[x3d-public] Web3DUX working group minutes 8 April 2020
GPU Group
gpugroup at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 13:50:25 PDT 2020
Instead of human-size robot arms to do remotely what humans want, many
devices now have their own low-power self-contained motors right-sized for
each job.
Imagining stapling 2 pages together at the office, done from home.
a) high power way: steer an industrial robot to hammer a mechanical stapler
b) low power way: emit a bluetooth command to an electric stapler, which
has a tiny motor just powerful enough to drive a staple.
Similarly for many tasks with equipment - just emit bluetooth commands.
Perhaps where VR can come in handy: by providing a simpler intuitive
interface to a plethora of self-powered wireless devices.
For example, in VR you would use a virtual pointer to point at the stapler,
as if you were going to pound a mechanical stapler. That would be
translated into bluetooth commands the electric stapler can understand to
drive a staple.
Similarly for pushing wheelchairs in a hospital to substitute for infected
a) high power way: command a large walking humanoid robot to push the wheel
b) low power way - emit blutooth commands to an electric wheelchair which
has tiny motors on each wheel.
And VR could simplify the interface, by clicking on the wheel chair, then a
chain of points on the floor -a path- and the wheelchair would drive itself.
On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 12:24 PM GPU Group <gpugroup at gmail.com> wrote:
> Wow - you've done some great things Nicholas, so interesting.
> -Doug
> Q. what's missing from VR - what's holding it back from solving all the
> world's problems?
> H: weak on outputs:
> - great for input devices and building a virtual world and entering the
> virtual world and perhaps even solving problems in the virtual world.
> x but weak on getting the virtual world results back out to do work in the
> real world
> If so then perhaps this is the next things to work on.
> And I can think of a few problems:
> 1) the real world has a way of updating itself, so keeping virtual world
> version synced is one challenge
> 2) output devices - robot arms tend to be expensive, and the more power
> they have, the more dangerous they are, so safety precautions
> I can think of some nodes for #1, but not used to thinking about #2, I
> draw a blank
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 11:41 AM Nicholas Polys <npolys at vt.edu> wrote:
>> The User Body is an abstraction we developed with IGD as part of
>> *Polys, Nicholas* and Brutzman, Don and Steed, Anthony and Behr,
>> Johannes. (2008). “Future Standards for Immersive VR: Report on the IEEE
>> VR 2007 Workshop*”.* *IEEE Computers Graphics & Applications *Vol. 28,
>> Number 2, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
>> It is described in detail in the
>> Interaction section of the Instant Player Tutorials site
>> http://doc.instantreality.org/tutorial/
>> We use it to run X3D in our CAVE system and use our 6DOF Wand and
>> picking
>> with best regards,
>> _n_polys
>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 1:26 PM GPU Group <gpugroup at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes looks good. Web3d covid-19 response: create some new nodes for it.
>>> -Doug
>>> related thoughts:
>>> UserBody extension
>>> - interesting and reminded me a bit of the 3Dmouse/spacemouse
>>> https://www.3dconnexion.com/products/spacemouse.html
>>> issue: if it's 3rd person, it can be hard to follow, for example
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC6suYVm60s
>>> - the soccer players are wearing HMDs. The HMDs show the soccer field
>>> from above - that's all they see. That's like a 3rd person shooter.
>>> As they look down on the field from 3rd person, they have to figure out
>>> how to move from first-person.
>>> To avoid that 3rd-person problem while decoupling the viewpiont from
>>> UserBody ray-casting and collision, UserBody can still be coupled to the
>>> avatar travel/pose -like your arms are attached to your body- so move with
>>> the avatar / relative to the avatar. That might not be a requirement of any
>>> UserBody nodes, but might be how they are easiest to use.
>>> Maybe a first step is to develop some emulators / simulators for various
>>> new types of input devices to control UserBody.
>>> more...
>>> Multitouch x3d
>>> In freewrl I have WM_TOUCH windows 7-10 style independent (non-gesture)
>>> touch events being handled independently / non-gesture-wise in windows
>>> version, and in such a way you can drag multiple drag sensors
>>> simultaneously - a touchID is associated with each drag during its life
>>> (and touchIDs can be recycled).
>>> Multitouch Emulation for X3D
>>> Freewrl -all platforms- has a built-in multi-touch emulator (current
>>> develop branch commandline --touchtype 1 or options panel),
>>> - to use, with mouse, RMB-right-mouse-button-click to create a new
>>> touch/drag LMB to drag it, and another RMB to delete it. Can create several
>>> and have them in various drag states using regular mouse.
>>> General Multitouch emulation for windows 10
>>> for win10 I developed a touchServer and touchSender for emulating a
>>> multi-touch device on a 2nd computer and the server via tcp injects the
>>> touches into the desktop for any application
>>> Multi-touch application
>>> I had developed a play game for kids for a (now obsolete) kids
>>> mutlitouch table
>>> https://support.smarttech.com/hardware/other-hardware/tables
>>> for organic chemistry - assembling carbon atom chains - not in x3d, they
>>> had their own API - and could have up to 16 simaltaneous touches/drags.
>>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 9:38 AM Nicholas Polys <npolys at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>> wondering if this is appropriate for X3D 4.0
>>>> https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1394209.1394218
>>>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 9:04 AM GPU Group <gpugroup at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> COVID-19 > social distancing > teleworking > tools for teleworking >
>>>>> telepresence / teletravel / remote work
>>>>> Economies are taking big hits from the social distancing measures - in
>>>>> the trillions globally.
>>>>> So if there was some ways to work better from a distance, that would
>>>>> have benefits:
>>>>> - reduce spread rate of transmissible diseases that kill people
>>>>> - reduce the cost to society of transportation
>>>>> - keep economy going during strict social distancing 'lockdowns'
>>>>> -- and reduce the cost to governments of social programs to support
>>>>> unemployed workers
>>>>> - keep key essential workers employed while waiting for test results
>>>>> - reduce GHG emissions / co-benefits of meeting Paris and
>>>>> net-zero-2050 early
>>>>> But what precisely, and how relate to web3d?
>>>>> -Doug Sanden
>>>>> some of my old thoughts:
>>>>> https://sites.google.com/site/commutar/home/telerobotics
>>>>> https://sites.google.com/site/commutar/home/telepresence
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 10:48 PM Feng Liu <LIU_F at mercer.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Web3DUX Group Meeting minutes
>>>>>> Date: April 8, 2020
>>>>>> Attendees: Amela Sadagic, Don Brutzman, Richard F. Puk and Feng Liu
>>>>>> Regrets: Nicholas Polys;
>>>>>> Items discussed:
>>>>>> 1. COVID-19 and Current Web3D / X3D contributions discussion:
>>>>>> - Everyone attended the meeting are doing well.
>>>>>> - NIH 3D print exchange site – enable X3D view in
>>>>>> a browser: https://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3dpx/013429/x3d
>>>>>> - America made provide a platform publishing 3D design of the
>>>>>> fighting COVID-19 supplies: https://www.americamakes.us/
>>>>>> - Amela’s team is working on optimizing the 3D model with a goal of
>>>>>> improving usability. There are many factors (adoption procedure and policy,
>>>>>> etc.) involved before a mask/a design got approval
>>>>>> - Feng expressed her interest in inviting her summer students to
>>>>>> participate in the effort.
>>>>>> - Don reminded us to align the working group's long term goals with
>>>>>> the current effort of the involvement of fighting COVID-19. To identify
>>>>>> Web3D + UX research opportunities with the involvements.
>>>>>> - Feng is going to looking for COVID-19 research
>>>>>> funding opportunities regarding Web3D and UX areas.
>>>>>> 2. Update the report from the last meeting. No progress on the
>>>>>> following items so far
>>>>>> - Due to COVID-19 impact. The following item still needs to be done.
>>>>>> - Review Publications on Three types of interactions
>>>>>> -- Create a folder in one drive – share with you all to collect
>>>>>> Literature Review Publications on Three types of interactions – Feng (Done)
>>>>>> -- Develop a spreadsheet to categorize the subjects with the papers
>>>>>> we review - Amela.
>>>>>> -- List an “other” category for other UX related topics
>>>>>> -- Collecting papers and put them into different categories – Amela
>>>>>> and Feng
>>>>>> -- Collect data/currents publications/papers and authors to invite to
>>>>>> the group for later
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>>>> --
>>>> Nicholas F. Polys, Ph.D.
>>>> Director of Visual Computing
>>>> Virginia Tech Research Computing
>>>> Affiliate Professor
>>>> Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science
>> --
>> Nicholas F. Polys, Ph.D.
>> Director of Visual Computing
>> Virginia Tech Research Computing
>> Affiliate Professor
>> Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science
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