of X3D examples in HTML
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] [web3d-announce] Web3D 2019 - HAnim Competition Deadline June 24, 2019
Anita Havele
- [x3d-public] Authoring in a Virtual or Augmented World. Examples?
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Semantic Web annotation of X3D examples in HTML
vmarchetti at kshell.com
- [x3d-public] JSON Schema Work In Progress Feedback
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D working group agenda 7 June 2019: tracking implementation support
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] [x3d] X3D working group agenda 7 June 2019: tracking implementationsupport
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D working group minutes 7 June 2019: tracking implementation support
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D working group minutes 7 June 2019: tracking implementation support
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] JSON Schema Work In Progress Feedback (corrected)
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] Most portable way to wrap X3D Player by App
Christoph Valentin
- [x3d-public] compiling abox.future.py Re: Please instruct me what Ishouldbetocatch up withyouRe:X3D/XSeen Python API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] FW: jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for includingX3Dwithin HTML
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] indent for foreigners
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] JSON Schema Work In Progress Feedback
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Applying for position of Senior Systems Tester and Generator
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Transformational Semantics for X3D
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Hosting provider for multiple DIS simulations world
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Hosting provider for multiple DIS simulations world
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Hosting provider for multiple DIS simulations world
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] JSON Schema Work In Progress Feedback and X3D preparations
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] JSON Schema Work In Progress Feedback and X3D preparations
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Transformational Semantics for X3D
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Use neural networks (GANs) to create validatable X3D JSON!
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] compiling abox.future.py Re: Please instruct me whatIshouldbetocatch up withyouRe:X3D/XSeen Python API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] compiling abox.future.py Re: Please instruct me whatIshouldbetocatch up withyouRe:X3D/XSeen Python API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] compiling abox.future.py Re: Please instruct me what Ishouldbetocatch up withyouRe:X3D/XSeen Python API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] Computer Graphics History Virtual Museum, Gallery and Office
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] History of Computer Graphics (add in your history)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] History of Computer Graphics (add in your history)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] History of Computer Graphics (add in your history)
Chris Thorne
- [x3d-public] History of Computer Graphics (add in your history)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] History of Computer Graphics (add in your history)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] compiling abox.future.py Re: Please instruct me whatIshouldbetocatch up withyouRe:X3D/XSeen Python API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] compiling abox.future.py Re: Please instruct me what Ishouldbetocatch up withyouRe:X3D/XSeen Python API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] [web3d-announce] Web3D 2019 - What will you experience? EARLY REGISTRATION ENDS June 15, 2019
Anita Havele
- [x3d-public] compiling abox.future.py Re: Please instruct me what Ishouldbetocatch up withyouRe:X3D/XSeen Python API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] jupyter notebook; X3DOM syntax for including X3D within HTML
Andreas Plesch
- [x3d-public] Error in X3DJSAIL build.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] New volume rendering extension proposals
Ander Arbelaiz
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versions of X3D Examples, X3DPSAIL
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] New volume rendering extension proposals
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versions of X3DExamples, X3DPSAIL
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Error in X3DJSAIL build: JAXB under different versions of Java
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versions of X3DExamples, X3DPSAIL
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] Error in X3DJSAIL build: JAXB under different versions of Java
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Error in X3DJSAIL build: JAXB under different versions of Java
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Please instruct me what I should be to catchupwithyouRe:X3D/XSeenPython API (PyX3D or X3DPy)
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] New volume rendering extension proposals
Ander Arbelaiz
- [x3d-public] X3D roadmap for multiple languages and specifications
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] Error in X3DJSAIL build: JAXB under different versions of Java
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] New volume rendering extension proposals
GPU Group
- [x3d-public] [Semantics] FW: Dispense of top-level semantic relationships quickly!
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] [Semantics] FW: Spatiotemporal queries, creating objects and relationships onthefly. Creating meaning and semantics.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] [Semantics] FW: Transformational Semantics for X3D (a test plan. amazing!)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] [Semantics] Metamorphical Semantics [was: Transformational Semantics]
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Phorms versus Morfs duality
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Ant build file settings for encoding UTF-8
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D working group agenda 1 June 2019: volume component additions
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D working group minutes 14 June 2019: volume component additions
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D working group minutes 14 June 2019: volume component additions
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] FW: HAnim V2 Example LOA4
Joseph D Williams
- [x3d-public] (generator) for standards, ontologies, semantics, grammar, semiotics, movies and shapes
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] [Semantics] Metamorphical Semantics [was: Transformational Semantics]
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] [Semantics] Metamorphical Semantics [was: Transformational Semantics]
- [x3d-public] [Semantics] Metamorphical Semantics [was:Transformational Semantics]
Joseph D Williams
- [x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web minutes 17 June 2019: communications, workshop, FOAF, RDFa, ontology mappings
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web minutes 17 June 2019: communications, workshop, FOAF, RDFa, ontology mappings
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web minutes 17 June 2019:communications, workshop, FOAF, RDFa, ontology mappings
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web announce: new X3D Ontology
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web announce: new X3D Ontology
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web announce: new X3D Ontology
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] [web3d-announce] Web3D 2019 - Industrial Use Cases Deadline June 24, 2019
Anita Havele
- [x3d-public] Inspiration, if you have none!
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D Semantic Web announce: new X3D Ontology
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] X3DPSAIL: What's in it besides set, get, add, remove?
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3DPSAIL: What's in it besides set, get, add, remove?
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] PyXB to generate XML.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D JSON schema, next
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] From "Symbols of Transformation" to "Maps of Meaning" and beyond
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versions of X3DExamples, X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versions ofX3DExamples, X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versions ofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and java versionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and javaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] FW: Introducing …
Joseph D Williams
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python and javaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] PyXB to generate XML.
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python andjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
Joseph D Williams
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python andjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python andjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] (no subject)
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus python andjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, plus pythonandjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] GitHub issue tracker, JS accessor methods for X3DUOM
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] GitHub issue tracker, JS accessor methods for X3DUOM
Leonard Daly
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL, pluspythonandjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python; missing from X3DUOM;
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] GitHub issue tracker, JS accessor methods for X3DUOM
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] X3D working group meeting inputs
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] updates to X3DJSAIL,pluspythonandjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python be Python; missing from X3DUOM;
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] updates toX3DJSAIL,pluspythonandjavaversionsofX3DExamples,X3DPSAIL; let Python bePython; missing from X3DUOM;
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to download latest Java binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to download latestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to downloadlatestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL errors using JDK 8u202.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL errors using JDK 8u202.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to download latest Java binary version.
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to download latestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to downloadlatestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try todownloadlatestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try todownloadlatestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to download latestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to download latestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to download latestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Please use this web page for issues using X3DPSAIL
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Network Sensor - Status of SrrTrains
Christoph Valentin
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202. Will try to downloadlatestJava binary version.
John Carlson
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202; JDK12 tests, checked-in X3DJSONLD classes must be 1.8
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
- [x3d-public] Fatal X3DJSAIL error using JDK 8u202; OpenJDK12 tests worked
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
Last message date:
Sun Jun 30 21:12:26 PDT 2019
Archived on: Sun Jun 30 21:13:17 PDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).