[x3d-public] Web3DUX "wannabe" working group minutes 30 OCT 2019:mission statement
John Carlson
yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 16:35:42 PDT 2019
I would like to suggest a “Semantics” Navigation Type where the scenegraph “folds”/animates into a semantics hierarchy or graph, similar to OSNAP or Windows Explorer. Interaction will be like Windows Explorer.
I would also like to suggest a “Drawing, Map or Floor Plan” Navigation type where the 3D world becomes 2D maps, one or more for each floor level. Hopefully animation from 3D to 2D to 3D will be provided. Interaction will be like a 2D CAD system.
I don’t know how to specify such things. I don’t even know if they’re navigation types.
I believe this would complete my vision of Web3DUX browsers, except for interactive leaves and water.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 2:01 PM
To: Feng Liu; Sadagic, Amela (CIV); Nicholas Polys
Cc: X3D Graphics public mailing list
Subject: [x3d-public] Web3DUX "wannabe" working group minutes 30 OCT 2019:mission statement
Attendees: Feng Liu, Amela Sadagic, Don Brutzman. Regrets Nicholas Polys (office hours).
Prior minutes:
[1] [x3d-public] Web3DUX "wannabe" working group minutes 23 OCT 2019: mission statement
[2] [x3d-public] X3D Working Group minutes 25 OCT 2019: X3Dv4 issues review, logging, text alignment
We plan to meet on Wednesdays at 1015-1100 weekly, skipping some weeks based on participant availability. To join please see
Web3D Teleconference Information
Cool user experience: we stretched my shared zoom-room desktop approximately 2500 miles when Dr. Liu took control of my laptop's mouse and keyboard from Mercer University. 8)
1. We worked on mission statement for working group. Best so far:
The Web3D User Experience (Web3DUX) Working Group's mission is to collaboratively establish best practices and standardized capabilities that support rich user experience (UX), intuitive navigation, and effective interaction techniques for a variety of 3D Web technologies.
Our last X3D working group meeting included affirmative review of the mission statement.
Still looking good a week later. Onward...
2. *Overview statement.* Today's progress follows, comments please:
Web3DUX Working Group includes diverse activity and collaboration by stakeholder professionals in Web3D, User Experience (UX), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), mixed/extended reality (XR), User Accessibility, and Data Science. Our goals include establishing standard measurements for user experience on 3D interactive applications, maximizing play-anywhere Web compatibility across platforms and devices, demonstrating best practices for conducting usability studies in 3D applications, and exploring the opportunity to generate personalized UX. End users work across a broad range of domains and have diverse skills, experience, goals and needs. User accessibility issues often include deeper variations across these same themes. Producing exemplars that provide value across this rich variety of objectives can help establish best practices and repeatable patterns of success.
3. *Issue: Navigation and Interaction.* From last week:
> TODO: distinguish navigation and interaction? Is navigation a subset of interaction? Check X3D spec...
> Navigation component
> https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/navigation.html
> Pointing device sensor component
> https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/pointingsensor.html
> Interestingly different varieties within these terms include
> User-Interaction Tasks Scene Interaction
> - Navigation - Local client only, no influence on other clients
> - Selection and Manipulation - Shared state in local system or on remote server
> - System Control - Local or remote
> Curious case: shared state with multiple users viewing and navigating may have no interaction effects on each other or on shared state.
> It is a really interesting discussion, as ever there is a diversity of terms and reaching a shared understanding often reveals hidden contradictions and gaining mutual insight.
One helpful way to distinguish these is by noting that passive user navigation (sometimes called inspection or even "magic carpet" viewer) does not change a model
This primarily seems like nomenclature for fairly well-understood topics. Is a Mantis issue appropriate here? Should we change or improve the terms of reference being used in X3D Architecture document? As a great way to focus such clarifications, should we refine or add more definitions to the vocabulary terms in the glossary?
X3D Architecture, clause 3 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
We will review these terms together in the next calls.
Further TODO: review and confirm (or improve) specification requirements for portability across platforms and devices. Not seen... shouldn't there be words for this in the following?
X3D Architecture, clause 4 Concepts
This review will be a very important maturity check for X3Dv4.
4. Navigation types in X3D.
> We broached the topic of turntable navigation as an example where best practices have the potential to mature to the level of specification candidates. For example:
> New ‘turntable’ navigation mode in X3DOM
> https://www.x3dom.org/new-turntable-navigation-mode-in-x3dom
> Navigation Modes - X3DOM Documentation: Tutorials
> https://doc.x3dom.org/tutorials/animationInteraction/navigation/index.html
> FreeWRL VRML/X3D browser
> https://sourceforge.net/p/freewrl/mailman/freewrl-develop/?limit=100&viewmonth=201507&viewday=16&style=flat
> Castle Game Engine: Navigation component
> https://castle-engine.io/x3d_implementation_navigation.php
> Turntable navigation is a good candidate for some really helpful UX evaluation.
This is now entered in the X3D Mantis issue tracker for X3Dv4. It is a good starter activity.
Mantis Issue 1264: NavigationInfo type TURNTABLE
Many other navigation modalities will emerge as we broaden from 3D into VR/AR/XR. Always a worthy challenge is to define these interaction modalities in compatible ways.
Listing well-accepted references and noting their value will be a useful upcoming task.
5. Goal next two weeks:
a. Review specification issues above.
b. Begin collecting and noting references of interest.
c. Continue work on charter, emphasizing specific outcomes and activities.
Don sends regrets for next two weeks. Hoping that Nicholas Dick and others closely familiar with X3D Specification might attend in support of Feng and Amela's continuing review.
Step by step... Thanks for all interest in Web3DUX User Experience efforts.
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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