[x3d-public] My sincerest apologies!

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Sep 21 16:39:20 PDT 2019

I have been engrossed in other things and letting X3DJSONLD code rot.  So as I upgrade the versions of X_ITE and X_ITE_DOM (not X3DOM yet) I get the following errors on this page:  https://coderextreme.net/X3DJSONLD/src/main/html/prototypes.html

If someone could provide a bit of debugging help it would be appreciated!  I will check out the non-minified version after dinner.  I will check other browsers now!

Note that the page is very slow to load!



3x_ite.min.js:43 Welcome to X_ITE X3D Browser 4.5.11:
   Current Graphics Renderer
      Name: Google Inc. ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)
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      Shading language: WebGL GLSL ES 1.0 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0 Chromium)
   Rendering Properties
      Antialiased: true
      Depth size: 24 bits
      Color depth: 32 bits
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      Max textures: 2
      Texture units: 32
      Max texture size: 16384 × 16384 pixel
      Texture memory: NaN
      Max vertex uniform vectors: 4095
      Max fragment uniform vectors: 1024
      Max vertex attribs: 16

x_ite_dom.1.2.js:17 X_ITE XHTML DOM integration enabled
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
    at i.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.xmlElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.parseIntoScene (x_ite.min.js:18)
    at x.importDocument (x_ite.min.js:43)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
    at i.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.xmlElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.parseIntoScene (x_ite.min.js:18)
    at n.parseJavaScript (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
    at i.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.xmlElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.parseIntoScene (x_ite.min.js:18)
    at c.importDocument (x_ite.min.js:20)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
    at i.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.xmlElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.parseIntoScene (x_ite.min.js:18)
    at x.importDocument (x_ite.min.js:43)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'ComposedCubeMapTexture'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Named node 'texture' not found.
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
fieldElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 16 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'ComposedCubeMapTexture'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
fieldElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 15 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:122
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 7 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 4 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
    at i.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.xmlElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.parseIntoScene (x_ite.min.js:18)
    at n.parseJavaScript (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'ComposedCubeMapTexture'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 10 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Named node 'texture' not found.
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
fieldElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 17 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'ComposedCubeMapTexture'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
fieldElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 16 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at n.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at n.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'OrbitScript'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 9 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveBall'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.nodeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'MoveCylinder'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 6 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
    at i.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.xmlElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.parseIntoScene (x_ite.min.js:18)
    at c.importDocument (x_ite.min.js:20)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'clickHandler'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'ComposedCubeMapTexture'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 12 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Named node 'texture' not found.
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
fieldElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 19 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'ComposedCubeMapTexture'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
fieldElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 18 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'Script'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
x_ite.min.js:19 Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
    at u.getLocalNode (x_ite.min.js:13)
    at c.routeElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoBodyElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.protoDeclareElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at childrenElements (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.sceneElement (x_ite.min.js:19)
    at c.x3dElementChildScene (x_ite.min.js:19)
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unknown named or imported node 'Animate'.
routeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoBodyElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
protoDeclareElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
importDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
a @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:20
createX3DFromString @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:111
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_XML @ loaderJQuery.js:109
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:125
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 3 more frames
prototypes.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) undefined
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'CANVAS'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'DIV'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
2x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
3x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'DIV'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
2x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
22x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
22x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
21x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
21x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 Invalid USE name: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
useAttribute @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'MATRIXTRANSFORM'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
16x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'CANVAS'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'DIV'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
2x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
3x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'DIV'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
82x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'CANVAS'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'DIV'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
2x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
3x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'DIV'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
60x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'P'.
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
processAddedNode @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:273
processMutation @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:429
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:74
(anonymous) @ x_ite_dom.1.2.js:72
childList (async)
x3dom.X3DCanvas._createHTMLCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1667
x3dom.X3DCanvas @ x3dom-full.js:1573
onload @ x3dom-full.js:1755
load (async)
loadX3DOM @ x3dom-full.js:1764
(anonymous) @ x3dom-full.js:1765
3x_ite.min.js:17 Missing »attribute vec4 x3d_Vertex;«.
getDefaultUniforms @ x_ite.min.js:17
set_loaded__ @ x_ite.min.js:18
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
setValue @ x_ite.min.js:6
set @ x_ite.min.js:10
count @ x_ite.min.js:18
set_loadState__ @ x_ite.min.js:18
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addNodeEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
setTexture @ x_ite.min.js:23
setImage @ x_ite.min.js:23
dispatch @ x_ite.min.js:5
m.handle @ x_ite.min.js:5
load (async)
add @ x_ite.min.js:5
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each @ x_ite.min.js:4
each @ x_ite.min.js:4
N @ x_ite.min.js:3
on @ x_ite.min.js:5
initialize @ x_ite.min.js:23
setup @ x_ite.min.js:10
initialize @ x_ite.min.js:35
setup @ x_ite.min.js:10
setup @ x_ite.min.js:12
initialize @ x_ite.min.js:35
setup @ x_ite.min.js:10
setExecutionContext @ x_ite.min.js:35
replaceWorld @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:123
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_DOM @ loaderJQuery.js:118
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:123
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:104
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:227
Promise.then (async)
loadScene @ prototypes.html:225
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 30 more frames
3x_ite.min.js:17 Missing »attribute vec4 x3d_Vertex;«.
getDefaultUniforms @ x_ite.min.js:17
set_loaded__ @ x_ite.min.js:18
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
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addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
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addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
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load (async)
readAsArrayBuffer @ x_ite.min.js:20
load (async)
success @ x_ite.min.js:20
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
fireWith @ x_ite.min.js:4
n @ x_ite.min.js:5
n.onload @ x_ite.min.js:19
load (async)
send @ x_ite.min.js:19
ajax @ x_ite.min.js:6
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processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
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set @ x_ite.min.js:10
set_time @ x_ite.min.js:16
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
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addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
setValue @ x_ite.min.js:6
set @ x_ite.min.js:10
set_time @ x_ite.min.js:16
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
setValue @ x_ite.min.js:9
set @ x_ite.min.js:10
set_rootNodes__ @ x_ite.min.js:35
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
setValue @ x_ite.min.js:9
set @ x_ite.min.js:10
set_rootNodes__ @ x_ite.min.js:35
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
push @ x_ite.min.js:9
addNode @ x_ite.min.js:19
nodeElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
childrenElements @ x_ite.min.js:19
sceneElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElementChildScene @ x_ite.min.js:19
x3dElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
xmlElement @ x_ite.min.js:19
parseIntoScene @ x_ite.min.js:18
n.parseJavaScript @ x_ite.min.js:19
importJS @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ loaderJQuery.js:136
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
add @ x_ite.min.js:4
O @ x_ite.min.js:43
e @ x_ite.min.js:43
load_X_ITE_JS @ loaderJQuery.js:132
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:124
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:123
doValidate @ loadValidate.js:62
(anonymous) @ loadValidate.js:93
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
loadSchema @ loadValidate.js:91
loadX3DJS @ loadValidate.js:120
load_X_ITE_All @ prototypes.html:122
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:203
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load (async)
send @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ajax @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
w.<computed> @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
getJSON @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
load_X_ITE @ prototypes.html:193
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:214
loadPromise @ prototypes.html:211
loadScene @ prototypes.html:224
loadScenes @ prototypes.html:242
(anonymous) @ prototypes.html:246
l @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
c @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
fireWith @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
ready @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
2x_ite.min.js:17 Missing »attribute vec4 x3d_Vertex;«.
getDefaultUniforms @ x_ite.min.js:17
set_loaded__ @ x_ite.min.js:18
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
setValue @ x_ite.min.js:6
set @ x_ite.min.js:10
setLoadState @ x_ite.min.js:13
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:20
readAsText @ x_ite.min.js:20
load (async)
readAsArrayBuffer @ x_ite.min.js:20
load (async)
success @ x_ite.min.js:20
h @ x_ite.min.js:4
fireWith @ x_ite.min.js:4
n @ x_ite.min.js:5
n.onload @ x_ite.min.js:19
load (async)
send @ x_ite.min.js:19
ajax @ x_ite.min.js:6
loadDocumentAsync @ x_ite.min.js:20
loadDocument @ x_ite.min.js:20
set_buffer__ @ x_ite.min.js:20
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
processEvents @ x_ite.min.js:15
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
setValue @ x_ite.min.js:6
set @ x_ite.min.js:10
set_time @ x_ite.min.js:16
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
addEventObject @ x_ite.min.js:9
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:9
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
addEvent @ x_ite.min.js:6
setValue @ x_ite.min.js:6
bind @ x_ite.min.js:43
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
(anonymous) @ x_ite.min.js:6
processInterests @ x_ite.min.js:6
traverse @ x_ite.min.js:35
requestAnimationFrame (async)
addBrowserEvent @ x_ite.min.js:35
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Show 33 more frames
x_ite.min.js:17 Missing »attribute vec4 x3d_Vertex;«.
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k @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
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u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
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fire @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
u @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
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_ @ jquery-3.3.1.min.js:2
Show 33 more frames
1035x_ite.min.js:19 XML Parser Error: Unkown node type 'LI'.
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-------------- next part --------------
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