[x3d-public] [Semantics] X3D Semantic Web Working Group 14 MAR 2019: structural and conceptual semantics, semantic mapping MINUTES

GL info at 3dnetproductions.com
Fri Mar 22 14:27:23 PDT 2019


I have asked myself these questions for a very long time. 3D online sessions should probably be recorded and placed on YouTube as well. The way it is now, almost no-one ever talks about Web3D anywhere that I can see, except for this email list and the annual RL conferences. 

Meanwhile, competing efforts do everything they can to promote themselves in every possible way, while completely ignoring X3D, like it never existed, or portraying it as just some old odd tech that's superseded by newer, cooler and better way of doing things. And nobody's there to even get the record straight or voice an opinion supporting Web3D. Can't blame them, because it's a lot like politics. 

But if we don't get out there and let people know, it is the same as not being in the race at all. I've always been out there advocating for X3D every single chance I get, but very few are, and that's part of the problem.

There are many VR groups on Facebook, many with thousands of members and one approaching 50,000 members. The frequency with which X3D or Web3D are even mentioned is down-right abysmal, the latter often just a mis-use of mis-appropriation of the term to boot.

The best technologies do not always win in the market, but winning in the market is essential to survive. I came across Oculus development web pages yesterday, where Facebook is effectively and loudly endorsing ISO standards when it comes to "Best Practices" related to "photosensitive seizures and image safety and designing content that conforms to these standards" (ISO 9241-391:2016). Though I can't help but wonder, if ISO standards are so important to Facebook, why then stop there? Because of what I call "market politics", that's why; companies and groups will twist the narrative to fit their agenda and promote their self-interests. Period. End of story.

Doing what John is proposing (below), would be a great step in the right direction for us. We need to showcase X3D at every opportunity... and demonstrate its power in no equivocal terms... then heads might start turning over to what this group has been doing for a quarter-century.


* * * Interactive Multimedia - Internet Management * * *
  * *  Virtual Reality -- Application Programming  * *
    *   3D Net Productions  3dnetproductions.com   *


From: x3d-public [mailto:x3d-public-bounces at web3d.org] On Behalf Of John Carlson
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [x3d-public] [Semantics] X3D Semantic Web Working Group 14 MAR 2019: structural and conceptual semantics, semantic mapping MINUTES

Classes are a good way to impart knowledge.  Second Life was well known to have classes in 3D.   Might we have some VR/AR classes?   How might one design a tool to create VR/AR course material?

Why are we discussing creating a standard over email and phone and not in VR/AR?   Is the visual aspect too much of a distraction?   Can we create a meeting space in High Fidelity?   Imagine having a Web3d conference online in Web3d using Web3d standards!

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